Major Contract

Mamre Road Upgrade - Stage One

Mamre Road Upgrade - Stage One

Stage One of the Mamre Road Upgrade will see the construction of a four-lane dual-carriageway road, with the potential for further widening to six lanes, over 3.8 kilometres from the M4 Motorway, St Clair to Erskine Park Road, Erskine Park in Western Sydney. 

Works will include:

  • changes to six intersections on Mamre Road
  • a new shared path along the eastern side of Mamre Road
  • reinstating bus stops near Banks Drive with the capacity for additional bus infrastructure in the future
  • changes to property access for Mamre House and Erskine Park Rural Fire Service, and
  • installing permanent noise walls along the eastern side of Mamre Road at St Clair.



Key Dates

Sep 2023 Project Announcement
Oct 2023 RFT Open
Dec 2023 RFT Close
Jun 2024 Contract Award
Sep 2024 Expected Construction Commencement

Funding contributions

NSW Government


Procuring Agency: Transport for NSW
Successful Tenderer: Seymour Whyte


Nov 2020 The NSW 2020-21 Budget announced $123.1 million over four years for Mamre Road Stage One, M4 to Erskine Park Road. $6.4 million was allocated in FY2020-21 for planning.
Jun 2021 The 2021-22 NSW Budget confirmed continuing funding for the planning of Stage One.
Jun 2022 The 2022-23 NSW Budget increased funding for Mamre Road Stage One to $221.8 million over four years.
Sep 2023 The NSW 2023-24 Budget increased funding for Mamre Road Stage One to $253.6 million over four years.
Oct 2023 Transport for NSW opened a Request for Tender process for the project, closing on 21 December 2023. The tender was for construction services under a 'Construct Only' contract, to be evaluated through a one-stage procurement process.
Jun 2024 Seymour Whyte was awarded the $185 million main works contract for Stage One.
Estimated Total Cost
Procurement approach
Traditional Procurement |
New South Wales |
Project pages
Transport for NSW
Project contact information