
Flinders Medical Centre Upgrade and Expansion

Flinders Medical Centre Upgrade and Expansion

The Flinders Medical Centre upgrade and expansion includes:

  • an additional 136 beds (majority of which will be single rooms) – two-thirds of the additional beds will be overnight beds with one-third to be same-day beds
  • upgrade and expansion of the Margaret Tobin Centre for mental health
  • upgrade of outdated wards
  • an expanded Intensive Care Unit
  • new operating theatres
  • expanded medical imaging, and
  • a new eye surgery clinic.

Key Dates

2022 Project Announcement
Apr 2024 Contract Award
2028 Expected Construction Completion

Funding contributions

Federal Government
SA Government

The project was announced as being jointly funded by the Federal and SA Governments in 2022 when it was a $400 million project, with each government contributing $200 million.

The 2024-25 SA Budget flagged an increase in the estimated total cost to $498 million and additional State funding, but did not indicate whether the cost increase would be met on a 50/50 basis with the Federal Government.


Procuring Agency: SA Health Infrastructure
Successful Tenderer: Built Environs
Procurement note:

The Project will be delivered under a Managing Contractor model


Jun 2022 The 2022-23 SA Budget included a $400 million commitment – jointly funded by the Federal and SA Governments – to deliver the Flinders Medical Centre upgrade and expansion. However, only $161 million was profiled over the next following years, with the remainder outside the forward estimates.
Mar 2024 The SA Government announced early works would commence on the primary tower package in April.
Apr 2024 Built Environs was awarded the contract to deliver the project via a Managing Contractor model.
May 2024 The 2024-25 Federal Budget allocated $190 million to the project over the four-year Budget period, including $20 million in FY2024-25.
Jun 2024 The 2024-25 SA Budget allocated $114 million to the project, and flagged an increase in the estimated total cost from $400 million to $498 million. The SA Budget did not indicate whether the cost increase would be met on a 50/50 basis with the Federal Government.
Estimated Total Cost
Procurement approach
Traditional Procurement | Other |
South Australia |
Media releases