
Princes Highway Upgrade – NSW Sections

Princes Highway Upgrade – NSW Sections

The Princes Highway upgrade is a series of projects to improve the coastal route between Sydney and the Victorian border. It is expected more than $15 billion will be invested over the next 20 years to duplicate the entire Princes Highway between Nowra and the Victorian Border.

Projects already announced in the program include: 

  • Albion Park Rail Bypass - The $630 million project will extend the M1 Princes Motorway between Yallah and Oak Flats to bypass Albion Park Rail
  • Berry to Bomaderry upgrade - The $450 million Berry to Bomaderry upgrade will provide around 10.5 kilometres of four lanes of new divided highway, two lanes in each direction, between Mullers Lane at Berry, and the Cambewarra Road roundabout in Bomaderry, and
  • Nowra Bridge Project - The $310 million Nowra Bridge upgrade will provide a new four-lane bridge over the Shoalhaven River at Nowra. All four lanes would be northbound traffic, with the current southbound bridge (built in 1881) converted into pedestrian and cycleway and the current three-lane northbound bridge converted into only southbound traffic.

Projects announced but not yet under construction include:

  • duplicating sections of the Princes Highway from Jervis Bay Road to Sussex Inlet Road
  • building the Moruya Bypass, and
  • starting detailed planning work for the Milton and Ulladulla Bypass and upgrades for the Princes Highway from Burrill Lake to Batemans Bay.


Funding contributions

Federal Government
NSW Government


Procuring Agency: Transport for NSW


May 2021 The 2021-22 Federal Budget allocated $500 million for the Princes Highway, including for Jervis Bay to Sussex Inlet Stage One.
Jun 2021 The 2021-22 NSW Budget revealed the expected construction completion date as 2023. It allocated $1.7 billion over the next four years, including $317 million in FY2021-22.
Jan 2023 The Federal Government announced an additional $65 million toward planning for the Nowra Bypass project, as part of the Princes Highway Upgrade – NSW Sections project.
Estimated Total Cost
Procurement approach
Traditional Procurement | Unconfirmed |
New South Wales | National |
Major Contract

Princes Highway Upgrade – NSW Sections – Albion Park Rail bypass

Under Delivery
Princes Highway Upgrade – NSW Sections – Albion Park Rail bypass

The Albion Park Rail Bypass – part of the Princes Highway upgrade program – extends the M1 Princes Motorway between Yallah and Oak Flats. The 9.8 kilometre bypass has interchanges at Yallah, Albion Park and Oak Flats. 

The bypass will have two lanes in each direction with a central median, with the option for extra capacity as demand grows in the future. Work will also involve the reconfiguration of the Croome Regional Sporting Complex and other associated works.

Key Dates

Apr 2017 EOIs Close
Jul 2018 Contract Award
Feb 2019 Construction Commencement
2022 Expected Construction Completion

Funding contributions

NSW Government


Procuring Agency: Transport for NSW
Tenderers (EOI/ROI): CPB Contractors, Fulton Hogan, a Downer and Seymour Whyte Joint Venture, and a John Holland and BMD Construction Joint Venture.
Successful Tenderer: Fulton Hogan - Construct SMEC - Design


2014 The Preferred Route for the bypass was selected
May 2016 The NSW Government allocated $550 million towards the project in its FY2016-17 budget.
Estimated Total Cost
Procurement approach
Traditional Procurement |
New South Wales |
Project website
Transport for NSW
Infrastructure agency resources
NSW Infrastructure Pipeline
Government resources
Environmental Impact Statement
Media releases
Major Contract

Princes Highway Upgrade – NSW Sections – New Nowra Bridge

Princes Highway Upgrade – NSW Sections – New Nowra Bridge

The new Nowra Bridge project includes a four-lane bridge to be built over the Shoalhaven River at Nowra in order to ease congestion on the Pacific Highway. All four lanes would be northbound traffic, with the current southbound bridge (built in 1881) converted into pedestrian and cycleway and the current three-lane northbound bridge converted into only southbound traffic. 

The preferred option report was released for consultation in February 2018. Out of six possible options, the preferred option is a new four lane bridge with a grade intersection upgrades. The new bridge would be west of the existing bridges. Intersection upgrades will include:

  • Illaroo Road intersection, including adding turning lanes
  • Bridge Road intersection, with access to Pleasant Way removed
  • a new Pleasant Way intersection further to the south, and 
  • additional lanes on the Princes Hwy between Bolong Road and Bridge Road.

Key Dates

Feb 2020 Contract Award
Mar 2020 Construction Commencement
2023 Construction Completion

Funding contributions

Federal Government
NSW Government


Successful Tenderer: Design and Construct - Fulton Hogan


Aug 2018 The environmental assessment was released for public consultation.
Feb 2020 The main works contract was awarded to Fulton Hogan.
Nov 2023 Main works construction concluded on the project and operations commenced.
Estimated Total Cost
Procurement approach
Traditional Procurement |
New South Wales | National |
Government resources
Preferred Option Report (Feb 2018)
Project pages
Transport for NSW
Major Contract

Princes Highway Upgrade – NSW Sections – Milton to Ulladulla Bypass

Princes Highway Upgrade – NSW Sections – Milton to Ulladulla Bypass

The NSW Government have committed to further upgrade the Princes Highway along the South Coast ultimately via duplicating the entire Princes Highway between Nowra to the Victorian border. This includes a bypass between Milton and Ulladulla.  

The project would upgrade the Princes Highway to provide a bypass of the Milton and Ulladulla town centres as part of the Princes Highway Upgrade program.

The proposed Milton Ulladulla bypass would see the dleivery of:

  • a 13 kilometre bypass of Milton and Ulladulla,
  • three connections to the existing Princes Highway
    • north of Milton, near Little Forest Road, Yatte Yattah, 
    • north of Ulladulla, via an extension of Bishop Drive, Ulladulla
    • south of Ulladulla, near Canberra Crescent, Burrill Lake
  • crossover structures for local roads and waterways, and 
  • active transport connections. 


Key Dates

Mar 2019 Project Announcement
2027 Expected Construction Commencement
Dec 2030 Expected Construction Completion

Funding contributions

Federal Government


Procuring Agency: Transport for NSW


May 2019 The Federal Government announced that up to $400 million of their $500 million commitment to the Princes Highway in NSW would go to the Milton to Ulludulla Bypass.
Feb 2020 Infrastructure Australia identified Princes Highway safety and capacity improvements,that encompasses the bypass, as a Priority Initiative.
Mar 2020 Community consultation began on the identified corridor for Milton to Ulladulla Bypass, shown in the Shoalhaven Local Environmental Plan. The consultation closed in mid-April 2020 with a preferred route to be determined following further investigation.
Nov 2020 The 2020-21 NSW Budget allocated $671 million over the four years to FY2023-24 for the Princes Highway Upgrade between Nowra and the Victorian border.
Mar 2022 The 2022-23 Federal Budget allocated $352 million to the project over four years.
Feb 2024 Transport for NSW issued an Expression of Interest (EOI) for concept design and environmental assessment services for the project, closing 27 March.
Oct 2024 A scoping report and request for the Secretary's Environmental Assessment Requirements for the project was submitted to the NSW Department of Planning and Environment. The report outlines the scope of work, including 13 kilometre bypass of Milton and Ulladulla town centres, north, south, and central connections with the existing Princes Highway, and other works.
Estimated Total Cost
Procurement approach
Unconfirmed |
New South Wales | National |
Government resources
Planning Portal
Media releases
Project pages
Transport for NSW
Major Contract

Princes Highway Upgrade – NSW Sections – Jervis Bay to Sussex Inlet

Princes Highway Upgrade – NSW Sections – Jervis Bay to Sussex Inlet

The Jervis Bay to Sussex Inlet project is a planned 20-kilometre upgrade to the Princes Highway. A six-kilometre section of the highway between Jervis Bay Road and Hawken Road has been identified as stage one of the project, and the highest priority, and will include two lanes in each direction. The remaining sections of the upgrade will be delivered in later stages. 

Funding contributions

Federal Government
NSW Government

The Federal and NSW Governments have committed a combined $500 million to Stage One of the project - Jervis Bay Road to Hawken Road. The remainder of the project remains unfunded. 


Procuring Agency: Transport for NSW
Related contracts:
Business Case
Successful Tenderer - Arup

Concept design and environmental assessment
Successful Tenderer - RPS, Mott MacDonald and BG&E Joint Venture


May 2019 The 2019-20 NSW Budget allocated $322 million over four years to fund various upgrades to the Highway between Nowra and the Victorian Border.
Apr 2020 Arup was appointed to deliver the strategic business case for the projects from south of Nowra to the Victorian border.
May 2021 The 2021-22 Federal Budget allocated $500 million for the corridor, including for the Jervis Bay to Sussex Inlet Stage One section.
Jan 2022 Transport for NSW released the preferred option for Stage One - Jervis Bay Road to Hawken Road.
Feb 2024 Transport for NSW has issued an Expression of Interest (EOI) for concept design and environmental assessment services for the project, closing 27 March.
Mar 2024 Transport for NSW announced that construction has commenced on the upgrade to the Princes Highway and Jervis Bay Road intersection at Falls Creek.
Dec 2024 The contract for the concept design and environmental assessment of the project was awarded to a RPS, Mott MacDonald and BG&E Joint Venture.
Estimated Total Cost
Procurement approach
Unconfirmed |
New South Wales | National |
Media releases