
Lake Lyell Pumped Hydro

Detailed Planning
Lake Lyell Pumped Hydro

The Lake Lyell Pumped Hydro project is being developed by EnergyAustralia and would be located near Lithgow, approximately 100 kilometres west of Sydney.

The project would make use of water from the existing purpose-built Lake Lyell dam, with a new upper reservoir behind the southern ridge of Mount Walker to feed the pumped hydro facility capable of producing 335 megawatts (MW) of dispatchable energy. The facility could dispatch this power for eight hours, providing a total energy storage capacity of 2,680 megawatt hours (MWh).

Key Dates

Jul 2023 Project Announcement


Jul 2023 EnergyAustralia submitted a Scoping Report for the Lake Lyell Pumped Hydro project to the NSW Department of Planning and Environment, requesting the Secretary's Environmental Assessment Requirements.
Aug 2023 The Secretary's Environmental Assessment Requirements were issued for the project.
Dec 2023 EnergyAustralia released the concept design for the project. Pending Feasability studies, a final decision on the project is expected in the second half of 2025.
Aug 2024 EnergyAustralia stated that they had completed environmental field studies, with the EIS expected to be completed by the end of the year in order for the NSW Government to grant Development Approval. A business case and funding agreements are required to enable a Final Investment Decision, which is expected in late 2025.
Estimated Total Cost
Procurement approach
Other |
New South Wales |
Project website
Lake Lyell Pumped Hydro
Media releases
Project pages
NSW Planning Portal