Major Contract

METRONET - High Capacity Signalling

METRONET - High Capacity Signalling

The High Capacity Signalling project will upgrade the existing signalling and control systems, which are nearing the end of their asset lives, to an integrated high-capacity Communications-Based Train Control system. The rail network will have capacity to grow and see more reliable and safe train operations.

The scope of this project includes:

  • replacing the existing ‘fixed-block’ signalling system with a ‘moving-block’ Communications Based Train Control system
  • replacing the Automatic Train Protection system
  • implementing Automatic Train Operation, and
  • implementing Automatic Train Supervision and Regulation to replace the existing Train Control System.

Infrastructure Australia's Business Case Evaluation identified the following options for the High Capacity Signalling project:

  • Option 1 - Asset life extension with moderate signalling modifications (Base Case)
  • Option 3 - Asset life extension with conversion from existing three-aspect signalling to fouraspect signalling
  • Option 4E - New signalling technology / European Train Control System (ETCS) Level 2
  • Option 4F - New signalling technology / ETCS Level 2+ with Automatic Train Operation
  • Option 4B - New signalling technology / Communications-Based Train Control, and
  • Option 4J - New signalling technology only on those sections of the network requiring high capacity signalling and maintaining legacy signalling in sections of the network where high capacity signalling is not required.

Option 4B was found to be the preferred option.

A new Public Transport Operations Control Centre (PTOCC), located directly north of the existing Public Transport Centre in East Perth, is expected to include a centralised signalling equipment room, network control floors, and office space to support the High Capacity Signalling project implementation.

Key Dates

Sep 2021 EOIs Open - HCS
Oct 2021 Contract Award - PTOCC
Nov 2021 EOIs Close - HCS
2022 Construction Commencement - PTOCC
Jun 2023 HCS Shortlist Published
2023 Construction Completion - PTOCC
2024 Preferred Bidder Announced
Jul 2024 Contract Award

Funding contributions

Federal Government
WA Government


Procuring Agency: Public Transport Authority
Shortlist: HCS Shortlist - Alstom Transport Australia & Downer EDI Works (ADJV); and Siemens Mobility, Siemens Mobility GmbH and Wabtec Control Systems (SafePerth)
Successful Tenderer: PTOCC - ADCO Construction HCS - AD Alliance (Alstom Transport Australia and DT Infrastructure)


Feb 2018 The design tender was released for the concept design of the rail operations control centre.
Apr 2020 Infrastructure Australia's Business Case Evaluation identified implementing an Automatic Train Control system using modern, radio-based, high-capacity Communications-Based Train Control technology on all three line-groups of the Perth metropolitan railway network.
May 2021 The Federal Government announced $32 million in new funding for the project, bringing its total commitment to $134 million to date.
Aug 2021 The WA 2021-22 Budget allocated funding towards the public transport operation centre.
Sep 2021 The WA government announced an additional $229 million in funding for the project to be spent over the next four years on e Radio Systems Replacement, the Public Transport Operations Control Centre, and the Train Control and Signalling projects.
Sep 2021 The Public Transport Authority opened an Expressions of Interest (EOI) phase for the design, supply, installation, testing, commissioning and maintenance of the proposed for the High-Capacity Signalling project, closing on 11 November. The contract is expected to be awarded in mid-2023. The WA Government also announced ADCO Constructions as the preferred proponent to deliver the PTOCC package of works.
Mar 2022 The 2022-23 Federal Budget allocated an additional $441 million to the METRONET program over four years, including $116 million to the High Capacity Signalling poject.
May 2022 The 2022-23 WA Budget allocated $6 billion to the METRONET program, including $633 in provisional funding for the High-Capacity Signalling program and Morrison Road Level Crossing Removal project. Funding will be allocated to these projects following final investment decisions.
Jun 2023 The WA Government announced a shortlist of two consortia for the High Capacity Signaling project. The two consortia include; ADJV, comprising Alstom Transport Australia and Downer EDI works, and SafePerth, comprising Siemens Mobility, Siemens Mobility GmbH and Wabtec Control.
Apr 2024 The WA Government announced AD Alliance, comprising Alstom Transport Australia and DT Infrastructure, had been selected as the preferred proponent to design, supply, build and maintain the Public Transport Authority's High-Capacity Signalling project.
May 2024 The 2024-25 WA Budget allocated an additional $90 million to the project, bringing the total cost to $667 million.
May 2024 The 2024-25 Federal Budget allocated $300 million over a seven-year period, starting in FY2024-25 as part of the Infrastructure Investment Program.
Jul 2024 The Western Australian Government announced the AD Alliance – comprising Alstom Transport Australia and DT Infrastructure, had formally been awarded the contract to design, supply, construct, install, test, commission and maintain the project. The contract is being delivered as an Alliance model. The total cost of the contract was confirmed to be $1.6 billion, staged over 10 years.
Estimated Total Cost
Procurement approach
Alliance |
Western Australia | National |
Infrastructure agency resources
Infrastructure Australia Business Case Evaluation
Government resources
2021-22 WA Budget Factsheet
Tender notices
Project pages
High Capacity Signalling