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Status Changed   15 May

Cambridge Avenue will be developed as a transport corridor to connect Moorebank Avenue and the Moorebank Intermodal Terminal with Campbelltown Road and the M31 Hume Motorway.

Transport for NSW's recommended design includes: 

  • four lanes between Moorebank Logistics Park and Canterbury Road
  • extending of Cambridge Avenue as a dual-carriageway with provision for up to six-lanes between Glenfield Road and Campbelltown Road
  • an improved M31 Hume Motorway and Campbelltown Road interchange access
  • Campbelltown Road would also be upgraded between Ingleburn Gardens Drive and Parkers Farm Place.
  • a new bridge over the Main South and East Hills rail lines and the Southern Sydney Freight Line at Glenfield
  • a new bridge over Georges River with flood immunity for 1 in 100 year flood
  • a new bridge over the East Hills Rail Line at Moorebank, and
  • a new bridge over the Hume Motorway on Campbelltown Road.

Transport for NSW is developing an alignment for the Cambridge Avenue upgrade between Glenfield Road and Campbelltown Road as part of the wider plans for the Glenfield precinct. 

STATUS: Detailed Planning
Project Added   13 Feb

The Lake Victoria Wind Farm is a planned one-gigawatt wind farm, comprising up to 201 wind turbines, and provision for a 600-megawatt / 2.4-gigawatt hour battery. The wind farm is to be located in south west NSW, about 30 kilometres north west of Wentworth near the Victorian border.

STATUS: Announced
Project Updated   12 Feb

The Canterbury Hospital Redevelopment intends to upgrade existing infrastructure to ensure the facility is able to meet the needs of growing population. Further details of the scope have yet to be released.

STATUS: Announced
Project Updated   12 Feb

The Fairfield Hospital Redevelopment intends to deliver more medical and rehabilitation beds, increase capacity of the emergency and critical care services, and expand other hospital and community health services.

STATUS: Announced
Project Updated   12 Feb

The NSW Government has proposed the Grafton Base Hospital Redevelopment in Grafton, on the NSW North Coast.

The scope of works includes:

  • a new three-storey hospital building
  • an expanded emergency department
  • emergency short stay facilities
  • an inpatient unit
  • an expanded day surgery and operating suite with two additional theatres
  • medical imaging, including MRI equipment, and
  • additional space to relocated maternity services in the future.
STATUS: Announced
Project Updated   12 Feb

The new hospital will include:

  • inTouchCare
  • Urgent and Emergency Care
  • Day Surgery Unit
  • Adult & Paediatric Short Stay
  • Ambulatory & Outpatient Care which includes Women’s Health, Ante/Post Natal Care, Cancer Care, Renal Dialysis, Mental Health, Infusion Centre and Paediatrics
  • Prehabilitation, Rehabilitation & Lifestyle Medicine Service
  • Multi-storey car park.

The health service facility will be networked to and operationally integrated with Blacktown and Westmead hospitals.

STATUS: Announced
Project Updated   12 Feb
part of Sydney Metro

The proposed Parramatta Metro Station would be on the block bounded by George, Macquarie, Church and Smith streets. Located to the north of the existing heavy rail station, the new metro station would be within the commercial core of the Parramatta CBD.

Along with Sydney Olympic Park, The Bays Precinct and Sydney CBD stops on the proposed Sydney Metro West line, the Parramatta Metro Station will be delivered as an Integrated Station Development (ISD). The overstation development will include commercial, retail and residential space.

STATUS: Under Procurement
Project Updated   12 Feb
part of Sydney Metro

A new metro station in Hunter Street will be constructed as one of nine new stations for Sydney Metro West.

The new Hunter Street Station and Precinct will be accessible from George, Bligh and O’Connell Streets in the Sydney CBD and include:

  • an underground station
  • underground connections to Wynyard, Martin Place and Barangaroo stations, and
  • two over station developments (OSD) buildings over the east and west station entries.

The station will also provide connections with heavy rail services at Wynyard Station and the Sydney Metro – City and Southwest Line at Martin Place Station. 

Along with Parramatta, Sydney Olympic Park, The Bays, and Pyrmont stations, the Hunter Street metro station will be delivered as an Integrated Station Development (ISD) through a Development Partner Model. The overstation development will include commercial, retail and residential space.

STATUS: Under Procurement

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June edition
Added to ANZIP from FY2022-23 Budgets