
New Bundaberg Hospital

Under Delivery
New Bundaberg Hospital

The Queensland Government is delivering a new hospital to service the Bundaberg and the Wide Bay region. The hospital will be constructed over six-stories. 

The project will include:

  • an additional 121 beds
  • emergency department
  • acute, medical, surgical and mental health services, and
  • clinical support services.

The preferred site is state-owned land to the west of Kay McDuff Drive, about five kilometres south of Bundaberg’s CBD.

Key Dates

Jun 2022 Project Announcement
Jul 2023 Contract Award
2024 Construction Commencement
2027 Expected Construction Completion

Funding contributions

Queensland Government

Funding is being provided through Queensland's Capacity Building Program. 


Procuring Agency: Queensland Health
Successful Tenderer: CPB Contractors
Procurement note:

The project is being procured as a part of the Queensland Government's Capacity Expansion Project (CEP). The CEP will deliver $9.8 billion worth of new and upgraded hospitals across 15 separate projects. CEP projects are being procured using a Pre-Qualified Panel model. Under the model, interested parties submit EOIs outlinining the list of projects or ‘bundles of projects’ they wish to participate in. Contractors successfully appointed to the panel will then be selected to participate in a Request for Tenders (RFT) phase for particular projects, or packages of projects.

Related contracts:
Principal Consultant Architect
Successful Tenderer - Cox Architecture


Nov 2017 The Queensland Government invested $3 million toward the preliminary business case to investigate a new or refurbished hospital.
Apr 2019 The Preliminary Business Case was completed.
Jun 2019 The Queensland Government announced $6.7 million towards the development of the business case. This will be developed by Building Queensland, in partnership with Queensland Health and the Wide Bay Hospital and Health Service. It will consider options for staged construction in order to make some services available prior to completion of the entire project. The business case will also examine the size and scope of the hospital's clinical services, road and public transport infrastructure, car-parking, and opportunities to locate associated health business nearby.
Aug 2019 The Queensland Government announced the search for a new site for the hospital, calling for interested landowners to come forward and list their properties for consideration.
Jul 2020 The Queensland Government announced the preferred site for the hospital is state-owned land to the west of Kay McDuff Drive, about 5km south of Bundaberg’s CBD. The public consultation process for possible sites delivered more than 20 submissions regarding private landholdings.
Nov 2020 Public consultation for the proposed hospital design opened and a preliminary concept layout was released.
Feb 2021 Concept designs were released and put on public display for two weeks.
Jun 2021 In its 2021-22 Budget, the Queensland Government allocated $15 million for the purchase of the preferred site and enable detailed site planning in preparation for the first stage of the project.
Jun 2022 The 2022-23 Queensland Budget allocated $9.8 billion over six years toward the Queensland Health Capacity Expansion Program, including funding toward the new Bundaberg Hospital. This included $20 million in FY2022-23 for early works on the project. The Queensland Government also announced the project's total estimated cost as $1.2 billion, and expected opening date as late-2027.
Oct 2022 The Queensland Government called for Expressions of Interest (EOIs) to join a prequalified panel to deliver Capacity Expansion Program projects including the new Bundaberg Hospital.
Jul 2023 The Queensland Government appointed CPB Contractors as Managing Contractor for the project.
May 2024 The Queensland Government announced construction had commenced on the project, indicating construction was expected to be complete by late 2027.
Estimated Total Cost
Procurement approach
Traditional Procurement |
Queensland |