
Southern Links

Southern Links

Southern Links is a network of state highway and urban arterial routes involving the construction of 21 km of state highway, three new bridges and 11 km of urban arterial roads inside Hamilton’s Peacocke growth area. 

The project also includes a new Hamilton bridge over the Waikato River, which will be constructed to support growth in Peacocke.

The Southern Links project will also allow for a future connection to the Waikato Expressway.

The project has been in planning stage since 2018. It was revitalised in 2024 when it was included in the draft land GPS 2024 as a 'Road of National Signifiance'. 

Funding contributions

NZ Government


2018 HCC considered the timing and funding of Southern Links, along with other infrastructure, as part of the 2018 review of HCC's 10 Year Plan. Major roadworks as part of the Southern Links project were not included in the National Land Transport Programme (NLTP) and as such there is no timeline for construction at this stage.
Sep 2023 Waka Kotahi completed a review into the form and function of the proposed state highway transport components of Southern Links to ensure the project accounts for changes that have occurred since the route was designated in 2014. The review concluded that the project should be delivered in stages based on each section's degree of urgency. The project remains unfunded.
Mar 2024 Hamilton Southern Links was included as a Road of National Significance, flagged to receive funding, in the Government's 10 year draft land GPS.
Apr 2024 NZTA released its State Highway Investment Proposal 2024–34, confirming expected project development, design and consenting would occur between 2024 and 2027, with construction expected to commence in 2027.
Major Contract

Waikato River Bridge

Under Delivery
Waikato River Bridge

A new bridge over the Waikato River will be constructed to support the development of Peacocke in Hamilton. The new bridge will connect Hamilton and Peacocke and cross the Waikato River south of the Hamilton Gardens. 

The bridge features:

  • four lanes, including dedicated bus lanes
  • separate pedestrian and bike paths
  • a span of 95 to 110 metres over the Waikato River
  • no piers in the river, and a single Y-shaped pillar on the south bank of the river, supporting a flat bridge deck spanning more than 200 metres
  • a pedestrian bridge on the northern side of the river, and
  • lighting and structural features to minimise the impact on the native long-tailed bats and the surrounding environment, both during construction and when it is operational.

The surrounding transport network features:

  • a 1.6 km extension to Wairere Drive from the new bridge
  • urban upgrades to Weston Lea Drive and Peacockes Road to accommodate traffic and footpaths
  • a network of underpasses, separated bike paths, and roads that prioritise buses and other public transport
  • a two-lane, four-way roundabout at the intersection of Wairere Drive extension and Peacockes Road
  • a signalised intersection at Peacockes Road and Weston Lea Drive
  • relocated and newly installed utility services to cater for growth, and
  • new stormwater, wastewater, and water supply pipes.

Key Dates

Sep 2020 Contract Award
Nov 2020 Construction Commencement
Jun 2024 Expected Construction Completion

Funding contributions

The bridge will be funded partly by Hamilton City Council, and partly from the New Zealand Government's Housing Infrastructure Fund.


Procuring Agency: Hamilton City Council
Successful Tenderer: HEB Construction
Related contracts:
Successful Tenderer - Edwards White


Mar 2019 Detailed planning for the project was completed.
Apr 2019 After a stakeholder and community engagement process, designs for the new bridge were released in April 2019.
Jun 2019 Preliminary designs for the project were completed.
Dec 2019 Expressions of Interest closed for the construction of the bridge.
Apr 2020 Hamilton City Council issued Request for Proposal to three shortlisted consortia but did not provide details. The successful tenderer is set to begin construction in late 2020, with completion expected by 2023.
Jul 2020 Detailed design and construction drawings were completed.
Sep 2020 Hamilton City Council awarded a NZ$135 million construction contract to HEB Construction.
Nov 2020 Construction commenced.
Sep 2021 Contract cost increase approved to NZ$140 million. The additional NZ$5 million was to be funded by developers.
Jun 2022 Council approved a NZ$20.2 million increase to the contract (NZ$2.1 million for cost increases related to COVID-19 and NZ$18.1 million for inflation) bringing the project cost to NZ$160 million.
Oct 2023 Council approved a NZ$3 million increase due to inflation, bringing the total project cost to NZ$163 million.
Estimated Total Cost
Procurement approach
Traditional Procurement |
New Zealand |