
Central Queensland Hydrogen Project

Detailed Planning
Central Queensland Hydrogen Project

The Central Queensland Hydrogen project is a proposed renewable hydrogen production and export facility, to be built on a 236-hectare site in Aldoga, 20 kilometres west of Gladstone. The site is close to the proposed Central Queensland Renewable Energy Zone.

The project is expected to be delivered in stages, with production targeted to reach 280,000 tonnes per annum by 2030, using three gigawatts (GW) of electrolyser capacity.

The project will be jointly developed by Queensland Government-owned Stanwell Corporation and privately-owned Iwatani Corporation.

Key Dates

Nov 2020 Project Announcement

Funding contributions

User charges
Federal Government

In October 2023 the Federal Government committed a $69.2 million grant to help develop the Central Queensland Hydrogen Hub (CQ Hydrogen Hub) in Gladstone as part of the Australian Government’s Regional Hydrogen Hubs Program.

Stanwell Corporation matched this funding.


Procuring Agency: Stanwell Corporation and Iwatani Corporation
Related contracts:
Front-End Engineering and Design
Successful Tenderer - Worley


Nov 2020 Stanwell Corporation announced its partnership with Iwatani Corporation to progress planning on a new hydrogen export facility in Gladstone. This followed the completion of a $4.5 million feasibility study, towards which the Australian Renewable Energy Agency provided $900,000.
Jun 2021 A 236-hectare site in Aldoga, 20 kilometres west of Gladstone, was secured for the project.
Dec 2022 Project feasibility study report released by consortium.
Sep 2023 Worley announced it has been awarded the front-end engineering and design (FEED) contract.
Procurement approach
Unconfirmed |
Queensland |
Government resources
2022/12/01 - Feasibility Study
Project pages