
Direct Sunshine Coast Rail Line - Beerwah to Caloundra

Direct Sunshine Coast Rail Line - Beerwah to Caloundra

The Queensland Government has announced the delivery of a 19-kilometre dual track from Beerwah to Caloundra.

This is the first stage of the proposed 37-kilometre Direct Sunshine Coast Rail Line which would extend the Brisbane to Sunshine Coast Rail Line to the Maroochydore CBD, via the Caloundra and Maroochydore Corridor Options Study corridor.

The project was formerly titled the Beerwah to Maroochydore Rail Extension. 

Key Dates

Mar 2022 Project Announcement

Funding contributions

Federal Government
Queensland Government


Mar 2022 The 2022 Federal Budget allocated $1.6 billion to the project.
Feb 2024 The Queensland Government announced their commitment of $2.75 billion to deliver the Beerwah to Caloundra component of the Direct Sunshine Coast Rail Line project. The Queensland Government has stated that the project requires the Federal Government to match their funding allocation.
Mar 2024 The Queensland Government released the business case summary for its proposed 39-kilometre Direct Sunshine Coast Rail Line. The first stage between Beerwah and Caloundra had an estimated BCR of 0.29 at a four per cent discount rate, and 0.15 at a seven per cent discount rate. The summary document recommends a staged approach to delivery to enable half of the rail line to be complete and opened before 2032. Latter stages will eventually connect through to Maroochydore with Stage Two, between Caloundra and Birtinya, and Stage Three between Birtinya and Maroochydore. The business case has been provided to Infrastructure Australia for review.
May 2024 The Federal Government announced additional funding of $1.15 billion for Stage One of the project, bringing their total investment to $2.75 billion.
Estimated Total Cost
Procurement approach
Unconfirmed |
Queensland |