


Transgrid is developing Humelink, a new transmission route that will link the Greater Sydney Load area with the Snowy Mountains Hydroelectric Scheme and Project EnergyConnect in South West NSW. The project will be made up of 385 kilometres of 500-kilovolt (kV) transmission lines that will travel from Wagga Wagga and Maragle to Bannaby. 

HumeLink is divided into two contracts based on geographical location: HumeLink East and HumeLink West. 

The $1.4 billion HumeLink East major contract includes: 

  • 237 kilometre of transmission line from Bannaby to Wodalga, and 
  • the upgrade of the existing 500/330kV Bannaby substation. 

The $1.5 billion HumeLink West major contract includes: 

  • 148 kilometre of transmission line from Maragle to Wagga Wagga
  • the construction of two new 500/330 kV substations at Gregadoo (Gugaa substation) and Maragle, and 
  • the upgrade of the existing 330kV Wagga Wagga substation. 

The purpose of the project is to connect the new Snowy 2.0 and the renewable energy sources of the South West Renewable Energy Zone to demand centres in Sydney, Wollongong, and Newcastle via the Bannaby substation. 

Both major contracts (HumeLink East and HumeLink West) comprise two stages: 

  • Stage One - pre-construction activities - including early works, detailed design, investigations, procurement including long lead equipment procurement such as locking procurement of steel towers, and project mobilisation. 
  • Stage Two - main works construction - including construction of transmission lines and upgrading substations. 

During Stage One, Transgrid is undertaking its own procurement of key long lead items including reactors, transformers and conductors. 

Key Dates

Aug 2022 EOIs Open
Oct 2022 RFT Open
Dec 2023 Contract Award
Aug 2024 Expected Construction Commencement
Jul 2026 Expected Construction Completion: Northern Section
Dec 2026 Expected Construction Completion: Southern Section

Funding contributions

In December 2022, the Federal Government commits $4.7 billion from Rewiring the Nation and the NSW Government commits $3.1 billion from the NSW Transmission Acceleration Facility to establish 8 critical transmission and REZ projects, including HumeLink. 


Debt Finance: Federal Government

The Federal Government committed $66 million in underwriting for the project.


Procuring Agency: Transgrid
Shortlist: Transgrid announced a shortlist of three proponents to deliver the project including: - an ACCIONA, Kalpataru Power Transmission and Genus Plus Group joint venture - a Downer Utilities Australia and Consolidated Power Projects Australia joint venture, and - UGL Engineering
Successful Tenderer: HumeLink East: ACCIONA and Genus Group Joint Venture HumeLink West: UGL Engineering and CPB Contractors Joint Venture


Dec 2018 The Energy Security Board's Integrated System Plan - Action Plan stated that AEMO is working with Snowy Hydro and Transgrid to refine and extend ISP modelling to better understand the costs, benefits and factors that affect the timing of HumeLink.
Jun 2019 Transgrid published the Project Specification Consultation Report (PSCR).
Jul 2019 AEMO released an Insights paper in support of the 2018 ISP, which flagged the need to accelerate the project timeline in preparation for Snowy 2.0.
Jan 2020 Transgrid published the Project Assessment Draft Report (PADR), which suggested the preferred option for HumeLink as Option 3C. Option 3C provides more opportunity for route diversity, which will provide greater resilience to ‘high impact low probability events’ and unlock new renewable energy resources in the region, such as Snowy 2.0.
Jan 2020 The Federal Government announced the signing of a $2 billion deal with the NSW Government, which includes joint underwriting of delivery of the HumeLink project. However, specific allocation of funding was not confirmed.
Jul 2020 Project Assessment Conclusions Report Published (finalisation of RIT-T process).
Jul 2020 In its 2020 Integrated System Plan, AEMO identified HumeLink as a critical project and provided updated costings for the project.
Mar 2021 Transgrid identified two preferred route options for the project. The preferred route is expected to be announced later this year. The two options include: a new route within Green Hills State Forest which moves transmission across public land instead of private farmland, and a new route east of Barlow and north of Blowering Reservoir, avoiding Tumut Airport.
Jul 2021 Transgrid published the Project Assessment Conclusions Report (PACR).
Sep 2021 Transgrid refined the project corridor for the project. The changes include the removal of proposed transmission lines between Book Book and Gobarralong, and Maragle and Yaven Creek. In addition, a new connection between Yaven Creek and Gilmore will be introduced, and a new corridor option through Tumut will be assessed.
Feb 2022 Transgrid submitted a Request for the Secretary's Environmental Assessment Requirements (SEARs) to NSW Department of Planning and Environment, for the Project's State Significant Development application.
Mar 2022 Secretary's Environmental Assessment Requirements (SEARs) issued.
Apr 2022 The Federal Government released a Pre-election Economic and Fiscal Outlook (PEFO) which committed $66 million to underwrite the project's early works.
Aug 2022 EOI phase commences.
Aug 2022 The Australian Energy Regulator approved $321.9 million in costs for HumeLink early works Stage One, Part One, early works, following a contingent application submitted by Transgrid.
Oct 2022 Transgrid announced a shortlist of three proponents to deliver the project including: - an ACCIONA, Kalpataru Power Transmission and Genus Plus Group joint venture - a Downer Utilities Australia and Consolidated Power Projects Australia joint venture, and - UGL Engineering
Mar 2023 Transgrid announced it secured $385 million in underwriting from the Federal Government as part of the Rewiring the Nation program to finance critical transmission supplies for VNI West, HumeLink and Project EnergyConnect. Transgrid also announced that procurement for these three projects will be bundled into one procurement program.
Aug 2023 Transgrid signed a $100 million contract with ZTT Australia, a subsidiary of manufacturing company ZTT International, who will supply 17,500 kilometres of high voltage conductors to Transgrid as part of it’s Powering Tomorrow Together program. Under this program, Transgrid has bundled procurement for critical transmission equipment and materials for the HumeLink, Victoria to NSW Interconnector West and Project EnergyConnect projects together.
Aug 2023 The Australian Energy Regulator approved $228 million in costs for HumeLink early works Stage One, Part Two, which involves long lead equipment procurement, following a contingent application submitted by Transgrid.
Aug 2023 EIS enters public exhibition, closing on 10 October.
Dec 2023 Transgrid announced it has awarded the HumeLink East contract to an ACCIONA and Genus Group Joint Venture and the HumeLink West contract to a UGL Engineering and CPB Contractors Joint Venture.
Dec 2023 The Draft 2024 Integrated Systems Plan (ISP) lists HumeLink as an 'actionable' project and confirms the project cost to be $4,892 million (-5 per cent to +12 per cent). The Draft ISP also included an updated timeline of the project, with the Northern Circuit (Gugaa to Bannaby) expected to be complete by July 2026, and the Southern Circuit (Gugaa to Maragle to Bannaby) by December 2026.
Mar 2024 Public consultation commenced on the Stage Two contingent project application from Transgrid for its HumeLink project, closing on 3 April. Transgrid proposed $4.3 billion of capital expenditure.
Jun 2024 AEMO's 2024 ISP confirmed the updated timeline of the project, previously announced in the draft 2024 ISP.
Major Contract

HumeLink East

HumeLink East

HumeLink East is one of two sections that make up the 385 kilometre HumeLink project. HumeLink East is a transmission route that runs from the Bannaby substation near Taralga in the east, to Wodalga in the west. 

The $1.4 billion HumeLink East major contract includes: 

  • 237 kilometre of transmission line from Bannaby to Wodalga, and 
  • the upgrade of the existing 500/330kV Bannaby substation. 

Both major contracts (HumeLink East and HumeLink West) comprise two stages: 

  • Stage One - pre-construction activities - including early works, detailed design, investigations, procurement including long lead equipment procurement such as locking procurement of steel towers, and project mobilisation. 
  • Stage Two - main works construction - including construction of transmission lines and upgrading substations. 

During Stage One, Transgrid is undertaking its own procurement of key long lead items including reactors, transformers and conductors. 

Construction of HumeLink East and West will occurr concurrently. 

Key Dates

Aug 2022 EOIs Open
Oct 2022 RFT Open
Dec 2023 Contract Award
Jul 2024 Expected Construction Commencement
Dec 2026 Expected Construction Completion


Procuring Agency: Transgrid
Successful Tenderer: Acciona Construction Australia Pty Ltd and Genus Group Ltd (AG JV)


Jul 2022 First phase of initial market sounding occured, open to all delivery contractors and major engineering firms, subcontractors and suppliers with the potential to play a key role in the delivery of the HumeLink project
Aug 2022 Expression of Interest open.
Oct 2022 Three proponents shortlisted for ECI tenders (east and west).
Dec 2023 HumeLink East contract awarded to an ACCIONA and Genus Group Joint Venture.
Procurement approach
Traditional Procurement |
New South Wales |
Media releases
Major Contract

HumeLink West

HumeLink West

HumeLink West is one of two sections that make up the 385 kilometre HumeLink project. HumeLink West is a transmission route that runs from to Wodalga, where it connects with HumeLink East and to the proposed Maragle substation. 

The $1.5 billion HumeLink West major contract includes: 

  • 148 kilometre of transmission line from Wagga Wagga to Wodalga, and to the proposed Maragle substation to Wodalga
  • the construction of two new 500/330 kV substations at Gregadoo (Gugaa substation) and Maragle, and 
  • the upgrade of the existing 330kV Wagga Wagga substation. 

Both major contracts (HumeLink East and HumeLink West) comprise two stages: 

  • Stage One - pre-construction activities - including early works, detailed design, investigations, procurement including long lead equipment procurement such as locking procurement of steel towers, and project mobilisation. 
  • Stage Two - main works construction - including construction of transmission lines and upgrading substations. 

During Stage One, Transgrid is undertaking its own procurement of key long lead items including reactors, transformers and conductors. 

Construction of HumeLink East and West will occurr concurrently. 

Key Dates

Aug 2022 EOIs Open
Oct 2022 RFT Open
Dec 2023 Contract Award
Jul 2024 Expected Construction Commencement
Dec 2026 Expected Construction Completion


Procuring Agency: Transgrid
Shortlist: A Joint Venture of ACCIONA, Kalpataru Power Transmission and Genus Plus; a Joint Venture of Downer and Consolidated Power Projects; and UGL.
Successful Tenderer: UGL Engineering and CPB Contractors Joint Venture (UGL-CPB JV)


Jul 2022 First phase of initial market sounding occured, open to all delivery contractors and major engineering firms, subcontractors and suppliers with the potential to play a key role in the delivery of the HumeLink project
Aug 2022 Expression of Interest open.
Oct 2022 Three proponents shortlisted for ECI tenders (east and west).
Dec 2023 HumeLink West contract awarded to a UGL Engineering and CPB Contractors Joint Venture.
Procurement approach
Traditional Procurement |
New South Wales |
Media releases