Major Contract

SRL East - Works Package E - Stations - Cheltenham to Glen Waverley

Under Delivery
SRL East - Works Package E - Stations - Cheltenham to Glen Waverley

The first stage of the Suburban Rail Loop – SRL East – is a fully-tunnelled 26-kilometre metro corridor between Cheltenham in the South and Box Hill in the North. The line will include six stations, including new interchanges with existing heavy rail stations at Cheltenham, Clayton, Glen Waverley and Box Hill, with new stations at Monash and Burwood.

The Suburban Rail Loop Authority has separated SRL East into seven packages. Included in the scope of Works Package E is:

  • station building works at Cheltenham, Clayton and Monash
  • station box excavation at Cheltenham, including temporary retaining structures
  • all station work to complete stations, excluding work included in Works Package G, and
  • surface work at station precincts

Key Dates

Dec 2021 Project Announcement
Feb 2024 Construction Commencement


Procuring Agency: Suburban Rail Loop Authority


Nov 2021 The SRLA released the SRL East Environmental Effects Statement.
Dec 2021 The SRLA released indicative details of all seven packages for the delivery of SRL East.
Feb 2024 Victorian Government announced station works had commenced.
Procurement approach
Traditional Procurement | Alliance | Unconfirmed |
Victoria |
Project website
SRL East