
Kidston Pumped Hydro

Under Delivery
Kidston Pumped Hydro

The Kidston Pumped Storage Hydro Project (also known as K2-Hydro) is a hydro-electricity project located in Kidston, 270 kilometres northwest of Townsville in Far North Queensland. The project has a generation capacity of 250 megawatts and eight hours of storage capacity.

The project will utilise two existing mine pits on the site as the upper and lower reservoirs for the project to generate electricity for sale directly to the National Electricity Market. The proposed project site is located within Queensland's Northern Renewable Energy Zone.

The pumped hydro project is in addition to a 258-megawatt wind farm on the same site.

Key Dates

2015 Project Announcement
2019 Preferred Bidder Announced
Mar 2021 Contractual Close
May 2021 Construction Commencement
2024 Expected Construction Completion

Funding contributions

Federal Government
Queensland Government

The Queensland Government's contribution is for the construction of a 186 kilometre single-circuit transmission line from Kidston to Mount Fox to connect the hydro project to the NEM.

The Federal Government's funding is through ARENA, which includes $47 million in grant funding and an additional $9 million in loans that were forgiven at financial close in May 2021.


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Equity Finance: Genex
Equity Finance: J-Power
Debt Finance: Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility
Debt Finance: Clean Energy Finance Corporation
Debt Finance: J-Power

The NAIF's contribution is a 15-year concessional loan.

ARENA provided $4 million in debt finance for completion of the feasibility study in FY2015-16, as well as $5 million in debt finance for pre-financial close activities. ARENA forgave these loans at financial close in May 2021, so they are recorded as funding for the project. 

Genex raised $90 million in equity for the project from institutional investors in 2021, in additional to a $25 million equity investment by J-Power in Genex. J-Power subsequently provided an additional $35 million in debt finance in July 2023.


Procuring Agency: Genex led procurement of the Pumped Hydro facility. The transmission line will be built, owned and operated by state-owned transmission network service provider Powerlink Queensland.
Successful Tenderer: Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) contract and Operation and Maintenance (O&M) contract awarded to a Joint Venture comprising John Holland and McConnel Dowell.
Adviser (Tenderer): NAIF Advisors: Allens
Related contracts:
Engineering Consultant
Successful Tenderer - Entura

Transmission Line
Successful Tenderer - UGL


Jan 2019 The Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) contract, and Operation and Maintenance (O&M) contract for hydro plant component of the project awarded to a Joint Venture comprising John Holland and McConnell Dowell.
Mar 2020 Genex Power and EnergyAustralia signed an Energy Storage Services Agreement (ESSA) for an initial term of 10 years and two 10-year options for extension (a maximum term of 30 years). Under the agreement, EnergyAustralia will operate the plant, have full dispatch rights and be obligated to meet its operating costs. Genex will receive an escalating annual fixed fee. After the full 30-year term, EnergyAustralia will have the right to acquire Genex's shareholding in the project for a fixed cash payment. The ESSA is conditional on the project reaching financial close by 28 February 2021.
Dec 2020 The NAIF Board makes refreshed Investment Decision for concessional loan facility, reflecting final ESSA terms.
Feb 2021 The Queensland Government increased its funding commitment for the project to $147 million.
Mar 2021 ARENA announced up to $47 million in funding for the project, completing financing for the project. Genex Power also announced a $90 million underwritten capital raising to finance the project.
Jun 2021 UGL was awarded the contract to deliver the 186 kilometre transmission line, which is to be owned and operated by Powerlink Queensland.
Oct 2022 The project received approval under the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.
Jan 2023 The Queensland Government has declared the project to be a prescribed project, which will give the project priority in development approvals.
Jul 2023 J-Power provided a loan facility of $35 million as additional standby source of finance for the final stages of project delivery.
Jul 2024 Genex shareholders approved a 27.5 cent per share, $380 million takeover by J-Power, meaning the company would not longer be listed on the ASX from 22 July. J-Power previously held around 15 per cent of Genex.
Estimated Total Cost
Procurement approach
Unconfirmed |
Queensland |
Project pages
Genex Power
Major Contract

Kidston Wind Project

Detailed Planning
Kidston Wind Project

The Kidston Stage Three Wind Project is a proposed 258 megawatt wind farm to be located in Kidston, Far-North Queensland.

The project site is near the Kidston Pumped Hydro Project, and will form part of the Kidston Clean Energy Hub. This will enable the wind project to leverage existing infrastructure and co-location advantages, including sharing a connection into the new 275 kilovolt transmission line being constructed by Powerlink Queensland for the K2-Hydro project.


Genex has signed a development funding agreement with its prospective JV partner, J-POWER, to earn 50% in the Project through an earn-in arrangement.


Procuring Agency: Genex and J-Power
Related contracts:
Wind Turbine Generator provider
Successful Tenderer - Goldwind Australia


Oct 2023 Genex has secured a 10-year power purchase agreement for 30 per cent of the output of the wind project with EnergyAustralia. The agreed price is subject to annual escalation based on changes in the consumer price index, with an annual cap. A condition precedent for the new deal is the financial close of the project, which is expected to be achieved by December 31, 2024.
Dec 2023 Genex secured a 15-year power purchase agreement for 50 per cent of the output of the wind project with Queensland Government-owned Stanwell Corporation. The agreed price is subject to annual escalation based on changes in the consumer price index, with an annual cap. A conditional precedent for the new deal is the financial close of the project, which was expected to be achieved by the end of 2024.
Feb 2024 The Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation referral was submitted.
Procurement approach
Unconfirmed |
Queensland |
Project pages
Genex Power