
RAAF Base Townsville Army Aviation Program of Works

RAAF Base Townsville Army Aviation Program of Works

The program of works includes upgrades and delivery of infrastructure to support the relocation of both the 1st Aviation Regiment from Robertson Barracks and the 16th Aviation Brigade from Gallipoli Barracks to RAAF Base Townsville, Queensland.  

Works will include adaptation and optimisation of current infrastructure and facilities to support the requirements of the Army Aviation and the construction of new buildings to meet functional requirements.

Works are being delivered at the RAAF Base Townsville, and Townsville Field Training Area, High Range, 60 km southwest of Townsville.

Key Dates

Feb 2024 Contract Award
2025 Expected Construction Commencement
2028 Expected Construction Completion

Funding contributions

Federal Government


Procuring Agency: Department of Defence
Successful Tenderer: CPB Contractors
Procurement note:

The program is being delivered through a Managing Contractor agreement and includes delivery of design, assistance in achieving project approvals, procurement of design subconsultants and trade packages, and management and delivery of project works.


Jul 2023 The Department of Defence issued a Request for Tender to deliver the program.
Feb 2024 CPB Contractors announced that they had been selected as the Managing Contractors to deliver the program of works.
Estimated Total Cost
Procurement approach
Traditional Procurement |
Queensland |
Tender notices
Request For Tender