
Sydney Fish Market

Under Delivery
Sydney Fish Market

The NSW Government is delivering a New Sydney Fish Market (SFM), a new facility situated at the head of Blackwattle Bay between Pyrmont Peninsula and Glebe Peninsula. The project includes:

  • the construction of a new three-storey building with a gross floor area of more than 26,000 square meters, including:
    • wharf and boating facilities for fishing fleet servicing, a multi-purpose wharf for recreational vessels and the capacity for a privately-operated ferry stop
    • retail premises such as food retail, shops, markets and food and drink premises
    • business and office premises
    • multi-functional spaces and areas for exhibitions, events, functions
    • staff amenities and end-of-journey facilities
    • below ground parking consisting of 417 parking spaces, and
    • waste management facilities.
  • a new public domain including promenades, access to Blackwattle Bay and landscaping
  • pedestrian, cycle and road access
  • road upgrades, including works to Bridge Road and its intersections with Wattle Street and Wentworth Park Road, and
  • associated works and subdivision of land.

The project consists of two State Significant Developments, with Stage One (early works) being the demolition of the existing industrial structures on the site, and Stage Two (main works) the construction and operation of the new SFM.

Early works include the demolition of the Hanson, Finger and Blackwattle Bay Wharfs and the demolition of the Coal Loader structure.

Key Dates

Sep 2019 Project Announcement
Nov 2019 EOIs Open
Oct 2020 Contract Award
2021 Construction Commencement
2024 Expected Construction Completion

Funding contributions

NSW Government


Procuring Agency: NSW Government
Successful Tenderer: Multiplex (main works)
Related contracts:
Design Contract
Successful Tenderer - 3XN

Engineering Services
Successful Tenderer - FJMT

Independent Commission Agent and Independent Certifier
Successful Tenderer - WT Partnership

Project Manager
Successful Tenderer - Turner and Townsend

Stage 1 Contract
Successful Tenderer - Hansen Yuncken


Feb 2017 ROIs announced for a designer to develop the Bays Market District master plan.
Jun 2017 3XN was awarded the contract to design the New Sydney Fish Market.
Jul 2017 FJMT was appointed to develop the Bays Market District master plan and Mott McDonald was appointed to provide engineering services for the new Sydney Fish Market.
Sep 2019 The NSW Government announced an investment of $750 million towards the new fish market. This is an increase of $500 million from the initial cost estimation of $250 million. The Government indicated that it will run a two-stage procurement process, with demolition of the existing wharves and site preparation as the first stage, and construction of the new fish market facility as the second stage.
Oct 2019 Infrastructure NSW submitted a Concept Proposal to the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment. The proposal is for the Stage 1 demolition works at the site for the new Sydney Fish Market. The exhibition period for the Concept Proposal closed on 13 November 2019. Also, in the same month, the designs for the new building and surrounding areas were released. The new building will be located at the head of Blackwattle Bay. Surrounding the building will be public promenades, a ferry wharf, and over 30,000 square metres of public space across the precinct.
Nov 2019 EOIs opened for New Sydney Fish Market Main Works, closing 18 December 2019.
Jun 2020 The NSW Government approved the final plans for the new fish market. The plans were approved under the NSW Government's new Planning System Acceleration Program.
Jul 2020 NSW Government awarded the Stage One contract for the project to Hansen Yuncken. Stage One involves demolition and early works.
Aug 2020 Hansen Yuncken commences Stage 1 demolition works.
Oct 2020 NSW Government appoints Turner and Townsend as the project managers for stages of the development.
Oct 2020 Multiplex awarded the Main Works construction contract.
Nov 2020 The 2020-21 NSW Budget allocated $88 million in FY2020-21 for the project.
Jun 2021 The 2021-22 NSW Budget allocated $243 million to the project for FY2021-22.
Nov 2021 Main works commenced with foundation piling work.
Dec 2024 INSW announced the shortlist of development partners to deliver the urban renewal of the existing Sydney Fish Market site. Shortlisted bidders include Lendlease, Mirvac and Stockland. The scope of works includes delivering housing, commercial spaces, retail and public spaces on the site of the old Fish Market.