
St George Hospital Redevelopment Stage Three

Under Delivery
St George Hospital Redevelopment Stage Three

The redevelopment of the St George Hospital - Stage Three includes:

  • outpatient, ambulatory and integrated care services 
  • pathology specimen collection 
  • a new day rehabilitation unit 
  • increased sub-acute and rehabilitation inpatient beds 
  • a sub-acute aged care unit 
  • a behavioural management unit 
  • an acquired brain injury unit 
  • palliative care 
  • surgical services with refurbished operating theatres 
  • enhanced diagnostic imaging (medical imaging and nuclear medicine), and
  • a new clinical skills centre. 

Key Dates

Feb 2019 Project Announcement
2021 Early Works Commence
2023 Construction Commencement
Dec 2025 Expected Construction Completion

Funding contributions

NSW Government

The NSW Government has allocated $385 million in the St George Hospital and $26 million for car parking.


Procuring Agency: Health Infrastructure NSW
Successful Tenderer: BESIX Watpac
Related contracts:
Architect and Design Consultant
Successful Tenderer - Jacobs


Feb 2019 Prior to the 2019 State Election, NSW Government announced its $385 million commitment to Stage Three of St George Hospital Redevelopment.
Mar 2019 Prior to the 2019 NSW State Election, the NSW Government committed $385 million to redeveloping St George Hospital Redevelopment - Stage Three.
Sep 2020 The NSW Government announced $105 million additional funding over the next two years to accelerate the delivery of the St George Hospital project. The funding will be drawn from the NSW Government's $3 billion Jobs and Infrastructure Acceleration Fund.
Jun 2021 The 2021-22 NSW Budget allocated $98 million to the project for FY2021-22.
Mar 2022 Industry specific SEARs were issued for the project.
Mar 2022 Concept designs released for the Ambulatory Care Building component of the redevelopment.
Jul 2022 Health Infrastructure NSW appointed Jacobs as lead architect and principal design consultant for the Project. It was also announced that the project is expected to be completed in 2025.
Oct 2022 The project's state significant development application was place on exhibition, alongside the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and accompanying documents, closing on the 3rd of November.
Feb 2023 The NSW Minister for Planning approved the project's State Significant Development application.
Jun 2023 Construction of main works commenced on the project.
Estimated Total Cost
Procurement approach
Traditional Procurement |
New South Wales |
Government resources
NSW Planning Portal Page