
Australian War Memorial Redevelopment

Australian War Memorial Redevelopment

The redevelopment will increase visitor areas by 83 per cent or around 10,000 square metres to expand the exhibition and public program space. The project includes three Main Works packages: 

  • New Southern Entrace, including main building refurbishment works (external), forecourt and parade ground works. 
  • CEW Bean Building Extension, including a new research centre. 
  • New ANZAC Hall and Glazed Link, including an additional 4,000 square metres of gallery space with the construction of a new two-storey building and link providing a 7,000 square metres of new exhibition space.

Key Dates

2018 Project Announcement
Jan 2021 EOIs Open
Nov 2022 Contract Award
Jan 2023 Construction Commencement
2028 Expected Construction Completion

Funding contributions

Federal Government

In 2018, $498.7 million in funding was allocated over nine years. 

In March 2022 the Government provided $50 million through the additional estimates process.


Successful Tenderer: Lendlease - construction of the new ANZAC Hall. Kane Constructions - redevelopment of the Southern Entry. Hindmarsh - expansion of the C.E.W. Bean Building, plus heating and cooling of the Memorial.


Aug 2018 The War Memorial held a public consultation on the redevelopment plans.
Nov 2018 Federal Government announced funding of $498 million over nine years for the redevelopment.
Apr 2019 The Parliamentary Works Committee approved a 'Medium Works Approval'.
Nov 2019 Official development plans for the project unveiled. The plans were open for public feedback for one month. The Memorial also established an onsite information gallery where the detailed plans were on display.
Nov 2019 The Australian War Memorial (AWM) submitted a ‘referral under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Act 1999, including a Heritage Impact Assessment, to determine if the plans require formal assessment and approval’.
Nov 2019 The project was referred to the Department of Environment and Energy for consideration under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act).
Dec 2019 Following the release of the development plans, the War Memorial announced that it would hold a series of community consultation sessions in each Australian state and territory.
Dec 2019 The project was declared a ‘controlled action’, requiring an assessment decision under the Act.
Apr 2020 The Governor-General referred the War Memorial development project to the Joint Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Works. The Committee received 77 submissions.
2020 Anzac Hall preparations commenced.
Jul 2020 The second phase of EPBC Act consultation began.
Dec 2020 The Minister for the Environment approved the project works under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act).
Jan 2021 The Australian War Memorial issued a request for Expressions of Interest for Construction Contractors for Main Works Packages One, Two and Three.
Feb 2021 The Australian Parliament processed the expediency motion for the Memorial’s Parliamentary Works Committee (PWC) Major Works Approval.
Jun 2021 The Australian War Memorial received approval from the National Capital Authority to proceed with the early works package for its redevelopment project.
Jul 2021 The Australian War Memorial reissued the Request for Expressions of Interest for Construction Contractors for Main Works Packages One and Three. Under the previous EOI process commenced in January, several shortlisted respondents withdrew their bid for these works packages due to other work priorities. The Australian War Memorial thus reopened the EOI process to increase the number of shortlisted respondents.
Nov 2021 The NCA approved the Memorial’s three Main Works packages for the Development Project.
Mar 2022 The Government provided $50 million through the additional estimates process citing cost movement resulting from the impacts of inflation and global supply chain issues.
Nov 2022 Australian War Memorial awarded three contracts for the delivery of the project. Lendlease was awarded the contract to construct the new ANZAC Hall, Kane Constructions was to manage the Southern Entry, and Hindmarsh was awarded the contract for the C.E.W. Bean Building expansion and will provide new heating and cooling systems for the Memorial.
Dec 2022 Commencement of the C.E.W. Bean Building expansion.
Jan 2023 The NCA approved the Memorials Public Realm Works package for the Development Project. The Public Realm works included the western carpark and sculpture garden, and the Poppy’s carpark extension landscaping.
Apr 2024 The Australian National Audit Office released its assessment of the project following an audit to provide assurance to Parliament on the delivery of the project. The audit found that the management, procurement and governance of the project have been largely effective. The audit identified deficiencies in record keeping, management of conflicts of interest, documenting value for money assessments and advise to the minister. The Auditor General made five recommendations to improve policies, including to update guidance on AusTender reporting.
Estimated Total Cost
Procurement approach
Traditional Procurement |
Australian Capital Territory |
Project website
Australian War Memorial
Government resources
2024/04/11 - ANAO Report