
Additional Waitematā Harbour crossing

Detailed Planning
Additional Waitematā Harbour crossing

The NZ Government has proposed a second Auckland harbour crossing as part of the Waitematā Harbour Connections program.

The scope of the project includes: 

  • Construction of two three-lane road tunnels, fix to six kilometres in length.
  • Construction of 6.3 kilometres of new separated bus lanes on the Northern Busway between Akoranga and the city centre.
  • Reallocation of space on the existing Auckland Harbour Bridge for the northern busway.
  • Walking and cycling paths from Westhaven to Constellation including the re-allocation of one of the lanes on the Auckland Harbour Bridge to cycling, with further advice sought on an elevated walking platform above the cycle lanes.
  • The raising of State Highway 1 between the existing harbour bridge and Akoranga to protect against increasing flooding and rising sea levels, potentially using tunnelled material.
  • Securing the land for the interconnection points south of the bridge, including to maximise use of the City Rail Link and the much needed North Western busway.

The twin road tunnels have phasing options, including whether to build both tunnels once or separately.

A third tunnel system - a separate new 21km light rail tunnel - is also part of the Waitematā Harbour Connections program. It will link to the existing Auckland Light Rail corridor, and goes from Wynyard (east of the existing Auckland Harbour Bridge) to Albany, with stations at Belmont, Takapuna, Smales Farm, Glenfield, North Harbour and Albany West. Construction would not be expected to begin until after at least the first of the two road tunnels is completed.

Key Dates

Jan 2022 Project Announcement
2029 Expected Construction Commencement


Procuring Agency: Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency, Auckland Transport and Auckland Council


Jan 2022 The New Zealand Government announced that they had brought forward planning for an additional harbour crossing. A preferred option for the crossing will be selected in 2023.
May 2022 Waka Kotahi and the Auckland Light Rail Group jointly issued Registrations of Interest (ROI) for the provision of Urban, Engineering and Planning Alliance Professional Services for the Auckland Light Rail and Additional Waitematā Harbour Connections projects. ROIs closed on 2 June 2022.
Sep 2022 Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency, Auckland Transport and Auckland Council announced an Alliance of WSP, Beca, SYSTRA and Cox Architecture as the preferred bidder to undertake planning and design development for the project.
Mar 2023 The NZ Government announced five proposed options for the project, involving a tunnel, bridge, or combination of the two. The proposals were opened for public feedback, closing on 1 May. An updated timeline for the project was also released, indicating that construction will commence in 2029.
Aug 2023 The NZ Government announced the proposed scope of the project.
May 2024 Auckland Council released a Draft Auckland Regional Land Transport Plan 2024-2034, which indicated the project would be allocated NZ$7.3 billion (A$6.7 billion) over the next 10 years for planning and construction.