
Larrakeyah Defence Precinct Redevelopment

Under Delivery
Larrakeyah Defence Precinct Redevelopment

The Larrakeyah Defence Precinct, comprising Larrakeyah Barracks and HMAS Coonawarra, is located 2 km west of Darwin central business district.

The Larrakeyah Barracks Redevelopment and the Facilities to Support Naval Operations in the North at HMAS Coonwarra projects are being jointly delivered under the Larrakeyah Defence Precinct Redevelopment Program.

The Larrakeyah Barracks Redevelopment includes:

  • a new NORFORCE Precinct comprising headquarters, training and operational facilities as well as a workshop and vehicle shelters
  • a new two-storey shared user facility 
  • a new Base Entry precinct, and 
  • associated infrastructure.

The Facilities to Support Naval Operations in the North is being undertaken at HMAS Coonawarra and includes: 

  • the construction of a new 250 m long wharf
  • the construction of a 3000 sqm hardstand with associated buildings, and 
  • the construction of a new ready-use fuel facility with a 3.5 ml storage capacity.


Key Dates

Aug 2016 Contract Award
Aug 2018 Construction Commencement
Feb 2024 Expected Construction Completion

Funding contributions

Federal Government

The original costings put the program at $496 million. As of the Federal Budget 2023-24, the program is now estimated to cost $602 million. 


Procuring Agency: Department of Defence
Successful Tenderer: Laing O'Rourke
Procurement note:

The project is being delivered using a Managing Contractor Delivery model. 

Related contracts:
Bennett + Bennett
Successful Tenderer - Surveying, Larrakeyah Barracks


Aug 2016 Laing O'Rourke appointed managing contractor.
Aug 2018 Laing O'Rourke commenced construction.
Estimated Total Cost
Procurement approach
Other |
Northern Territory |