Major Contract

HumeLink West

HumeLink West

HumeLink West is one of two sections that make up the 385 kilometre HumeLink project. HumeLink West is a transmission route that runs from to Wodalga, where it connects with HumeLink East and to the proposed Maragle substation. 

The $1.5 billion HumeLink West major contract includes: 

  • 148 kilometre of transmission line from Wagga Wagga to Wodalga, and to the proposed Maragle substation to Wodalga
  • the construction of two new 500/330 kV substations at Gregadoo (Gugaa substation) and Maragle, and 
  • the upgrade of the existing 330kV Wagga Wagga substation. 

Both major contracts (HumeLink East and HumeLink West) comprise two stages: 

  • Stage One - pre-construction activities - including early works, detailed design, investigations, procurement including long lead equipment procurement such as locking procurement of steel towers, and project mobilisation. 
  • Stage Two - main works construction - including construction of transmission lines and upgrading substations. 

During Stage One, Transgrid is undertaking its own procurement of key long lead items including reactors, transformers and conductors. 

Construction of HumeLink East and West will occurr concurrently. 

Key Dates

Aug 2022 EOIs Open
Oct 2022 RFT Open
Dec 2023 Contract Award
2025 Expected Construction Commencement
Dec 2026 Expected Construction Completion


Procuring Agency: Transgrid
Shortlist: A Joint Venture of ACCIONA, Kalpataru Power Transmission and Genus Plus; a Joint Venture of Downer and Consolidated Power Projects; and UGL.
Successful Tenderer: UGL Engineering and CPB Contractors Joint Venture (UGL-CPB JV)


Jul 2022 First phase of initial market sounding occured, open to all delivery contractors and major engineering firms, subcontractors and suppliers with the potential to play a key role in the delivery of the HumeLink project
Aug 2022 Expression of Interest open.
Oct 2022 Three proponents shortlisted for ECI tenders (east and west).
Dec 2023 HumeLink West contract awarded to a UGL Engineering and CPB Contractors Joint Venture.
Procurement approach
Traditional Procurement |
New South Wales |
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