Major Contract

Cairns Southern Access Corridor - Stage Three

Cairns Southern Access Corridor - Stage Three

The Cairns Southern Access Corridor - Stage Three project includes the duplication of 10.5 kilometers of the Bruce Highway between Edmonton and Gordonvale.

The scope of the works includes:

  • duplication of all existing two lane sections to four lanes
  • road and rail bridges at Wrights Creek and Stoney Creek
  • an off-road shared pathway for cyclists and pedestrians, including on the Menmuny Overpass
  • local road upgrades, and
  • relocation of a section of the North Coast Rail Line to accommodate the works.


Key Dates

Sep 2018 EOIs Open
Nov 2018 EOIs Close
Jan 2019 Shortlist Announced
Oct 2019 Contract Award
May 2020 Construction Commencement
2023 Construction Completion

Funding contributions

Federal Government
Queensland Government


Procuring Agency: Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads
Shortlist: John Holland, Seymour Whyte and AECOM Joint Venture, and Bielby Hull, Albem and Coleman Joint Venture.
Successful Tenderer: John Holland, Seymour Whyte and AECOM Joint Venture.


Sep 2018 An Industry Briefing was held in September 2018 for prequalified contractors, consultants for engineering projects and contract administrators. This was followed by an Expressions of Interest period, closing on 23 November 2018.
Nov 2018 Summaries of the Detailed Business Case and Cost Benefit Analysis were released by Building Queensland. The business case found the project has a benefit cost ratio in the range of 1.06 to 1.13 and determined that the Queensland Government's preferred procurement approach is a double early contractor involvement model. This model would see two tenderers involved throughout the planning stage, with one tenderer progressing to the delivery stage.
Jan 2019 The Queensland Government announced a shortlist for the project.
Oct 2019 The John Holland Seymour Whyte, AECOM joint venture were awarded the design and construction contract.
May 2020 Main works construction commenced
Aug 2023 The last major section of the upgrade, the Menmuny Overpass, was completed, allowing the project to be opened to the public.
Estimated Total Cost
Procurement approach
Traditional Procurement |
Queensland | National |
Media releases