
Collie Battery Energy Storage System

Under Delivery
Collie Battery Energy Storage System

Synergy, a WA Government State-Owned Corporation, is developing a 500 megawatt (MW) / 2,000-megawatt hour (MWh) battery at a site in Collie. 

The project is separate to the 219 MW / 877 MWh Collie Battery, also being delivered in Collie. 

Key Dates

Sep 2023 Contract Award
Mar 2024 Construction Commencement
Dec 2025 Expected Construction Completion


Procuring Agency: Synergy
Successful Tenderer: Power Electronics - supply of inverters SCEE Electrical - civil, electrical and major equipment installation, switchyard works
Related contracts:
Battery inverters
Successful Tenderer - Power Electronics

EnerC Plus technology
Successful Tenderer - Contemporary Amperex Technology


Sep 2023 The WA Government announced that Synergy had awarded Contemporary Amperex Technology a contract to deliver approximately 650 EnerC Plus, and Power Electronics to deliver 160 inverters.
Mar 2024 The WA Government announced that construction had commenced on the project, which is scheduled for completion by the end of 2025.
May 2024 Synergy has awarded SCEE Electrical a $160 million contract for the main works of the Collie BESS, including civil, electrical and major equipment installation works.
Jul 2024 SCEE Electrical was awarded the $50 million contract for switchyard works, including construction of a 330 kV switchyard, substation, and ancillary buildings and equipment to connect the battery to Western Power's network.