
ACT Light Rail Stage 2

ACT Light Rail Stage 2

ACT Light Rail Stage Two is a light rail project that will run from Civic in Canberra to Woden in the southern suburbs, via the Parliamentary Triangle. This will provide an extension to Stage One, which runs from the Canberra CBD to Gungahlin in the northern suburbs.

The line will be 11 kilometres long, with 12 new stops along the route. 

Stage Two has been split into two stages:

  • Stage 2A: City to Commonwealth Park (1.7 kilometres), and 
  • Stage 2B: Commonwealth Park to Woden (nine kilometres) – including the Parliamentary Triangle.

Stage Two also includes: 

  • construction of five new ligh rail vehicles
  • retrofitting 14 vehicles with onboard batteries, and
  • building an expanded depot at Mitchell (expected completion early 2024). 

Enabling road works for Stage Two also include the $60 million Raising London Circuit project, which involves a series of works to raise the southern portion of London Circuit by six metres to form an at-grade intersection with Commonwealth Avenue (expected completition late 2024).

Key Dates

2023 Contract Award - Stage 2A
2025 Expected Construction Commencement
2028 Expected Operations Commencement - Stage 2A
Dec 2033 Expected Construction Completion

Funding contributions

Federal Government
Federal Government
ACT Government


Procuring Agency: ACT Government
Successful Tenderer: Stage 2A: Canberra Metro consortium consisting of Pacific Partnerships, CPB Contractors, John Holland, UGL, Mitsubishi Corporation, Aberdeen Infrastructure Investments, DB Engineering & Consulting, CAF and MUFG
Procurement note:

Contract negotiations expected to be undertaken with Canberra Metro, the builder and operator of Light Rail Stage One. Canberra Metro is a consortium comprising Pacific Partnerships, CPB Contractors, John Holland, UGL, Mitsubishi Corporation, Aberdeen Infrastructure Investments, DB Engineering & Consulting (formerly Deutsche Bahn International), CAF, and Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group (MUFG).

Related contracts:
Design and planning approvals
Successful Tenderer - AECOM

Raising London Circuit
Successful Tenderer - Abergeldie Contractors

Vehicle contract
Successful Tenderer - Canberra Metro


2015 ACT Light Rail Master Plan was released, which included Stage One and Stage Two among other future rail corridors.
2016 ACT Government made an election commitment to extend the light rail through to Woden.
2017 Four potential routes were identified for Stage Two.
2018 Preferred route (City-Parkes-Barton-Adelaide Ave-Woden) was announced.
2018 2018-19 ACT Budget allocated $12.5 million to the project.
Jul 2018 Planning approval for Stage Two is split in two to better deal with complex planning approval through the parliamentary triangle.
2019 2019-20 ACT Budget allocates $18 million in capital expenditure for 2019-20.
Aug 2020 In the 2020 ACT Jobs and Economic Recovery Plan, the ACT Government allocated $24 million over 2020-21, with provisions for another $312 million over the following three years for design and construction of Stage Two.
Feb 2021 The 2020-21 ACT Budget allocated $29 million toward the ACT Light Rail Stage Two with provisions for additional funding. $1.3 million was also provided to assess the feasibility of extending the line from Woden to Mawson.
Feb 2021 The Federal Government announced $132.5 million for Stage 2A.
Mar 2021 Procurement process for Commercial Advisory Services closed on 18 March.
Apr 2021 The ACT Government announced AECOM has been selected to facilitate the design and planning approvals for Stage 2A and 2B.
Aug 2022 The ACT Government awarded a contract to the Canberra Metro consortium for $181 million to deliver and operate five additional light rail vehicles (LRVs), upgrade Canberra’s existing light rail fleet and expand the Mitchell depot. Under the contract, CAF will deliver five new LRVs from 2024, and upgrade the existing light rail fleet of 14 vehicles with onboard batteries to operate on the new ACT Light Rail Stage Two line.
Oct 2022 The 2022-23 October Federal Budget allocated $218.4 million to Stage 2 of the project, an increase of $86 million in Commonwealth funding.
Dec 2023 The main works contract for the delivery of Stage 2A of the project was awarded to Canberra Metro.
Estimated Total Cost
Procurement approach
Possible PPP | Unconfirmed |
Australian Capital Territory | National |
Project website
ACT Light Rail Stage Two
Tender notices
Major Contract

ACT Light Rail Stage 2B - Commonwealth Park to Woden

ACT Light Rail Stage 2B - Commonwealth Park to Woden

ACT Light Rail Stage Two is a light rail (tram) project that will run from the Canberra CBD to Woden via the Parliamentary Triangle. 

Due to the significant planning approval process required to construct light rail through the Parliamentary Triangle, Stage Two has been split into Stage 2A and Stage 2B. This project page relates to Stage 2B, which extends the line by nine kilometres from Commonwealth Park to Woden, including:

  • nine light rail stops
  • a new bridge over Lake Burley Griffin
  • new bridges over intersecting roadways
  • new pedestrian bridges, and
  • wire-free running (no overhead wires) through the Parliamentary Triangle.

Key Dates

Dec 2028 Expected Construction Commencement
Dec 2033 Expected Construction Completion


Jul 2019 Planning approval for Stage Two is split in two to better deal with complex planning approval through the Parliamentary Triangle.
Jun 2021 The ACT Government released the tender for the enabling works package which includes the relocation of utility assets.
May 2024 Public consultation opened on the Environmental Impact Statement and design principles of Stage 2B, closing on 30 June.
Procurement approach
Possible PPP | Unconfirmed |
Australian Capital Territory |
Project website
ACT Light Rail Stage Two
Major Contract

ACT Light Rail Stage 2A - City to Commonwealth Park

ACT Light Rail Stage 2A - City to Commonwealth Park

ACT Light Rail Stage 2A is the first component of ACT Light Rail Stage Two. Stage 2A involves the construction of three new stops at Edinburgh Avenue, City South, and Commonwealth Avenue. The original business case also included a potential stop at City West which is no longer included.

ACT Light Rail Stage Two is a light rail will run from the Canberra CBD to Woden via the Parliamentary Triangle. The line will be 11 kilometres long, with 12 new stops along the route. 

Stage Two has been split into Stage 2A and Stage 2B. Stage 2A will be delivered first, and will extend the light rail from the current terminus at Alinga Street to Commonwealth Park by 1.7 kilometres. 

ACT Light Rail Stage 2A is expected to commence once the main construction works to raise London Circuit is complete, which is an enabling road project for Stage 2A.

Key Dates

Feb 2021 Project Announcement
Dec 2023 Contract Award
Feb 2025 Expected Construction Commencement
2027 Expected Construction Completion

Funding contributions

Federal Government
ACT Government


Procuring Agency: ACT Government
Successful Tenderer: Canberra Metro consortium consisting of Pacific Partnerships, CPB Contractors, John Holland, UGL, Mitsubishi Corporation, Aberdeen Infrastructure Investments, DB Engineering & Consulting, CAF and MUFG
Procurement note:

Light Rail Stage 2A is being delivered as an augmentation to the existing Light Rail Stage 1 PPP agreement with Canberra Metro. Existing Stage 1 operations will be contractually ringfenced from the Stage 2A works during delivery phase. Canberra Metro will also arrange private finance for the Stage 2A delivery phase costs.

The existing Stage 1 availability payments will then increase once services completion is achieved for Stage 2A to accommodate the extended alignment. Light Rail will operate thereafter as a single system from Gungahlin to Commonwealth Park for the remainder of the PPP contract term through to 2038.

Related contracts:
Raising London Circuit
Successful Tenderer - Abergeldie Contractors

Vehicle Contract
Successful Tenderer - Canberra Metro


Jul 2019 Planning approval for Stage Two was split in two to better deal with complex planning approval through the parliamentary triangle.
Sep 2019 ACT Government endorsed the business case for Stage 2A.
Feb 2020 The ACT Government announced that the Stage 2A Light Rail extension will include 1.7 kilometres of wire-free track from the Alinga Street station, along London Circuit and onto Commonwealth Avenue, finishing at Commonwealth Park. New and existing light rail vehicles will be fitted with energy storage and regenerative braking.
Feb 2020 The Federal Government granted environmental approval to commence work on Stage 2A.
Aug 2020 ACT Government called for public feedback to Preliminary Documentation responding to requirements under Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act.
Feb 2021 The Federal Government announced $132.5 million for Stage 2A.
Apr 2021 The ACT Government released updated delivery plans for the project with early works commencing before the end of 2021.
Sep 2021 The ACT Government commenced an Expressions of Interest phase for the Raising London Circuit Main Works package, as part of Stage 2A, closing 14 October. The project involves works to raise the southern portion of London Circuit and is to be delivered through a construct-only contract, with design undertaken by Major Projects Canberra.
Mar 2022 The National Capital Authority provided works approval to raise London Circuit, enabling the construction of an at-grade intersection with Commonwealth Avenue.
Jul 2022 Contract awarded for the raising of London Circuit.
Oct 2022 Construction commenced on the raising of the London Circuit.
Mar 2023 The ACT Government issued a Request for Tenders for a Quantity Surveyor for the ACT Light Rail Stage 2A – City to Commonwealth Park, closing 21st March.
Mar 2023 The ACT Government opened the Works Approval for the project for public consultation, closing on 11 May.
Jul 2023 The National Capital Authority has granted works approval to enable delivery of Stage 2A.
Dec 2023 Contract for Stage 2A awarded to Canberra Metro consortium.
Jun 2024 The 2024-25 ACT Budget allocated $649 million over four years to deliver the project. The estimated total cost was also increased to $784 million, up from the $577 million stated by the ACT Government in December 2023.
Estimated Total Cost
Procurement approach
Confirmed PPP |
Australian Capital Territory | National |
Project website
ACT Light Rail Stage Two
Tender notices