
Gladstone Grid Reinforcement

Gladstone Grid Reinforcement

The Gladstone Grid Reinforcement is a proposed upgrade to the existing transmission network in Gladstone, Queensland. The proposed scope of the project includes:

  • Construction of a 275-kilovolt (kV) high-capacity line between Calvale and Caliope River
  • upgrading existing 275-kV lines between Calliope River and Larcom Creek, and Larcom Creek and Bouldercombe, and
  • construction of a new 275/132-kV transformer at Calliope River

The proposed changes would add an additional 2.6 gigawatts of network capacity to the NEM.

Key Dates

Mar 2029 Expected Construction Completion


Procuring Agency: Powerlink


2022 For the 2022 ISP, Powerlink provided preparatory activities report for reinforcements of Central Queensland and Gladstone Grid section as it was identified as a Future ISP project.
Sep 2022 The Queensland Energy and Jobs Plan outlined upgrades to transmission infrastructure in the Central QREZ Region.
Dec 2023 The project was allocated Actionable Project status in the draft 2024 Integrated Systems Plan (ISP). The project is expected to be at full capacity by September 2029. The estimated cost of all components of the transmission project was listed as $1.3 billion (±50 per cent). The draft ISP noted the project is likely to be an actionable Queensland project rather than an actionable ISP project, as it may progress under the proposed framework to be established by the Energy (Renewable Transformation and Jobs) Bill 2023 rather than the ISP framework.
Jun 2024 The 2024 Integrated System Plan confirmed the project's total estimated cost as $1.3 billion and provided an updated timeline, with the project expected to be completed by March 2029.
Estimated Total Cost
Procurement approach
Traditional Procurement |
Queensland |