
Sydney Metro

Sydney Metro

The New South Wales Government's Sydney Metro program is the biggest public transport project in Australia. It is a fully-automated metro rail system, the first in Australia, and will increase Sydney’s rail capacity by up to 60 per cent by 2024.


Sydney Metro Northwest ($7.3 billion)

Sydney Metro Northwest, formerly the North West Rail Link, is the first stage of Sydney Metro, that became operational in 2019.

The project was originally costed at $8.3 billion.

Sydney Metro Northwest features:

  • 36 kilometres of track between Chatswood and Rouse Hill
  • single-deck trains with about 50% more hourly capacity than double-deck carriages
  • 15 kilometres of tunnels
  • 13 stops including eight new stations
  • 4000 commuter parking spaces
  • a train stabling facility
  • a four kilometre ‘skytrain’ viaduct, and
  • four kilometres of bridges.

Major packages awarded under the Northwest project can be found in the procurement section below.


Sydney Metro City & Southwest ($20.5 billion)

This project extends metro services from where Sydney Metro Northwest ends in Chatswood to Bankstown in South West Sydney.

The project was originally costed at $12.5 billion.

There are two components of Sydney Metro City & Southwest:

  • Chatswood to Sydenham, and
  • Sydenham to Bankstown upgrade.

Scope of works for Chatswood to Sydenham comprises:

  • 15.5 kilometres of twin tunnel
  • Crows Nest Station
  • Victoria Cross Station
  • Barangaroo Station
  • Martin Place Station
  • Pitt Street Station
  • Waterloo Station, and
  • underground platforms and upgrades at Central Station.

Scope of works for Sydenham to Bankstown comprises:

  • upgrade of 13 kilometres of rail line, and
  • conversion of 11 stations between Sydenham and Bankstown.  

Major packages awarded under the City and Southwest project can be found in the procurement section or major contract pages below.

The Sydney Metro City & Southwest project cost range has been set at $11.5 billion to $12.5 billion in its final business case. The final project budget is to be confirmed once all major contracts are awarded.


Sydney Metro West ($25.32 billion) 

Sydney Metro West will deliver approximately 24 kilometre of underground metro railway connecting Parramatta to Sydney CBD. The proposed Sydney Metro West will work together with the existing T1 Western Line between the Sydney CBD and Parramatta. 

The project was originally costed at $13 billion.

The alignment comprises stops at:

  • Westmead
  • Parramatta
  • Sydney Olympic Park
  • North Strathfield
  • Burwood North
  • Five Dock
  • The Bays
  • Pyrmont, and
  • Sydney CBD.

These involve new constructions and upgrades to existing stations.

 As of October 2020, the main project packages:

  • Trains, Signalling, Maintenance and Operations (TSMo)
  • Line-wide systems and depot package
  • Integrated Station Development packages at Parramatta, Sydney Olympic Park, The Bays Precinct and Sydney CBD
  • a single stations and associated developments package for remaining stops
  • three tunnelling contracts - Western, Central and Eastern packages, and
  • Enabling works (multiple contract packages).

The Government will safeguard the ability to extend Sydney Metro to the south-east of the Sydney CBD via Zetland, serving the Green Square town centre, as well as towards the west beyond Westmead.


Sydney Metro Western Sydney Airport ($11 billion)

Formerly known as Sydney Metro Greater West, the Western Sydney Airport Line will see a new metro rail line run from St Marys on the existing T1 heavy rail line to the Western Sydney Aerotropolis near Bringelly, via Western Sydney Airport (WSA).

The Line comprises of following stops:

  • upgraded existing station at St Marys
  • Orchard Hills
  • Luddenham
  • Airport Business Park
  • Airport Terminal, and
  • Western Sydney Aerotropolis.

The scope also includes a new stabling and maintenance facility and an operational control centre along the alignment.

As of October 2020, the main project packages (with procurement model) are:

  • Stations, Systems, Trains, Operations and Maintenance (PPP)
  • Station Boxes and Tunnelling (D&C Contract)
  • Surface and Civil Alignment Works (D&C Contract), and
  • Advanced Enabling Works (Various packages).

The estimated total cost of the line is $11 billion. Planning investigations continue for the North South Rail Link, extending from WSA Aerotropolis to Macarthur, and the South West Rail Extension, extending from the Aerotropolis to Leppington. Should these future stages proceed as metro projects, the full Sydney Metro Western Sydney Airport Line is estimated to cost between $15 and $20 billion.

Key Dates

Jun 2013 Contract Award: Northwest TSC contract
2013 Construction Commencement
Dec 2013 Contract Award: Northwest SVC contract
Sep 2014 Contract Award: Northwest OTS PPP contract
Jun 2017 Contract Award: City and Southwest TSE contract
Sep 2017 Contract Award: City and Southwest SSJ contract
Mar 2018 Contract Award: Central Station Main Works
Sep 2018 Contract Award: Martin Place ISD
Nov 2018 Contract Award: City and Southwest Line-wide Works
Dec 2018 Contract Award: Victoria Cross ISD contract
Sep 2019 Contract Award: Pitt Street ISD contract
Dec 2019 Contract Award: City and Southwest TSOM PPP contract
Dec 2019 Contract Award: Waterloo ISD
Oct 2020 Contract Award Crows Nest ISD
Feb 2021 Contract Award: City and Southwest SSC Main Works
Mar 2021 Contract Award: Barangaroo Station
Nov 2022 ROIs Open - Sydney Metro West Partnership
Nov 2022 ROIs Close - Sydney Metro West Partnership
Jun 2023 RFTs Open - Sydney Metro West Partnership
2024 Expected Construction Completion – Metro City and Southwest
Jun 2026 Expected Construction Completion – Metro WSA Line
Jun 2030 Expected Construction Completion – Metro West

Funding contributions

Federal Government
NSW Government

Sydney Metro – Northwest was fully funded by the NSW Government. Initial project cost was slated to be $8.3 billion, with the project being delivered $1 billion under budget.

Cost escalations have seen the funding committments increase from the NSW Government. However, with total estimated costs not in the 2023-24 Budget and an upcoming Sydney Metro review total funding committments from the NSW Government are yet to be confirmed.


Procuring Agency: Sydney Metro
Procurement note:

Sydney Metro is an operating agency owned by the NSW Government and is part of the NSW Transport cluster, operating similar to Sydney Trains.

In November 2022, Sydney Metro announced it would procure a total of eight Sydney Metro - West packages through a new model - the Sydney Metro West Partnership.

Related contracts:
City and Southwest – Barangaroo Station
Successful Tenderer - BESIX Watpac

City and Southwest – Central Station Main Works
Successful Tenderer - Laing O’Rourke

City and Southwest – Crows Nest ISD
Successful Tenderer - AW Edwards

City and Southwest – lifts and escalators
Successful Tenderer - Thyssenkrupp

City and Southwest – Line-wide Works
Successful Tenderer - Systems Connect, a joint venture comprising CPB and UGL

City and Southwest – Martin Place ISD
Successful Tenderer - Macquarie Group

City and Southwest – Pitt Street ISD
Successful Tenderer - Oxford Properties, CPB Contractors and Grocon

City and Southwest – SSC Main Works
Successful Tenderer - John Holland and Laing O’Rourke

City and Southwest – Sydenham Station and Junction Works (SSJ)
Successful Tenderer - John Holland and Laing O’Rourke

City and Southwest – Trains, Systems, Operations and Maintenance
Successful Tenderer - Northwest Rapid Transit (NRT) comprising MTR, John Holland, Leighton Contractors, UGL Rail Services and Plenary Group

City and Southwest – Tunnel and Station Excavation (TSE) D&C
Successful Tenderer - John Holland CPB Ghella Joint Venture

City and Southwest – Victoria Cross ISD
Successful Tenderer - Lendlease

City and Southwest – Waterloo ISD
Successful Tenderer - John Holland and Mirvac Joint Venture

Northwest – Operations, Trains and Systems (OTS) PPP
Successful Tenderer - Northwest Rapid Transit (NRT) comprising MTR, John Holland, Leighton Contractors, UGL Rail Services and Plenary Group

Northwest – Surface and Viaduct Civil works (SVC) D&C
Successful Tenderer - Impregilo Salini Joint Venture

Northwest – Tunnels and Stations Civil works (TSC) D&C
Successful Tenderer - Thiess and John Holland joint venture with Dragados

Project Management Office services
Successful Tenderer - Turner & Townsend, HKA, Deloitte, and LogiKal

West – Transaction Management Services
Successful Tenderer - KPMG and IAG

West/Western Sydney Airport lines – Shadow Operator
Successful Tenderer - Ricardo and Seoul Metro

Western Sydney Airport – Integration and Delivery Partner
Successful Tenderer - SNC-Lavalin in partnership with HKA and Infrastructure Nation


Jun 2013 The NSW Government awarded the $1.15 billion Tunnels and Stations Civil works contract for Sydney Metro – Northwest to a Thiess and John Holland joint venture with Dragados.
Dec 2013 The NSW Government awarded the $340 million Surface and Viaduct Civil works contract for Sydney Metro – Northwest to Impregilo-Salini Joint Venture.
Sep 2014 The NSW Government awarded the $3.7 billion Operations, Trains and Systems (OTS) Public Private Partnership (PPP) contract for Sydney Metro – Northwest to Northwest Rapid Transit, comprising MTR, John Holland, Leighton Contractors, UGL Rail Services and Plenary Group.
Jun 2017 The NSW Government awarded a $2.81 billion Tunnel and Station Excavation contract for Sydney Metro – City and Southwest to a joint venture comprising John Holland, CPB and Ghella. The contract value was later amended to $3.4 billion.
2017 An initial round of the industry engagement took place in the second half of 2017 to build awareness of the project and to obtain market information to shape its scope and definition, to ensure the desired transport and land-use outcomes are met.
Sep 2017 The NSW Government awarded a $301 million for Sydenham Station and Junction Works to John Holland Laing O'Rourke. The contract value was later amended to $409 million.
Mar 2018 The NSW Government awarded a $955 million contract for Central Station Main Works to Laing O'Rourke.
Apr 2018 The initial delivery strategy for Sydney Metro – West was released, comprising an initial packaging strategy with a range of options subject to further analysis and industry consultation. Following consultation, a base case delivery strategy was released in December 2018.
May 2018 The 2018-19 NSW Budget reserved $3 billion with $28.1 million allocated in FY2018-19 to progress planning and final business case development for Sydney Metro – West. The allocation will allow Sydney Metro to start designing new metro stations and precincts for Metro West, and commence planning approvals and ongoing community and industry consultation.
Jul 2018 The Sydney Metro authority was established to deliver the Sydney Metro program of works.
Sep 2018 The NSW Government awarded a $87 million contract for lifts and escalators for Sydney Metro – City and Southwest section to Thyssenkrupp.
Sep 2018 The NSW Government accepted Macquarie’s unsolicited bid for Martin Place Integrated Station Development, awarding them a $379 million contract. Lendlease was appointed by Macquarie to deliver the development.
Nov 2018 The NSW Government awarded a $1.4 billion contract for Sydney Metro – City and Southwest Line-wide Works to Systems Connect, a joint venture comprising CPB and UGL. The contract value was later amended to $1.5 billion.
Dec 2018 The NSW Government awarded a $476 million contract for Victoria Cross Integrated Station Development (ISD) to Lendlease.
Mar 2019 The NSW Government committed an additional $3.2 billion to Sydney Metro West during the 2019 State election campaign.
Mar 2019 During the 2019 election campaign, the NSW Government also announced that it would continue to plan for future stages of the Western Sydney Airport Line, from St Mary's to Rouse Hill via Schofields, and Aerotropolis to Macarthur, in the next term of government.
May 2019 Sydney Metro – Northwest opened on 26 May 2019. The NSW Government confirmed that the project was delivered $1 billion under budget.
Jun 2019 The 2019-20 NSW Budget allocated $6.4 billion over four years for Sydney Metro – West.
Jun 2019 The 2019-20 NSW Budget also allocated $2.0 billion over four years to Sydney Metro – Western Sydney Airport line, subject to completion of the business case, to commence construction.
Jun 2019 The NSW Government awarded a $370 million contract for Crows Nest Integrated Station Development (ISD) to AW Edwards.
Sep 2019 The NSW Government awarded a $463 million contract for Pitt Street Integrated Station Development (ISD) to a consortium of Oxford Properties, CPB Contractors and Grocon.
Dec 2019 Sydney Metro reached financial close for Sydney Metro – City and Southwest – Trains, Systems, Operations and Maintenance (TSOM) PPP package with Northwest Rapid Transit. This extends NRT’s existing PPP contract for Sydney Metro Northwest. The extension contract was valued at $3.7 billion, including $1.7 billion for additional fleet and core rail systems as well as a $2 billion operations and maintenance component to operate the combined North West and City and Southwest lines until 2034.
Dec 2019 The NSW Government awarded a $299 million contract for Waterloo Integrated Station Development (ISD) to a joint venture between John Holland and Mirvac.
Apr 2020 The first Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for Sydney Metro – West went on exhibition on 30 April with the community able to provide feedback until 26 June. This is one of three EISs for the project due to its scale, and the community will have further opportunities to comment.
Jun 2020 The NSW and Commonwealth governments announced a further $3.5 billion in funding for Sydney Metro – Western Sydney Airport project.
Sep 2020 The NSW Government appointed Ricardo and Seoul Metro as the Shadow Operator for Sydney Metro West and Western Sydney Airport lines. The Shadow Operator will provide advice and technical input from the viewpoint of the prospective operations and maintenance contractor.
Oct 2020 A refined packaging of Sydney Metro – West was released during Transport Infrastructure Pipeline 2025 industry briefing.
Oct 2020 Procurement began to appoint an independent rectifier for Sydney Metro – West.
Nov 2020 The 2020-21 NSW Budget allocated $9.2 billion over four years for Sydney Metro – Western Sydney Airport, including $810 million in FY2020-21.
Nov 2020 The 2020-21 NSW Budget allocated $8.3 billion over the forward estimates for Sydney Metro – City and Southwest, including $2.7 billion in FY2020-21.
Nov 2020 The 2020-21 NSW Budget allocated $10.4 billion over four years for Sydney Metro – West, including $2.1 billion in FY2020-21.
Nov 2020 The NSW Government commenced the procurement processes for Geotechnical Investigations Services and Integration and Delivery Partner Services for Sydney Metro – West, with both Requests for Tender (RFT) closing on 23 December 2020.
Dec 2020 The NSW Government commenced procurement for Planning Approval Services for Sydney Metro – West, with the Request for Tender closing on 1 February 2021.
Feb 2021 The NSW Government Awarded a $227 million contract for corridor works within the City and Southwest – Southwest Stations and Corridor (SSC) package. The contract was awarded to John Holland and Laing O’Rourke.
Mar 2021 Infrastructure Australia concluded its assessment of the Sydney Metro – Western Sydney Airport Line business case, and chose not to add the project to its Infrastructure Priority List. Corridor preservation for Western Sydney Airport Line is identified in the Infrastructure Priority List as a High Priority Initiative.
Mar 2021 The NSW Government granted planning approvals for two components of the Sydney Metro – West project. The project concept for Sydney Metro – West, from Westmead to the Sydney CBD, was approved, as well as two sections of station excavation and tunnelling from Westmead to The Bays Precinct. This incorporates the Central Tunnelling Package (CTP) and the Western Tunnelling Package (WTP).
Mar 2021 The NSW Government awarded a $217 million contract for Barangaroo Station to BESIX Watpac.
Mar 2021 Sydney Metro called for tenders for planning approval services for the State Significant Development (SSD) Concept Development Applications for five over station developments on Sydney Metro West. Stations at Parramatta, Sydney Olympic Park, The Bays Precinct and Sydney CBD were confirmed to comprise over station developments in October 2020. The fifth identified over station development has not been publicly disclosed. However, a new station at Pyrmont was confirmed in December 2020, with its development and delivery type still being finalised.
May 2021 Turner and Townsend, HKA, Deloitte and LogiKal were appointed to provide Project Management Office Services to Sydney Metro. The appointment is for a term of up to six years and will encompass Sydney Metro City & Southwest, Sydney Metro West, Sydney Metro Western Sydney Airport, and studies into future network expansion.
Jun 2021 SNC-Lavalin, in partnership with HKA and Infrastructure Nation was appointed as the Integration and Delivery Partner for the Sydney Metro – Western Sydney Airport project.
Jun 2021 NSW Government selected Betchel as its Integration and Delivery Partner for Sydney Metro West.
Jun 2021 The 2021-22 NSW Budget allocated $26.1 billion over the next four years for Sydney Metro. Of this, $12 billion was allocated for Sydney Metro – West, with $2.9 billion in FY2021-22. In addition, $8 billion was allocated for Sydney Metro – Western Sydney Airport over four years, with $943 million allocated to the project in FY2021-22. The NSW Budget also allocated $6.1 over four years – including $3.1 billion in FY2021-22 – to complete works on Sydney Metro – City and Southwest.
Jul 2021 The NSW Government granted planning approval for the Sydney Metro - Western Sydney Airport Line.
Sep 2021 The Federal Government granted planning approval for the Sydney Metro - Western Sydney Airport Line.
Mar 2022 Sydney Metro released the rail infrastructure, stations, precincts and operations Environmental Impact Statement for Sydney Metro - West for public consultation, closing on 4 May.
May 2022 Sydney Metro called for Registrations of Interest (ROIs) for the Sydney Metro West - Financial Structuring Advisor contract, closing on 10 June. Separately, Sydney Metro issued a Request for Tenders (RFT) for the design and construction of the Sydney Metro Integrated Project Office at St Marys, as part of the Western Sydney Airport Line, closing on 8 July.
Nov 2022 Sydney Metro hosted an industry briefing in which it called for ROIs for the remainder of the Sydney Metro - West packages. Sydney Metro announced they would procure the remaining packages through a Sydney Metro West Partnership model. Sydney Metro also shortlisted two bidders for the Sydney Metro – West – Hunter Street Station Precinct.
Nov 2022 Sydney Metro announced the completion of the 80-metre underground concourse which provides escalator access to Central Station's platforms 16 to 23. The pedestrian link also provides a connection between the lower northern concourse and the eastern suburbs railway concourse.
Apr 2023 The NSW Government has announced an independent review into the Sydney Metro Project. The Sydney Metro Review will examine value for money, delivery models, governance,and passenger impact of the Sydney Metro Project. The Review will make recommendations for the future implementation of the Sydney Metro and confirms cost increases to Sydney Metro West and City and Southwest.
Major Contract

Sydney Metro – West – Parramatta Enabling Works

Under Procurement
Sydney Metro – West – Parramatta Enabling Works

The Parramatta Enabling Works Package for Sydney Metro West will be delivered ahead of the Tunnel and Excavation – Western Package. The Parramatta Enabling Works package includes the following scope of works: 

Demolition work consisting of:

  • a multi-level car park, 13 buildings and redundant substations
  • protection of properties adjacent to the site, and 
  • protection and retention of two heritage listed properties within the site.

Utilities work consisting of:

  • decommissioning and removal of five substations and installation of one new switching station
  • cut and cap of a gas pipe
  • decommissioning of all utility connections to buildings to be demolished
  • relocation of a fibre optic cable, and
  • heritage and archaeology investigations related to utility relocations.

Internal roadworks consisting of:    

  •     construction of two public access roads, and
  •     heritage and archaeology investigations related to roadworks.

Key Dates

Feb 2021 EOIs Open
Sep 2022 Expected Contract Award
Jun 2023 Expected Construction Commencement
Dec 2024 Expected Construction Completion


Procuring Agency: Sydney Metro


Oct 2020 The Package was announced as part of the Transport for NSW's Transport Infrastructure Pipeline 2025. The potential delivery type for the package was noted as a Design and Construct contract.
Feb 2021 The NSW Government, through Sydney Metro, opened Expressions of Interest for Pre-Qualification for the Sydney Metro West – Parramatta Enabling Works package. An industry briefing was held on 5 February.
Estimated Total Cost
Procurement approach
Traditional Procurement | Unconfirmed |
New South Wales |
Tender notices
Project pages
Sydney Metro West
Major Contract

Sydney Metro – Western Sydney Airport – Surface and Civil Alignment Work

Under Delivery
Sydney Metro – Western Sydney Airport – Surface and Civil Alignment Work

Formerly known as Sydney Metro Greater West, the Western Sydney Airport Line will see a new metro rail line run from St Marys on the existing T1 heavy rail line to the Western Sydney Aerotropolis near Bringelly, via Western Sydney Airport (WSA).

The Surface and Civil Alignment Works package is worth $539 million and covers 10.4 kilometres of surface and civil alignment works on the 23-kilometre line. The scope of works include: 

  • 3.5 kilometres of elevated viaduct between Orchard Hills and Luddenham
  • 6.7 kilometres of earthworks
  • 190-metre bridge over the new M12 motorway
  • 20-metre bridge within the airport
  • temporary and permanent access roads, and
  • bulk earthworks for the stabling and maintenance facility site.


Key Dates

Nov 2020 EOIs Open
Dec 2020 EOIs Close
Mar 2022 Contract Award
2022 Construction Commencement
2024 Expected Construction Completion


Procuring Agency: Sydney Metro
Shortlist: ACCIONA and CPB Contractors
Successful Tenderer: Joint Venture between CPB Contractors and United Infrastructure – a consortium that includes Western Sydney companies Burton Contractors, JK Williams and Mulgoa Quarries.


Jun 2020 A scoping report was released, to support the application to the NSW Minister for Planning and Public Spaces seeking the Secretary’s Environmental Assessment Requirements (SEARs) for the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Western Sydney Airport Line.
Jul 2020 The NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment issued the Secretary’s Environmental Assessment Requirements (SEARs) for the Western Sydney Airport component of Sydney Metro. The EIS will now be prepared. The Federal Government also announced that Federal planning approvals for the project will be fast-tracked under a bilateral model between the Federal and State Governments, with the aim of reducing the approval times by up to 50 percent from an average of 3.5 years to 21 months.
Oct 2020 The Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for Western Sydney Airport Line was opened for public consultation, closing on 2 December 2020.
Nov 2020 The NSW Government commenced the procurement process for the Surface and Civil Alignment Works contract, with Expressions of Interest closing on 23 December 2020.
Apr 2021 The NSW Government shortlisted ACCIONA and CPB Contractors for the delivery of the Surface and Civil Alignment package. The contract is expected to be awarded in early 2022.
May 2021 Sydney Metro invited Expressions of Interest for Independent Certifier Services for the package, closing on 25 June.
Jul 2021 The NSW Government granted planning approval for the Sydney Metro - Western Sydney Airport Line.
Mar 2022 Sydney Metro awarded the Surface and Civil Alignment Works package to a Joint Venture between CPB Contractors and United Infrastructure – a consortium that includes Western Sydney companies Burton Contractors, JK Williams and Mulgoa Quarries.
2022 Construction commenced on the project.
Estimated Total Cost
Procurement approach
Traditional Procurement |
New South Wales | National |
Tender notices
Project pages
Western Sydney Airport
Major Contract

Sydney Metro – West – The Bays Station

Under Procurement
Sydney Metro – West – The Bays Station

The proposed Bays Station would be located between Glebe Island and White Bay Power Station, with an entrance to the south of White Bay. It would provide direct access to the future Bays Waterfront Promenade, which would run north to south along White Bay.

As part of enabling the project, Sydney Metro will also undertake road works near the port at White Bay to ensure reliability of the road network and ongoing access to the White Bay Cruise Terminal and other port related businesses within Glebe Island and White Bay.

Along with Parramatta, Sydney Olympic Park, Pyrmont and Hunter Street stops on the proposed Sydney Metro West line, the The Bays metro station will be delivered as an Integrated Station Development (ISD). The overstation development will include commercial, retail and residential space. Further planning considerations are underway to finalise the station design.

Key Dates

Dec 2018 Initial Packaging Announced
Oct 2020 Revised Packaging Announced
Oct 2022 EOIs Open
Nov 2022 ROIs Open - Sydney Metro West Partnership
Nov 2022 ROIs Close - Sydney Metro West Partnership
Jan 2023 Expected Pre-qualification Process Commencement
Mar 2024 Expected Contract Award
Sep 2025 Expected Construction Commencement
Mar 2028 Expected Construction Completion


Procuring Agency: Sydney Metro
Procurement note:

The Bays Station ISD was expected to be delivered under a D&C contract for the station portion and as a development agreement for the overstation development.

However, the project will be procured through the 'Sydney Metro West Partnership' model – which will be further developed and refined during the next stages of procurement. Under the proposed model, contractors, investors and Sydney Metro will enter into a ‘Partnership’ for the delivery of different works packages on the Sydney Metro West project, however, further details of the Partnership’s contracting models and structures have not been made publicly available.

Related contracts:
Sydney Metro West – Transaction Management
Successful Tenderer - KPMG and IAG


Apr 2018 The NSW Government held an industry briefing. Project development and stakeholder engagement strategies were announced.
Dec 2018 Second industry briefing held, outlining base case delivery and packaging strategy.
May 2020 Geotechnical and utility investigation began in The Bays and Iron Cove.
Oct 2020 During a Transport for NSW major projects industry briefing, Sydney Metro announced restructured project packaging for Sydney Metro West. Four stops, including The Bays Station, were confirmed as Integrated Station Developments (ISD).
May 2021 Sydney Metro has requested the SEARs for the section of the project between the Bays Precinct and the Sydney CBD.
Jun 2021 Sydney Metro requested Secretary’s Environmental Assessment Requirements (SEARs) for the next phase of approvals for the Sydney Metro – West project. The accompanying scoping report outlined the indicative construction period for The Bays Station from third quarter of 2025 to first quarter of 2028.
Jul 2021 The NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment issued Secretary’s Environmental Assessment Requirements (SEARs) for the major civil construction between The Bays and Sydney CBD.
Nov 2022 Sydney Metro hosted an industry briefing in which it called for ROIs for the remainder of the Sydney Metro - West packages. Sydney Metro announced they would procure the remaining packages through a Sydney Metro West Partnership model, with ROIs closing on 25 November.
Major Contract

Sydney Metro - West - Maintenance and Operations

Under Procurement
Sydney Metro - West - Maintenance and Operations

Sydney Metro West will deliver a new direct, 24 kilometre underground rail connection between the CBDs of Parramatta and Sydney. It will work together with the existing T1 Western Line, which is expected to be overcrowded by the early 2030s, despite ongoing upgrade works.

The project will include the maintenance and operations of the Sydney Metro West line. The alignment will include stops at:

  • Westmead
  • Parramatta
  • Sydney Olympic Park
  • North Strathfield
  • Burwood North
  • Five Dock
  • The Bays Precinct
  • Pyrmont, and
  • Sydney CBD.

Key Dates

Dec 2018 Financial Close
Oct 2020 Revised Packaging Announced
Oct 2021 EOIs Open
Nov 2022 ROIs Open - Sydney Metro West Partnership
Nov 2022 ROIs Close - Sydney Metro West Partnership
Jan 2023 Expected Pre-qualification Process Commencement
Sep 2024 Expected Contract Award
Jan 2025 Expected Construction Commencement
2030 Expected Construction Completion


Procuring Agency: Sydney Metro
Procurement note:

The project will be procured through the 'Sydney Metro West Partnership' model – which will be further developed and refined during the next stages of procurement. Under the proposed model, contractors, investors and Sydney Metro will enter into a ‘Partnership’ for the delivery of different works packages on the Sydney Metro West project, however, further details of the Partnership’s contracting models and structures have not been made publicly available.

Related contracts:
Sydney Metro – West – Transaction Management
Successful Tenderer - KPMG and IAG

Sydney Metro – West/Western Sydney Airport – Shadow Operator
Successful Tenderer - Ricardo and Seoul Metro


Mar 2018 In addition to stations at Parramatta, Sydney Olympic Park, The Bays Precinct, and Sydney CBD, the NSW Government announced new metro stations at Westmead and a new metro station at either Concort West or North Strathfield to connect to existing T1 Heavy Rail Line. The NSW Government announced it was further exploring options for metro stations at Camellia or Rydalmere, North Burwood or Five Dock, Kings Bay, and Pyrmont.
Apr 2018 The NSW Government held an industry briefing. Project development and stakeholder engagement strategies were announced.
Dec 2018 Second industry briefing held, outlining base case delivery and packaging strategy.
Sep 2020 NSW Government appointed Ricardo and Seoul Metro as the shadow operator for Sydney Metro West and Western Sydney Airport lines. Shadow operator will provide advice and technical input from the viewpoint of the prospective operations and maintenance contractor.
Oct 2020 During Transport Infrastructure Pipeline 2025 industry briefing, Sydney Metro announced restructured project packaging for Sydney Metro – West. The three previous packages for Trains, Signalling, and Maintenance and Operations, have now been combined into a single Trains, Signalling, Maintenance and Operations (TSMo) package. Sydney Metro noted that it is further assessing combining the TSMo package with Line Wide Systems to create a single PPP contract. Due to this, the procurement approach, and procurement time frame for the TSMo package was not confirmed.
Nov 2022 Sydney Metro hosted an industry briefing in which it called for ROIs for the remainder of the Sydney Metro - West packages. Sydney Metro announced they would procure the remaining packages through a Sydney Metro West Partnership model, with ROIs closing on 25 November. The briefing confirmed the Trains, Signalling, Maintenance and Operations package has been split into two separate packages - the Maintenance and Operations package and the Trains and Signalling Package.
Procurement approach
Other |
New South Wales |
Project pages
Sydney Metro West
Major Contract

Sydney Metro – Western Sydney Airport – Station Boxes and Tunnelling

Under Delivery
Sydney Metro – Western Sydney Airport – Station Boxes and Tunnelling

Formerly known as Sydney Metro Greater West, the Western Sydney Airport Line will see a new metro rail line run from St Marys on the existing T1 heavy rail line to the Western Sydney Aerotropolis near Bringelly, via Western Sydney Airport (WSA).

The Station Boxes and Tunnelling (SBT) Works for Sydney Metro – Western Sydney Airport project will involve the construction of two sections of twin tunnels between St Marys and Orchard Hills stations, and between the Western Sydney Airport Terminal and Aerotropolis stations. The tunnels are a total combined length of 9.8 kilometres, and include associated portal dive structures.

The line alignment includes stations to be located at:

  • St Marys
  • Orchard Hills
  • Luddenham
  • Airport Business Park
  • Airport Terminal, and
  • Western Sydney Aerotropolis.

The SBT Works will include station box excavations  and civil works with temporary ground support at St Marys, Orchard Hills, Western Sydney Airport Terminal, Western Sydney Aerotropolis and the construction of a temporary precast concrete factory.

Key Dates

Sep 2020 EOIs Open
Dec 2021 Contract Award
Jan 2023 Expected Construction Commencement
Dec 2024 Expected Construction Completion


Procuring Agency: Sydney Metro
Shortlist: The three shortlisted bidders are: - ACCIONA Construction Australia - John Holland Gamuda Joint Venture - CPB Contractors Ghella Joint Venture
Successful Tenderer: CPB Contractors Ghella Joint Venture
Procurement note:

The procurement is to be undertaken through a two stage process, with work to be awarded as Design and Construct contract.


Jun 2020 A scoping report was released, to supports the application to the NSW Minister for Planning and Public Spaces seeking the Secretary’s Environmental Assessment Requirements for the Environmental Impact Statement for the Western Sydney Airport line.
Sep 2020 The NSW Government invited registrations to begin the procurement for Station Boxes and Tunnelling works, with EOIs opened to the registrants from 18 September, closing on 30 October 2020. Separately, the NSW and Federal Governments announced the location of the six stations on the Western Sydney Airport line.
Oct 2020 The Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for Western Sydney Airport Line was opened for public consultation, closing on 2 December 2020.
Mar 2021 The NSW Government shortlisted three consortia for the SBT component of the Project: Bouygues Construction Australia, a John Holland Gamuda Joint Venture, and Acciona Construction Australia. The NSW Government also announced that the contract is expected to be awarded by the end of 2021.
May 2021 Bouygues Construction Australia withdrew from the bidding process. They were replaced by a CPB Contractors Ghella Joint Venture on the tenderer shortlist.
May 2021 Sydney Metro invited Expressions of Interest for Independent Certifier Services for the package, closing on 25 June.
Jul 2021 The NSW Government granted planning approval for the Sydney Metro - Western Sydney Airport Line.
Dec 2021 Sydney Metro awarded the contract to a Joint Venture between CPB Contractors and Ghella. The announcement included updated project timings.
Apr 2022 The Pre-election Economic and Fiscal Outlook (PEFO) confirmed the provision of an indemnity for the integration of the Sydney Metro – Western Sydney Airport line with Western Sydney Airport.
Jun 2022 Construction Commenced on the project
Procurement approach
Traditional Procurement |
New South Wales | National |
Tender notices
Project pages
Western Sydney Airport
Major Contract

Sydney Metro – Western Sydney Airport – Stations, Systems, Trains, Operations and Maintenance

Sydney Metro – Western Sydney Airport – Stations, Systems, Trains, Operations and Maintenance

Formerly known as Sydney Metro Greater West, the Western Sydney Airport Line will see a new metro rail line run from St Marys on the existing T1 heavy rail line to the Western Sydney Aerotropolis near Bringelly, via Western Sydney Airport (WSA).

The six stations announced for the line will be located at:

  • St Marys
  • Orchard Hills
  • Luddenham
  • Airport Business Park
  • Airport Terminal, and
  • Western Sydney Aerotropolis

The scope of the Stations, Systems, Trains, Operations and Maintenance (SSTOM) package comprises:

  • provision of private equity in the delivery of the package
  • construction of the six new stations
  • installation of tracks, signalling, mechanical and electrical systems
  • supplying new driverless trains
  • construction of stabling and maintenance facility at Orchard Hills
  • operation and maintenance of the line and its assets, and
  • handback of operations and maintenance at the end of term.

In line with the operations and maintenance model adopted for Sydney Metro's Northwest and City and Southwest lines, the SSTOM contract for Western Sydney Airport line will be procured as a Public Private Partnership (PPP).

Key Dates

May 2021 ROIs Open
Jun 2021 ROIs Close
Jun 2021 EOIs Open
Jul 2021 EOIs Close
Oct 2021 RFP Open
May 2022 RFP Close
Dec 2022 Contract Award
2023 Expected Construction Commencement
2026 Expected Construction Completion


Procuring Agency: Sydney Metro
Shortlist: Parklife Metro, comprising Plenary, Webuild, RATP Development and Siemens; WestGo, comprising Pacific Partnerships, ACCIONA, DIF Management Australia, CPB Contractors, UGL, ComfortDelGro Transit and Coleman Rail; and Bradfield Metro, comprising John Laing, Keolis Downer, FCC Construction Australia and Hitachi Rail STS, however, this organisation is no longer part of Sydney Metro's shortlist.
Successful Tenderer: Parklife Metro consortium, comprising Plenary, Webuild, RATP, Siemens Mobility, Siemens Project Ventures and Siemens Mobility Austria.
Procurement note:

The project's shortlist was reduced to Parklife Metro and WestGo in August 2022. 

Parklife Metro will be responsible for running the Western Sydney Airport metro line for 15 years. Outside of the concession length, no other terms of the PPP have been announced.

Related contracts:
Design Partners
Successful Tenderer - A SMEC and Arup Joint Venture

Integration and Delivery Partner
Successful Tenderer - SNC-Lavalin, in partnership with HKA and Infrastructure Nation

Parklife Metro - Legal Advisor
Successful Tenderer - Ashurst

Transaction Advisor
Successful Tenderer - Valorem Advisory


Jun 2020 The NSW Government released an RFT for Transaction Management Services and PPP Financial Advisory Services for the project's major packages.
Sep 2020 The NSW Government appointed Ricardo and Seoul Metro as 'Shadow Operator' for Sydney Metro West and Western Sydney Airport Lines to provide advice and technical input from the viewpoint of a prospective operations and maintenance contractor.
Oct 2020 The SSTOM package was confirmed as a 15-year PPP contract, with Expressions of Interest process to begin in the first quarter of 2021.
Nov 2020 The NSW Government called for Expressions of Interest (EOI) for Integration and Delivery Partner Services for the Sydney Metro – Western Sydney Airport project. EOIs closed on 23 December 2020.
Jan 2021 The NSW Government released a Request for Tender (RFT) for the Insurance Advisor Services for Sydney Metro – Western Sydney Airport, with the potential to extend to Sydney Metro – West. These services will primarily include the provision of insurance broking services relating to the design and implementation of a Principal Arranged Insurance program during the delivery phase of the project.
May 2021 Sydney Metro invited Expressions of Interest for Independent Certifier Services for the package, closing on 25 June.
May 2021 Sydney Metro invited Registrations of Interest (ROI) to participate in the procurement process for the SSTOM package, with ROIs closing on 18 June. Despite the NSW Government having signalled the SSTOM package was to be procured as a PPP, the call for ROI document indicated Sydney Metro is open to considering an ‘alternative commercial framework’. Any alternative models were to be considered through the EOI phase, with the commercial framework to be finalised before the Request for Proposal phase, scheduled to commence in late-2021.
Jun 2021 SNC-Lavalin, in partnership with HKA and Infrastructure Nation was appointed as the Integration and Delivery Partner for the Sydney Metro – Western Sydney Airport project.
Jul 2021 Valorem Advisory was awarded the contract for Transaction Advisory services.
Jul 2021 The NSW Government granted planning approval for the Sydney Metro - Western Sydney Airport Line.
Oct 2021 Sydney Metro announced three shortlisted bidders for the Request for Proposal (RFP) stage of the package. The shortlisted consortia were Bradfield Metro, comprising John Laing, Keolis Downer, FCC Construction Australia and Hitachi Rail STS, Parklife Metro, comprising Plenary, Webuild, RATP Development and Siemens, and WestGo, comprising Pacific Partnerships, ACCIONA, DIF Management Australia, CPB Contractors, UGL, ComfortDelGro Transit and Coleman Rail. Contract award was expected in late 2022. In addition, industry participants have confirmed the SSTOM package will be procured as a PPP.
Aug 2022 Sydney Metro selected two shortlisted organisations to proceed to full evaluation for the SSTOM Contract. The first is Parklife Metro, comprising Plenary, Webuild, RATP Development, Siemens Mobility, Siemens Project Ventures and Siemens Mobility Austria. The second is WestGo, comprising Pacific Partnerships, ACCIONA Concesiones, S.L., DIF Management Australia, CPB Contractors, ACCIONA Construction, UGL Engineering, ComfortDelGro Transit, UGL Rail Services and Coleman Rail. The Contract is expected to be awarded by the end of 2022.
Dec 2022 Sydney Metro awarded the SSTOM contract to the Parklife Metro consortium, comprising Plenary, Webuild, RATP, Siemens Mobility, Siemens Project Ventures and Siemens Mobility Austria.
May 2023 A SMEC and Arup Joint Venture was appointed as design partners for the project by Parklife Metro consortium.
Procurement approach
Confirmed PPP |
New South Wales | National |
Project pages
Western Sydney Airport
Major Contract

Sydney Metro - West - Rosehill Station

Sydney Metro - West - Rosehill Station

The NSW Government has announced the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding MOU with the Australian Turf Club to enable the addition of a Sydney Metro - West station at the site of the Rosehill Racecourse. the existing racecourse facility would be relocated, and the remaining land developed into housing. The MOU follows the release of the Sydney Metro Review.

In addition to a station, the land surrounding the racecourse will be developed into housing, to align with government housing and placemaking strategies.



Procuring Agency: Sydney Metro


Dec 2023 The NSW Government and Australian Turf Club announced a Memorandum of Understanding to relocate the Rosehill Racecourse to deliver an additional metro station and housing on the site.
Procurement approach
Market Led Proposal |
New South Wales |
Media releases
Major Contract

Sydney Metro – West – Stations Package

Under Procurement
Sydney Metro – West – Stations Package

Sydney Metro West will deliver a new direct, 24-kilometre underground rail connection between the CBDs of Parramatta and Sydney.

The alignment will include stops (including new and upgraded existing stations) at:

  • Westmead
  • Parramatta
  • Sydney Olympic Park
  • North Strathfield
  • Burwood North
  • Five Dock
  • The Bays
  • Pyrmont, and
  • Hunter Street in SydneyCBD.

Parramatta, Sydney Olympic Park, The Bays, Pyrmont and Hunter Street stations are expected to be procured as Integrated Station Development (ISD) packages.

The design and construction of five stations are being procured as a single packages. Stations include: 

  • Westmead 
  • North Strathfield
  • Burwood North
  • The Bays, and
  • Five Docks 

Work will include construction of station structure and fitout, building services, public domain and installation of station systems. Station system supply will be separately procured.

Key Dates

Dec 2018 Initial Packaging Announced
Oct 2020 Revised Packaging Announced
Oct 2021 EOIs Open
Nov 2022 ROIs Open - Sydney Metro West Partnership
Nov 2022 ROIs Close - Sydney Metro West Partnership
Jan 2023 Expected Pre-qualification Process Commencement
Jun 2023 Expected Contract Award
Mar 2025 Expected Construction Commencement
Sep 2028 Expected Construction Completion


Procuring Agency: Sydney Metro
Shortlist: CPB Contractors and Lendlease; and Metrovista, comprising Gamuda, DT Infrastructure, and BESIX Watpac
Related contracts:
Sydney Metro West – Transaction Management
Successful Tenderer - KPMG and IAG


Apr 2018 The NSW Government held an industry briefing. Project development and stakeholder engagement strategies were announced.
Dec 2018 Second industry briefing held, outlining base case delivery and packaging strategy.
Apr 2020 After initial feasibility studies, Sydney Metro announced that planning for potential station at Rydalmere will not proceed. Following this review, planning for a potential metro station at Pyrmont will progress to the next stage of assessment.
Oct 2020 During a Transport for NSW major projects industry briefing, Sydney Metro announced restructured project packaging for Sydney Metro West. Sydney Metro announced that four stops at Westmead, North Strathfield, Burwood North and Five Docks will be procured under a single stations contract.
Dec 2020 The NSW Government confirmed it will build a new metro railway station at Pyrmont. The procurement structure of this station was not confirmed at the time.
May 2021 The NSW Government confirmed the location of a new Pyrmont Station. The station will be located near Pyrmont Bridge and will have entrances on Pyrmont Bridge Road and Union Street.
May 2021 Sydney Metro requested Secretary's Environmental Assessment Requirements (SEARs) for major construction works for the section between The Bays Precinct and Sydney CBD. The accompanying Scoping Report indicated that provisions for an Integrated Station Development (ISDs) will be sought for Pyrmont Station.
Jun 2021 Sydney Metro requested Secretary’s Environmental Assessment Requirements (SEARs) for the next phase of approvals for Sydney Metro – West project. The accompanying scoping report outlined the indicative construction period for stations within the Stations Package.
Aug 2021 The NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment has issued the Secretary's Environmental Assessment Requirements for the rail infrastructure, stations, precincts, and operations components of Sydney Metro West.
Nov 2022 Sydney Metro hosted an industry briefing in which it called for ROIs for the remainder of the Sydney Metro - West packages. Sydney Metro announced they would procure the remaining packages through a Sydney Metro West Partnership model, with ROIs closing on 25 November.
Jan 2023 The NSW Minister for Planning approved the State Significant Infrastructure application for Stage Three of the project. The scope of the Stage Three application includes construction of rail infrastructure, station and precincts and service operation and maintenance.
Dec 2023 Sydney Metro announced CPB Contractors and Lendlease; and MetroVista, comprising Gamuda, DT Infrastructure and BESIX Watpac, have been shortlisted to deliver the Sydney Metro West Stations Package.
Major Contract

Sydney Metro - West - Trains and Systems

Under Procurement
Sydney Metro - West - Trains and Systems

Sydney Metro West will deliver a new direct, 24 kilometre underground rail connection between the CBDs of Parramatta and Sydney. 

The alignment will include stops at:

  • Westmead
  • Parramatta
  • Sydney Olympic Park
  • North Strathfield
  • Burwood North
  • Five Dock
  • The Bays Precinct
  • Pyrmont, and
  • Sydney CBD.

The Trains and Systems package comprises delivery of  16 metro trains and associated rail systems, signalling systems, control systems, and platform screen doors.

Key Dates

Dec 2018 Initial Packaging Announced
Oct 2020 Revised Packaging Announced
Oct 2021 EOIs Open
Nov 2022 ROIs Close - Sydney Metro West Partnership
Nov 2022 ROIs Close - Sydney Metro West Partnership
Jan 2023 Expected Pre-qualification Process Commencement


Procuring Agency: Sydney Metro
Shortlist: Alstom; CRRC Co and MTR Corporation; Hyundai Rotem Company and UGL; and Siemens Mobility, Siemens Mobility, Siemens Mobility Austria and Siemens Limited
Related contracts:
Sydney Metro – West – Transaction Management
Successful Tenderer - KPMG and IAG

Sydney Metro – West/Western Sydney Airport – Shadow Operator
Successful Tenderer - Ricardo and Seoul Metro


Mar 2018 In addition to stations at Parramatta, Sydney Olympic Park, The Bays Precinct, and Sydney CBD, the NSW Government announced new metro stations at Westmead and a new metro station at either Concort West or North Strathfield to connect to existing T1 Heavy Rail Line. The NSW Government announced it was further exploring options for metro stations at Camellia or Rydalmere, North Burwood or Five Dock, Kings Bay, and Pyrmont.
Apr 2018 The NSW Government held an industry briefing. Project development and stakeholder engagement strategies were announced.
Dec 2018 Second industry briefing held, outlining base case delivery and packaging strategy.
Sep 2020 NSW Government appointed Ricardo and Seoul Metro as the shadow operator for Sydney Metro West and Western Sydney Airport lines. Shadow operator will provide advice and technical input from the viewpoint of the prospective operations and maintenance contractor.
Oct 2020 During Transport Infrastructure Pipeline 2025 industry briefing, Sydney Metro announced restructured project packaging for Sydney Metro – West. The three previous packages for Trains, Signalling, and Maintenance and Operations, have now been combined into a single Trains, Signalling, Maintenance and Operations (TSMo) package. Sydney Metro noted that it is further assessing combining the TSMo package with Line Wide Systems to create a single PPP contract. Due to this, the procurement approach, and procurement time frame for the TSMo package was not confirmed.
Nov 2022 Sydney Metro hosted an industry briefing in which it called for ROIs for the remainder of the Sydney Metro - West packages. Sydney Metro announced they would procure the remaining packages through a Sydney Metro West Partnership model, with ROIs closing on 25 November. The briefing confirmed the Trains, Signalling, Maintenance and Operations package has been split into two separate packages - the Maintenance and Operations package and the Trains and Signalling Package.
Dec 2023 Sydney Metro announced that Alstom Transport Australia, CRRC Co and MTR Corporation, Hyundai Rotem Company and UGL Engineering, and a group of four Siemens subsidiaries had been shortlisted for the delivery of the Trains and Systems Package. Sydney Metro further confirmed that it will no longer proceed with the Sydney Metro West Partnership Model. Sydney Metro has also announced it will commence a process to investigate merging the Line Wide Systems package and Operations and Maintenance packages into a single contract. No further details have been released as to how this will impact shortlisted bidders.
Procurement approach
Other |
New South Wales |
Project pages
Sydney Metro West
Major Contract

Sydney Metro - Western Sydney Airport - Stage Two

Detailed Planning
Sydney Metro - Western Sydney Airport - Stage Two

The proposed Sydney Metro - Western Sydney Airport (WSA) - Stage Two project would see the WSA metro line extended from the end of first stage at Bradfield to Glenfield via Leppington.

Key Dates

Mar 2022 Project Announcement

Funding contributions

Federal Government

The 2022-23 Federal Budget allocated $78 million toward developing a business case for the project.


Mar 2022 The 2022-23 Federal Budget allocated $78 million toward developing a business case for the project.
May 2022 Infrastructure NSW's 2022 State Infrastructure Strategy recommended the project be re-sequenced to avoid delivery risks caused by complexity and a shortage of skilled labour. The NSW Government will assess the strategy's recommendations before making a decision on their implementation.
Procurement approach
Unconfirmed |
New South Wales |
Infrastructure agency resources
Infrastructure NSW - re-sequencing recommendation
Project pages
Federal Government
Major Contract

Sydney Metro – West – Tunnel and Excavation – Western Package

Sydney Metro – West – Tunnel and Excavation – Western Package

Sydney Metro West will deliver a new direct, 24 kilometre underground rail connection between the CBDs of Parramatta and Sydney.

Initially, tunnelling work comprised of two components:

  • Tunnelling West (Westmead to The Bays Precinct), and
  • Tunnelling East (The Bays Precinct to Sydney CBD).

The Tunnelling West package has since been split into two:

  • Western Package (Westmead to Sydney Olympic Park), and
  • Central Package (Sydney Olympic Park to The Bays Precinct).

The scope for Western Package includes excavation and construction of nine kilometres of twin tunnels between Westmead and Sydney Olympic Park.

Key Dates

Oct 2019 EOIs Open
Dec 2021 Expected Contract Award
Mar 2022 Contract Award
Jan 2023 Expected Construction Commencement
Dec 2025 Expected Construction Completion


Procuring Agency: Sydney Metro
Shortlist: John Holland, CPB Contractors and Ghella Australia Joint Venture, Gamuda and Laing O'Rourke Australia Joint Venture, and Acciona Australia and Ferrovial Australia Joint Venture
Successful Tenderer: Gamuda and Laing O'Rourke Australia Joint Venture
Procurement note:

The three shortlisted consortia first bid for the Central Tunnelling Package. As Acciona and Ferrovial Joint Venture was awarded this contract, the remaining two tenderers are now expected to bid for the Western Tunnelling Package. The successful JV for the Central Tunnelling Package will not be eligible for consideration in the Western Tunnelling Package.


2017 An initial round of community engagement took place to build awareness of Sydney Metro – West and obtain market information to shape its scope, and ensure the desired transport and land-use outcomes are met.
Apr 2018 Initial delivery strategy for Sydney Metro – West was released for consultation. The strategy comprised several packages, including two tunnelling packages: Westmead to The Bays Precinct and The Bays Precinct to Sydney CBD.
Jun 2018 Turner & Townsend appointed by TfNSW as the Managed Service Provider (MSP) for the Sydney Metro City & Southwest and the Sydney Metro West final business case. Turner & Townsend will work on the final business case with HKA and Crossrail International.
Dec 2018 Sydney Metro released the base case delivery strategy, which revised the scope of the two tunnel contracts to make their size more equal.
Oct 2019 Initial procurement on Western and Central Tunnelling packages (previously known as Tunnelling and Excavation West) began, with registration process to tender closing on 4 November 2019.
Apr 2020 Expressions of Interest opened for the joint procurement of the Central and Western tunnelling packages.
Aug 2020 The NSW Government shortlisted three consortia for the Central and Western contracts. The three shortlisted consortia will first bid for the Central Tunnelling Package. The remaining tenderers will then bid for the Western Tunnelling Package. The successful tenderer for the Central Tunnelling Package will not be eligible for consideration in the Western Tunnelling Package.
Oct 2020 The NSW Government confirmed that tunnelling and excavation work on Sydney Metro – West has been restructured into three packages at the Transport Infrastructure Pipeline 2025 industry briefing.
Mar 2021 The NSW Government granted planning approvals for station excavation and tunnelling between Westmead to The Bays which incorporates the Western Package.
Jul 2021 As Sydney Metro awarded the Central Tunnelling Package to Acciona and Ferrovial Joint Venture, the remaining two tenderers – John Holland, CPB Contractors and Ghella Australia Joint Venture and Gamuda and Laing O’Rourke Joint Venture – are now expected to bid for the Western Tunnelling Package, due for award by late 2021. The successful JV for the Central Tunnelling Package would not be eligible for consideration in the Western Tunnelling Package.
Mar 2022 A Gamuda and Laing O'Rourke Australia Joint Venture were awarded the contract.
Estimated Total Cost
Procurement approach
Traditional Procurement |
New South Wales |
Tender notices
Major Contract

Sydney Metro – Western Sydney Airport – Advanced and Enabling Works

Under Procurement
Sydney Metro – Western Sydney Airport –  Advanced and Enabling Works

Formerly known as Sydney Metro Greater West, the Western Sydney Airport Line will see a new metro rail line run from St Marys on the existing T1 heavy rail line to the Western Sydney Aerotropolis near Bringelly, via Western Sydney Airport (WSA).

The Western Sydney Airport line's Advanced and Enabling Works packages would involve contracts that will facilitate the tunnelling, stations, and alignment work and will be awarded separately.

The construction power, construction water and stormwater diversions package comprises:

  • power supply for Tunnel Boring Machines (TBMs) from Claremont Meadows Substation to Orchard Hills Intermediate Services Facility
  • power supply for TBMs from Kemps Creek Substation to the Western Sydney Airport site
  • construction power supply for St Marys, Airport Business Park, Southern Intermediate Service Facility and Aerotropolis
  • construction water supply for Airport Business Park and Aerotropolis
  • stormwater diversion at St Marys
  • concurrent work site management, and
  • utility diversions as needed.

Key Dates

May 2021 EOIs Open
Sep 2021 Expected Contract Award
Oct 2021 Expected Construction Commencement
Dec 2022 Expected Construction Completion


Procuring Agency: Sydney Metro
Procurement note:

Sydney Metro has indicated that a mixture of delivery types are expected to be employed for Advanced and Enabling Works (AEW).


Jun 2020 A scoping report was released, to support the application to the NSW Minister for Planning and Public Spaces seeking the Secretary’s Environmental Assessment Requirements for the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Western Sydney Airport Line.
Jul 2020 The NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment issued the Secretary’s Environmental Assessment Requirements (SEARs) for the Western Sydney Airport component of Sydney Metro. The EIS will now be prepared. The Federal Government also announced that Federal planning approvals for the project will be fast-tracked under a bilateral model between the Federal and State Governments, with the aim of reducing the approval times by up to 50 percent from an average of 3.5 years to 21 months.
Oct 2020 The Environmental Impact Statement for Western Sydney Airport Line was opened for public consultation, closing on 2 December 2020.
Nov 2020 The NSW Government commenced the procurement processes for Geotechnical Investigations Services and also Integration and Delivery Partner Services for the Sydney Metro – Western Sydney Airport project. Both Requests for Tender (RFT) close 23 December 2020.
Dec 2020 Sydney Metro issued a tender notice advising an upcoming invitation for Registrations of Interest (ROI) for installation and commissioning of construction power, construction water and storm water diversions for the Sydney Metro Western Sydney Airport project. Sydney Metro expected to release the ROI in late February 2021.
May 2021 Sydney Metro issued an open tender for installation and commissioning of construction power as part of Advanced and Enabling Works package for the Sydney Metro Western Sydney Airport project. Tenders close on 16 June 2021.
Jul 2021 The NSW Government granted planning approval for the Sydney Metro - Western Sydney Airport Line.
Procurement approach
Traditional Procurement |
New South Wales | National |
Tender notices
Project pages
Western Sydney Airport
Major Contract

Sydney Metro – West – Tunnel and Excavation – Central Package

Under Delivery
Sydney Metro – West – Tunnel and Excavation – Central Package

Sydney Metro West will deliver a new direct, 24 kilometre underground rail connection between the CBDs of Parramatta and Sydney.

Initially, tunnelling work comprised of two components:

  • Tunnelling West (Westmead to The Bays Precinct), and
  • Tunnelling East (The Bays Precinct to Sydney CBD).

The Tunnelling West package has since been split into two:

  • Western Package (Westmead to Sydney Olympic Park), and
  • Central Package (Sydney Olympic Park to The Bays Precinct).

The scope for Central Package includes excavation and construction of 11 kilometres of twin tunnels between Sydney Olympic Park and the future station in The Bays Precinct. This comprises the delivery of:

  • twin 11 kilometres of tunnels using two double-shield, hard rock TBMs
  • a TBM launch site at The Bays Station and a retrieval site at Sydney Olympic Park Station
  • excavation and civil works for five new stations at The Bays, Five Dock, Burwood North, North Strathfield and Sydney Olympic Park
  • a crossover cavern at Burwood North and at Eastern Creek
  • over 70,000 concrete segments to line the twin tunnels, and
  • two access shafts at Burwood North and The Bays.

Key Dates

Oct 2019 EOIs Open
Aug 2020 RFP Open
Jul 2021 Contract Award
Oct 2021 Expected Construction Commencement
Oct 2022 Construction Commencement
Mar 2025 Expected Construction Completion


Procuring Agency: Sydney Metro
Shortlist: John Holland, CPB Contractors and Ghella Australia Joint Venture, Gamuda and Laing O'Rourke Joint Venture, and Acciona and Ferrovial Joint Venture
Successful Tenderer: Acciona and Ferrovial Joint Venture
Procurement note:

The remaining two tenderers John Holland, CPB Contractors and Ghella Australia Joint Venture (JHCPBG JV) and Gamuda and Laing O’Rourke Joint Venture (GALC JV) is expected to bid for the Western Tunnelling Package. The successful tenderer for the Central Tunnelling Package will not be eligible for consideration in the Western Tunnelling Package.


2017 An initial round of community engagement took place to build awareness of Sydney Metro – West and obtain market information to shape its scope, and ensure the desired transport and land-use outcomes are met.
Apr 2018 Initial delivery strategy for Sydney Metro – West was released for consultation. The strategy comprised several packages, including two tunnelling packages: Westmead to The Bays Precinct and The Bays Precinct to Sydney CBD.
Jun 2018 Turner & Townsend was appointed by TfNSW as the Managed Service Provider (MSP) for the Sydney Metro City & Southwest and the Sydney Metro West final business case. Turner & Townsend will work on the final business case with HKA and Crossrail International.
Dec 2018 Sydney Metro released the base case delivery strategy, which revised the scope of the two tunnel contracts to make their size more equal.
Oct 2019 Initial procurement on Western and Central Tunnelling packages (previously known as Tunnelling and Excavation West) began, with registration process to tender closing on 4 November 2019.
Apr 2020 Expressions of Interest opened for the joint procurement of Central and Western tunnelling packages.
Aug 2020 The NSW Government shortlisted three consortia for the Central and Western contracts. The three shortlisted consortia will first bid for the Central Tunnelling Package. The remaining tenderers will then bid for the Western Tunnelling Package. The successful tenderer for the Central Tunnelling Package will not be eligible for consideration in the Western Tunnelling Package.
Oct 2020 The NSW Government confirmed that tunnelling and excavation work on Sydney Metro – West has been restructured into three packages at the Transport Infrastructure Pipeline 2025 industry briefing.
Jul 2021 Sydney Metro awarded the Central Tunnelling Package to Acciona and Ferrovial Joint Venture. Construction was expected to complete by 2025. The remaining two tenderers – John Holland, CPB Contractors and Ghella Australia Joint Venture and Gamuda and Laing O’Rourke Joint Venture – would bid for the Western Tunnelling Package, due for award by late 2021. The successful JV for the Central Tunnelling Package would not be eligible for consideration in the Western Tunnelling Package.
Oct 2022 Excavation of the Station Box at Sydney Olympic Station signals the commencement of major drilling works.
Estimated Total Cost
Procurement approach
Traditional Procurement |
New South Wales |
Tender notices
Major Contract

Sydney Metro – West – Hunter Street Station and Precinct

Under Procurement
Sydney Metro – West – Hunter Street Station and Precinct

A new metro station in Hunter Street will be constructed as one of nine new stations for Sydney Metro West.

The new Hunter Street Station and Precinct will be accessible from George, Bligh and O’Connell Streets in the Sydney CBD and include:

  • an underground station
  • underground connections to Wynyard, Martin Place and Barangaroo stations, and
  • two over station developments (OSD) buildings over the east and west station entries.

The station will also provide connections with heavy rail services at Wynyard Station and the Sydney Metro – City and Southwest Line at Martin Place Station. 

Along with Parramatta, Sydney Olympic Park, The Bays, and Pyrmont stations, the Hunter Street metro station will be delivered as an Integrated Station Development (ISD) through a Development Partner Model. The overstation development will include commercial, retail and residential space.

Key Dates

Dec 2019 Initial Packaging Announced
Oct 2020 Revised Packaging Announced
Feb 2022 ROIs Open
Mar 2022 ROIs Close
Apr 2022 RFT Stage One Open
Jun 2022 RFT Stage One Close
Nov 2022 RFT Stage Two Open
Jun 2024 RFT Stage Two Close
Nov 2024 Expected Contract Award
2025 Expected Construction Commencement
Jun 2028 Expected Construction Completion


Procuring Agency: Sydney Metro
Shortlist: The Brookfield Consortium - comprising Brookfield Properties, Brookfield Property Partners, Brookfield Properties and Brookfield Asset Management; and The Metropolis Consortium - comprising Hemmes Hermitage, Hemmes Trading, Mirvac Office Developments, Telado, CFT No. 8, Lendlease Development, and Lendlease Building)
Procurement note:

The Hunter Street Station and Preceinct ISD will be delivered under a Development Partner Model for the station, precinct, and over station developments.

The Precinct Development Partner model comprises the following components: 

  • Station: Construction of the Station and OSD enabling works up to the transfer level of the OSD
  • East OSD: Delivery of an OSD building above the Station entrance on Bligh and O’Connell Streets
  • East Additional Land: Organisations will be invited to bring additional land that may change the design of the precincts
  • West OSD: Delivery of an OSD building above the Station entrance on George and Hunter Streets
  • West Additional Land: Organisations will be invited to bring additional land that may change the design of the precincts, and
  • Integration Role: Coordination, management, integration and financing of contracts to deliver the Station, OSDs, and potential developments on additional land.

Interested parties will be able to bid on any combination of the contract’s components.

Related contracts:
Sydney Metro West – Transaction Management
Successful Tenderer - KPMG and IAG


Apr 2018 The NSW Government held an industry briefing. Project development and stakeholder engagement strategies were announced.
Dec 2018 Second industry briefing held, outlining base case delivery and packaging strategy.
Oct 2020 During a Transport for NSW major projects industry briefing, Sydney Metro announced restructured project packaging for Sydney Metro West. Four stops, including a station in Sydney CBD, were confirmed as Integrated Station Developments (ISD).
Feb 2021 The NSW Government opened Registrations of Interest (ROIs) for the Hunter Street Station and Precinct, closing on 4 March, and announced the project will be delivered through a Development Partner Model. The Precinct Development Partner role comprises the delivery of an underground station, two over station developments and underground walkways connecting Wynyard, Martin Place and Barangaroo. The NSW Government also announced additional detail on procurement timeframes in an Industry Briefing, with two Request for Tender processes to occur.
May 2021 The NSW Government confirmed the location of a new station in the Sydney CBD. A new Hunter Street Station will be accessible from George, Bligh and O’Connell Streets in the Sydney CBD. The station will also provide connections with heavy rail services at Wynyard Station and the Sydney Metro – City and Southwest Line at Martin Place Station.
May 2021 Sydney Metro requested the SEARs for the section of the project between the Bays Precinct and the Sydney CBD, and confirmed provisions will be sought for an Integrated Station Development for Hunter Street Station.
Jun 2021 Sydney Metro requested Secretary’s Environmental Assessment Requirements (SEARs) for the next phase of approvals for the Sydney Metro – West project. The accompanying scoping report outlined the indicative construction period for Hunter Street Station from fourth quarter of 2025 to second quarter of 2028.
Jul 2021 The NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment issued Secretary’s Environmental Assessment Requirements (SEARs) for the major civil construction between The Bays and Sydney CBD.
Feb 2022 The NSW Government opened Registrations of Interest (ROIs) for the Hunter Street Station and Precinct, closing on 4 March. It also announced the project will be delivered through a Development Partner Model.
Sep 2022 The proposed designs for two entrances to the Hunter Street Station were released.
Nov 2022 The project's shortlist was announced.
Major Contract

Sydney Metro – West – Tunnel and Excavation – Eastern Package

Sydney Metro – West – Tunnel and Excavation – Eastern Package

Sydney Metro West will deliver a new direct, 24 kilometre underground rail connection between the CBDs of Parramatta and Sydney.

Tunnelling work along the line is to be delivered under three packages:

  • Western Package (Westmead to Sydney Olympic Park)
  • Central Package (Sydney Olympic Park to The Bays Precinct), and
  • Eastern Package (The Bays Precinct to Sydney CBD).

Subject to planning approvals, the scope of Metro West – Eastern Tunnelling Package comprises:

  • 3.5 kilometres of twin metro tunnels between future stations at The Bays and Hunter Street in Sydney CBD
  • excavation of caverns and shafts, at The Bays, Pyrmont, and Hunter Street Stations
  • turnback tunnels to the east of the Hunter Street Station
  • demolition works of existing structures at Pyrmont and Hunter Street sites
  • cast in situ linings for all mined station caverns, and
  • ancillary works including utility services and minor road works.

Key Dates

Sep 2021 ROIs Open
Oct 2021 EOIs Open
Nov 2022 Contract Award
Mar 2023 Expected Construction Commencement
Dec 2025 Expected Construction Completion


Procuring Agency: Sydney Metro
Shortlist: An ACCIONA and Ferrovial Joint Venture; a Bouygues, Vinci Construction Grands Projets, and Soletanche Bachy Joint Venture; and a John Holland, CPB Contractors, and Ghella Joint Venture.
Successful Tenderer: John Holland, CPB Contractors, and Ghella Joint Venture
Related contracts:
Independent Estimator
Successful Tenderer - E3 Advisory


2017 An initial round of community engagement took place to build awareness of Sydney Metro – West and obtain market information to shape its scope, and ensure the desired transport and land-use outcomes are met.
Apr 2018 Initial delivery strategy for Sydney Metro – West was released for consultation. The strategy comprised several packages, including two tunnelling packages: Westmead to The Bays Precinct and The Bays Precinct to Sydney CBD.
Jun 2018 Turner & Townsend was appointed by TfNSW as the Managed Service Provider (MSP) for the Sydney Metro City & Southwest and the Sydney Metro West final business case. Turner & Townsend will work on the final business case with HKA and Crossrail International.
Dec 2018 Sydney Metro released the base case delivery strategy, which revised the scope of the two tunnel contracts to make their size more equal.
Oct 2020 The NSW Government confirmed that tunnelling and excavation work on Sydney Metro – West has been restructured into three packages at the Transport Infrastructure Pipeline 2025 industry briefing.
Jul 2021 The NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment issued Secretary’s Environmental Assessment Requirements (SEARs) for the major civil construction between The Bays and Sydney CBD.
Sep 2021 Sydney Metro called for Registrations of Interest (ROIs) for the contract, and announced the risk allocation and the commercial model will be formulated through an interactive process following the ROIs. Pre-qualified registrants from the ROI process would progress to the Expression of Interest (EOI) process – expected to begin in late October – with shortlisting of bidders expected in early 2022. Contract award, following the detailed bid phase, is expected by the end of 2022.
Feb 2022 Sydney Metro announced the shortlist for the project.
Sep 2022 Planning approval was granted for Sydney Metro to deliver the Eastern Package's planned twin tunnel for the Eastern Package of the project.
Sep 2022 Sydney Metro released a Request for Tender for Independent Estimator Services, closing on 10 October.
Nov 2022 Sydney Metro awarded the contract to a John Holland, CPB Contractors and Ghella Joint Venture.
Feb 2023 E3 Advisory was appointed as the Independent Estimator for the project.
Estimated Total Cost
Procurement approach
Traditional Procurement |
New South Wales |
Tender notices
Major Contract

Sydney Metro – City and Southwest – Crows Nest Station

Under Delivery
Sydney Metro – City and Southwest – Crows Nest Station

New stations at Crows Nest, Victoria Cross, Pitt Street, Martin Place and Waterloo on Sydney Metro – City and Southwest involve Integrated Station Developments (ISDs). An ISD allows for construction of new metro stations to be integrated with an over station building or development.

The Crows Nest ISD is located on the western fringe of the Crows Nest village, between the Pacific Highway, Clarke Lane and Oxley Street, with the station platform sitting approximately 25 metres below ground.

The work comprises:

  • station entrances on Pacific Highway and Clarke Street 
  • retail spaces next to the station entry and along Pacific Highway 
  • pedestrian crossings on Clarke and Hume Streets
  • bike parking on Hume Street, Pacific Highway, Clarke Street and Oxley Street
  • Hume Street bi-directional separated cycle link from Clarke Street to Nicholson Street
  • upgrades to Hume Street intersection
  • improved pedestrian crossings at intersections of Oxley Street, Pacific Highway, Hume Street and Clarke Street
  • public domain works, and
  • kiss-and-ride and taxi bays.

NSW Government has separated the construction of the new station from the over station development in order to advance the station construction to meet 2024 deadline for Sydney Metro – City and Southwest line opening.

Key Dates

Aug 2018 EOIs Open
Oct 2020 Contract Award
2021 Expected Construction Commencement
Dec 2022 Contract Award: Over Station Development
2023 Expected Construction Completion


Procuring Agency: Sydney Metro
Shortlist: Three shortlisted bidders for construct-only contract for the station delivery were AW Edwards, CPB Contractors, and Laing O’Rourke.
Successful Tenderer: Main Works: AW Edwards Over Station Works: Thirdi Group
Procurement note:

AW Edwards is the successful tenderer to deliver the station and enabling works for the future over station development. Thirdi Group have been selected as over-station developers for the site.


Jan 2017 Sydney Metro received planning approval for Crows Nest Station.
Aug 2018 Sydney Metro called for Expressions of Interest (EOIs) for Crows Nest Station in August 2018, with EOIs due by 5 October.
Nov 2018 A Request for Tender (RFT) for design and technical services was issued, with the successful tenderer to deliver the detailed design for the station.
Dec 2019 Three proponents were shortlisted to move to Request for Tender (RFT) stage for a construct only contract for the station. The shortlisted proponents were AW Edwards, CPB Contractors, and Laing O'Rourke.
Sep 2020 The amended concept proposal for the over station development was on public exhibition from 9 September to 6 October. The amended proposal involved development at three sites, known as Sites A, B and C, for a mix of residential and commercial uses.
Oct 2020 AW Edwards was awarded a $370 million construct-only contract to deliver the station and enabling works for the future over station development. A delivery partner for the future over station developments above Crows Nest Station is to be selected through a separate tender process.
Dec 2020 The NSW Minister for Planning and Public Spaces approved the concept proposal for over station development. Detailed design, construction or any other physical work will be subject to a separate detailed State Significant Development (SSD) approval process.
Dec 2022 Sydney Metro awarded a contract for the Integrated Station Development above the Crows Nest Station to Thirdi Group, as part of the Sydney Metro – City and South West – Crows Nest Station. The contract includes a 17-storey residential building above the station and a 21-storey commercial office building on the corner.
Estimated Total Cost
Procurement approach
Traditional Procurement |
New South Wales |
Tender notices
Major Contract

Sydney Metro - City and Southwest - Pitt Street Station

Under Delivery
Sydney Metro - City and Southwest - Pitt Street Station

The Sydney Metro City & Southwest project will see a new 30-kilometre metro line extending from Chatswood, under Sydney Harbour, through new CBD stations and southwest to Bankstown.

The City & Southwest line will see new stations constructed at Crows Nest, Victoria Cross, Pitt Street, Martin Place and Waterloo. The stations will be delivered as integrated station developments (ISD), allowing for over-station developments.

The Pitt Street Station will sit approximately 17 to 20 metres below ground. The works will include:

  • new bike parking on Park and Bathurst streets
  • wayfinding signage and metro information to be provided, and 
  • upgrades to pedestrian infrastructure around the station to be refined in consultation with Transport for NSW and City of Sydney Council.

The overstation development works include:

  • a new commercial building with a maximum height of 39 storeys (RL 176.8m)
  • pedestrian entrances to the over station development (OSD) from located Pitt Street and Castlereagh Street
  • commercial lobby and amenities including end of trip facilities
  • retail tenancies
  • 40 car parking spaces, and 
  • shared vehicle loading and service facilities.


Key Dates

May 2018 EOIs Open
Jun 2018 EOIs Close
Sep 2019 Contract Award
Jan 2021 Construction Commencement
2024 Expected Operations/Service Commencement
Dec 2024 Expected Construction Completion


Procuring Agency: Sydney Metro
Shortlist: Lendlease, Brookfield Properties, and a consortium comprising Oxford Properties, CPB Contractors and Grocon.
Successful Tenderer: Consortium comprising Oxford Properties, CPB Contractors and Grocon.


2017 Planning approval was granted for the proposed station.
May 2018 The NSW Government called for Expressions of Interest for the project, closing on 25 June.
Jun 2018 The NSW Government shortlisted three bidders for the project, including Grocon, Lendlease, and Brookfield Properties Australia.
Jul 2019 The NSW Government granted approval for Stage One of the over-station development.
Aug 2019 The Environmental Impact Statements for the two towers were lodged and placed on public exhibition, closing on 12 September.
Sep 2019 The contract was awarded to a consortium comprising CPB Contractors, Grocon and Oxford Properties. The consortium will pay the NSW Government $369 million for air rights to develop the buildings over the station.
Jan 2021 Major works commenced.
Feb 2021 Final approvals were granted for Stage Two of the over-station development.
Estimated Total Cost
Procurement approach
Traditional Procurement |
New South Wales |
Tender notices
Major Contract

Sydney Metro - City and Southwest - Victoria Cross Station

Under Delivery
Sydney Metro - City and Southwest - Victoria Cross Station

The Sydney Metro City & Southwest project will see a new 30-kilometre metro line extending from Chatswood, under Sydney Harbour, through new CBD stations and southwest to Bankstown.

The City & Southwest line will see new stations constructed at Crows Nest, Victoria Cross, Pitt Street, Martin Place and Waterloo. The stations will be delivered as integrated station developments (ISD), allowing for over-station developments.

The Victoria Cross ISD, on the corner of Miller and Berry Streets, North Sydney, is proposed to comprise a 40-storey commercial building over a metro station which will sit approximately 31 metres below ground. 

The Victoria Cross ISD will include:

  • two station entrances including a northern entrance opening to Miller and McLaren streets, and a southern entrance with pedestrian access to Miller and Denison streets
  • a commercial building above the station’s southern entrance
  • station concourse and platforms beneath Miller Street
  • a commercial and retail hub, and
  • upgraded pedestrian infrastructure around the station, including new bike parking at the northern entrance, and new kiss and ride bays on McLaren Street opposite the northern entrance.

Key Dates

Nov 2017 EOIs Open
Dec 2017 EOIs Close
Mar 2018 Shortlisted Bidders Announced
Dec 2018 Contract Award
Jan 2021 Construction Commencement
2024 Expected Construction Completion


Procuring Agency: Sydney Metro
Shortlist: Lendlease; John Holland and Charter Hall Joint Venture; and Dexus Funds Management
Successful Tenderer: Lendlease


Nov 2017 The NSW Government called for Expressions of Interest for the project, closing on 20 December.
Mar 2018 The NSW Government shortlisted three bidders for the project, including Lendlease, a John Holland and Charter Hall Joint Venture, and Dexus Funds Management.
May 2018 Transport for NSW released the concept State Significant Development Application and Environmental Impact Statement on exhibition, closing on the 22 June.
Dec 2018 Lendlease was awarded the contract for the delivery of the ISD.
Nov 2019 The NSW Government released the detailed design and construction plan for public feedback, closing on 28 November.
Jan 2021 Major works commenced on the project, with completion expected in 2024.
Estimated Total Cost
Procurement approach
Traditional Procurement |
New South Wales |
Tender notices
Major Contract

Sydney Metro - City and Southwest - Waterloo Station

Under Delivery
Sydney Metro - City and Southwest - Waterloo Station

The Sydney Metro City & Southwest project will see a new 30-kilometre metro line extending from Chatswood, under Sydney Harbour, through new CBD stations and southwest to Bankstown.

The City & Southwest line will see new stations constructed at Crows Nest, Victoria Cross, Pitt Street, Martin Place and Waterloo. The stations will be delivered as integrated station developments (ISD), allowing for over-station developments.

Waterloo Station and Metro Quarter will be bounded by Botany Road, Cope Street, Raglan Street and Wellington Street in Waterloo. Beyond the metro station, the Metro Quarter was expected to comprise approximately:

  • 700 residential units with 20 per cent social and affordable housing
  • 9,000 metres squared of commercial space
  • 4,000 metres squared of ground level retail space, and
  • a new community facility.

Key Dates

Jul 2018 EOIs Open
Aug 2018 EOIs Close
Nov 2018 Shortlisted Bidders Announced
Dec 2019 Contract Award
Aug 2020 Construction Commencement
May 2024 Construction Completion - Waterloo Station
2024 Expected Operations/Service Commencement
2025 Expected Construction Completion - Waterloo Metro Quarter


Procuring Agency: Sydney Metro
Shortlist: John Holland and Aqualand
Successful Tenderer: John Holland and Mirvac


Apr 2018 While initially being a station construction-only contract, Transport for NSW announced that Waterloo Station would also be built through an ISD package. UrbanGrowth NSW's proposed Waterloo Metro Quarter will, therefore, be integrated into the Waterloo Station works.
Jul 2018 The NSW Government called for Expressions of Interest, closing on 31 August.
Nov 2018 The concept State Significant Development application and Environmental Impact Statement were released for public consultation, closing on 30 January 2019.
Nov 2018 The NSW Government shortlisted two bidders for the Integrated Station Development, including John Holland and Aqualand.
Jan 2019 The NSW Government released the preferred masterplan for the Waterloo Redevelopment Precinct, which comprises the Waterloo social housing estate, Waterloo Station and Metro Quarter.
Dec 2019 The NSW Government awarded a John Holland and Mirvac Joint Venture a $299 million contract for the Waterloo ISD. As part of the agreement, the NSW Government will receive $106 million from the joint venture for the air rights to develop the site.
Oct 2020 Construction commenced on the project.
May 2024 The NSW Government announced the new Waterloo Station has reached construction completion. The Station is expected to commence operations in late-2024, following approval from the Office of the National Rail Safety Regulator, the handover of the line and all stations to the operator, and trials.
Estimated Total Cost
Procurement approach
Traditional Procurement |
New South Wales |
Project website
Waterloo ISD
Major Contract

Sydney Metro – West – Sydney Olympic Park Station

Under Procurement
Sydney Metro – West – Sydney Olympic Park Station

The proposed Sydney Olympic Park metro station would be located south of the existing Olympic Park Station. The station would sit to the east of Olympic Boulevard with the main station entrances between Herb Elliott Avenue and Figtree Drive, and off Dawn Fraser Avenue. The station would provide interchange with the planned Parramatta Light Rail, the T7 Olympic Park Line and buses.

Along with Parramatta, The Bays Precinct, Pyrmont and Hunter Street stops on the proposed Sydney Metro West line, the Sydney Olympic Park metro station will be delivered as an Integrated Station Development (ISD). The overstation development will include commercial, retail and residential space.

Key Dates

Dec 2018 Initial Packaging Announced
Oct 2020 Revised Packaging Announced
Apr 2022 EOIs Open
Nov 2022 ROIs Open - Sydney Metro West Partnership
Nov 2022 ROIs Close - Sydney Metro West Partnership
Jan 2023 Expected Pre-qualification Process Commencement
Sep 2023 Expected Contract Award
Dec 2024 Expected Construction Commencement
Dec 2027 Expected Construction Completion


Procuring Agency: Sydney Metro
Related contracts:
Sydney Metro West – Transaction Management
Successful Tenderer - KPMG and IAG


Apr 2018 The NSW Government held an industry briefing. Project development and stakeholder engagement strategies were announced.
May 2018 Geotechnical Investigation began in Rod Laver Drive in Sydney Olympic Park.
Dec 2018 Second industry briefing held, outlining base case delivery and packaging strategy.
Oct 2020 During a Transport for NSW major projects industry briefing, Sydney Metro announced restructured project packaging for Sydney Metro West. Four stops, including Sydney Olympic Park, were confirmed as Integrated Station Developments (ISD).
Jun 2021 Sydney Metro requested Secretary’s Environmental Assessment Requirements (SEARs) for the next phase of approvals for the Sydney Metro – West project. The accompanying scoping report outlined the indicative construction period for the Sydney Olympic Park Station from fourth quarter of 2024 to fourth quarter of 2027.
Oct 2022 Excavation of the Station Box commenced
Nov 2022 Sydney Metro hosted an industry briefing in which it called for ROIs for the remainder of the Sydney Metro - West packages. Sydney Metro announced they would procure the remaining packages through a Sydney Metro West Partnership model, with ROIs closing on 25 November.
Dec 2023 Sydney Metro announced that it would no longer be proceeding with the Sydney Metro West Partnership Model.
Jun 2024 Sydney Metro announced Registrations of Interest had opened for the Integrated Station Development (ISD) for Sydney Olympic Park Metro Station, closing 12 July. The ISD package includes provision for three new buildings above and adjacent to the new metro station, with a mix of new homes, commercial offices, retail, hospitality and public spaces. Construction was expected to commence in 2027.
Major Contract

Sydney Metro – West – Pyrmont Station

Under Procurement
Sydney Metro – West – Pyrmont Station

The NSW Government has confirmed it would build a new metro railway station at Pyrmont as part of the Sydney Metro West project.

The new Pyrmont Station will be located between Pyrmont Bridge Road and Union Street, with station entrances proposed for each road. A scoping report submitted for major civil construction work between The Bays and Sydney CBD indicates the Pyrmont Station will be delivered as an Integrated Station Development (ISD).

The NSW Government is set to apply a value share contribution mechanism to the Pyrmont Peninsula once the project opens. In addition, a one-off Transport Special Infrastructure Contribution is to be placed on certain new developments in the Pyrmont Peninsula before the station opens. The procurement structure of this station has not been announced yet.

Key Dates

Dec 2020 Project Announcement
Jan 2023 Expected Pre-qualification Process Commencement
Jun 2024 ROIs Open
Jul 2024 ROIs Close
Dec 2025 Expected Construction Commencement
Jun 2028 Expected Construction Completion


Procuring Agency: Sydney Metro


Dec 2020 The NSW Government confirmed it will build a new metro railway station at Pyrmont.
May 2021 Sydney Metro requested Secretary's Environmental Assessment Requirements (SEARs) for major construction works for the section between The Bays Precinct and Sydney CBD. The accompanying Scoping Report indicated that provisions for an Integrated Station Development (ISDs) will be sought for the Station.
May 2021 The NSW Government confirmed the location of new Pyrmont Station. The station will be located near Pyrmont Bridge and will have entrances on Pyrmont Bridge Road and Union Street.
Jun 2021 Sydney Metro requested Secretary’s Environmental Assessment Requirements (SEARs) for the next phase of approvals for Sydney Metro – West project. The accompanying scoping report outlined the indicative construction period for Pyrmont Station from fourth quarter of 2025 to second quarter of 2028.
Jul 2021 The NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment issued Secretary’s Environmental Assessment Requirements (SEARs) for the major civil construction between The Bays and Sydney CBD.
Oct 2022 The NSW Department of Environment and Planning published Sydney Metro's Request for the Secretary's Environmental Assessment Requirements and Scoping Report for the project.
Nov 2022 Sydney Metro hosted an industry briefing in which it called for ROIs for the remainder of the Sydney Metro - West packages. Sydney Metro announced they would procure the remaining packages through a Sydney Metro West Partnership model, with ROIs closing on 25 November.
Nov 2022 The NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment Secretary's Environmental Assessment Requirements were issued for the preparation of the Environmental Impact Assessment of the project.
Dec 2023 Sydney Metro announced that it would no longer be proceeding with the Sydney Metro West Partnership Model.
Jun 2024 Sydney Metro announced Registrations of Interest had opened for the Integrated Station Development (ISD) for Pyrmont Metro Station, closing 12 July. The ISD package includes provision for one new building above the eastern entry to the station on Union Street, with a mix of new homes, commercial offices, retail, hospitality and public spaces. Construction was expected to commence in 2027.
Procurement approach
Other |
New South Wales |
Project website
Sydney Metro
Major Contract

Sydney Metro – West – Parramatta Station

Under Procurement
Sydney Metro – West – Parramatta Station

The proposed Parramatta Metro Station would be on the block bounded by George, Macquarie, Church and Smith streets. Located to the north of the existing heavy rail station, the new metro station would be within the commercial core of the Parramatta CBD.

Along with Sydney Olympic Park, The Bays Precinct and Sydney CBD stops on the proposed Sydney Metro West line, the Parramatta Metro Station will be delivered as an Integrated Station Development (ISD). The overstation development will include commercial, retail and residential space.

Key Dates

Dec 2018 Initial Packaging Announced
Oct 2020 Revised Packaging Announced
Jul 2022 EOIs Open
Nov 2022 ROIs Open - Sydney Metro West Partnership
Nov 2022 ROIs Close - Sydney Metro West Partnership
Jan 2023 Expected Pre-qualification Process Commencement
Jan 2024 Expected Contract Award
Jun 2025 Expected Construction Commencement
Sep 2027 Expected Construction Completion


Procuring Agency: Sydney Metro
Related contracts:
Sydney Metro West – Transaction Management
Successful Tenderer - KPMG and IAG


Mar 2018 Geotechnical Investigation began in Horwood Place, Parramatta.
Apr 2018 The NSW Government held an industry briefing. Project development and stakeholder engagement strategies were announced.
Dec 2018 Second industry briefing held, outlining base case delivery and packaging strategy.
Oct 2020 During Transport for NSW major projects industry briefing, Sydney Metro announced restructured project packaging for Sydney Metro West. Four stops, including Parramatta, were confirmed as Integrated Station Developments (ISD).
Jun 2021 Sydney Metro requested Secretary’s Environmental Assessment Requirements (SEARs) for the next phase of approvals for the Sydney Metro – West project. The accompanying scoping report outlined the indicative construction period for Parramatta Station from second quarter of 2025 to third quarter of 2027.
Nov 2022 Sydney Metro hosted an industry briefing in which it called for ROIs for the remainder of the Sydney Metro - West packages. Sydney Metro announced they would procure the remaining packages through a Sydney Metro West Partnership model, with ROIs closing on 25 November.
Dec 2023 Sydney Metro announced that it would no longer be proceeding with the Sydney Metro West Partnership Model.
Jun 2024 Sydney Metro announced Registrations of Interest had opened for the Integrated Station Development (ISD) for Parramatta Metro Station, closing 12 July. The ISD package includes provision for four new buildings above and adjacent to the new metro station, with a mix of new homes, commercial offices, retail, hospitality and public spaces. Construction was expected to commence in 2027.
Procurement approach
Possible PPP | Unconfirmed | Other |
New South Wales |
Project pages
Parramatta Station
Major Contract

Sydney Metro - City and Southwest - Line-wide works

Under Delivery
Sydney Metro - City and Southwest - Line-wide works

The Metro line-wide works package will include the design, construction, testing and commissioning of the line-wide rail systems. The package comprises:

  • laying of 15.5 kilometres of twin track in the tunnels between Chatswood and Sydenham;
  • tunnel services including ventilation, drainage, lighting and power supply
  • line-wide installation of station control systems, overhead line and traction supply and electrical sub-stations, and
  • construction of the Sydney Metro Trains Facility at Sydenham and associated stabling works.


Key Dates

2018 Construction Commencement
Nov 2018 Contract Award
Aug 2024 Expected Construction Completion


Procuring Agency: Sydney Metro
Shortlist: - LORJH Joint Venture, comprising Laing O'Rourke and John Holland; - Metconnect, comprising Downer EDI and RCR O'Donnell Griffin; and - Systems Connect, comprising UGL Engineering and CPB Contractors.
Successful Tenderer: Systems Connect, comprising UGL Engineering and CPB Contractors.


Nov 2017 Expressions of Interest (EOIs) opened for the delivery of the works.
Mar 2018 A shortlist of bidders was announced, including LORJH Joint Venture, comprising Laing O'Rourke and John Holland; Metconnect, comprising Downer EDI and RCR O'Donnell Griffin; and Systems Connect, comprising UGL Engineering and CPB Contractors.
Oct 2018 Construction commenced on the project with the start of tunneling.
Nov 2018 The main works contract was awarded to the Systems Connect Joint Venture, comprising UGL Engineering and CPB Contractors.
Apr 2023 The testing and commissioning program commenced on the project, with trains running between Chatswood and Sydenham. Passenger services are expected to commence in 2024.
Jul 2024 The NSW Government announced a target operation commencement date of 4 August for the Chatswood to Sydenham line.
Estimated Total Cost
Procurement approach
Traditional Procurement |
New South Wales |
Project website
CPB Contractors
Major Contract

Sydney Metro – City and South West – Sydenham to Bankstown

Under Delivery
Sydney Metro – City and South West – Sydenham to Bankstown

The Southwest Stations and Corridor package focuses on upgrading the existing Sydenham to Bankstown heavy rail corridor and existing stations to metro standards. 

The package includes upgrades and conversions of all 11 stations and line works and is covered by six packages of work. 

  • Sydnenham Station package: upgrade of Sydenham Station, to be delivered by a John Holland and Laing O'Rourke joint venture ($227 million) 
  • Dulwich Hill, Campsie, and Punchbowl station package: upgrade of three stations, to be delivered by Downer EDI ($107 million) 
  • Hurlstone Park, Belmore, and Wiley Park stations package: upgrade of three stations, to be delivered by Downer EDI ($98 million) 
  • Marrickville, Canterbury, and Lakemba stations package: upgrade of three stations, to be delivered by Haslin Constructions and Stephen Edwards ($97 million) 
  • Bankstown station package: delivery of a new Bankstown station, further line upgrades, and completion works for the all other stations excluding Sydenham (estiamted to be $248 million), and 
  • Sydenham to Bankstown line works package: upgrade of line between Sydenham and Bankstown, including 15 bridge upgrades ($227 million). 

This will integrate with the wider City and Southwest project - Chatswood to Bankstown. 

Key Dates

Feb 2020 Contract Award: Sydenham to Bankstown Corridor works
Dec 2020 Contract Award: Marrickville, Caterbury and Lakemba stations
Feb 2021 Contract Award: Hurlstone Park, Belmore and Wiley Park stations
Feb 2021 Contract Award: Dulwich Hill, Campsie and Punchbowl stations
May 2024 Contract Award: Bankstown station and 9 station conversion works
2026 Expected Construction Completion


Procuring Agency: Sydney Metro
Successful Tenderer: Sydenham Station, Bankstown Station, and Line Works: John Holland and Laing O’Rourke Dulwich Hill, Campsie, and Punchbowl station package, and Hurlstone Park, Belmore, and Wiley Park stations package: Downer EDI Marrickville, Canterbury, and Lakemba stations package: Haslin Constructions and Stephen Edwards
Procurement note:

John Holland and Laing O’Rourke were awarded the main works contract for corridor works. Station upgrades were awarded as three separate packages. John Holland and Laing O'Rourke were also awarded the Conversion and Station Works package which included the upgrade to Bankstown Station. 

Related contracts:
Mechanical Gap Fillers
Successful Tenderer - Hyundai Movex

Replacement Bus Provider
Successful Tenderer - Transit Systems


May 2017 The NSW Government originally intended to deliver the SSC works under a fixed price lump sum design and construct contract, and registrations for the Request for Tenders (RFT) closed in May 2017.
Sep 2017 The Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Sydenham to Bankstown section of Sydney Metro City & Southwest was released for public consultation in September 2017. Public consultation ended on 8 November.
Dec 2018 The Sydney to Bankstown section received planning approval from the NSW Government.
Dec 2018 In their December 2018 Industry briefing Sydney Metro indicated that the SSC contract would be delivered in a series of contracts instead of a single design and construct contract. Contracts are to be progressively awarded from 2019 onwards.
Dec 2020 The NSW Government awarded a joint venture of Haslin Constructions and Stephen Edwards Constructions the $97 million contract for Marrickville, Caterbury and Lakemba stations.
Feb 2021 A $227 million contract was awarded to John Holland and Laing O’Rourke to upgrade the Bankstown Line between Sydenham and Bankstown to metro rail standards. A seperate $98 million contract to upgrade Hurlstone Park, Belmore and Wiley Park stations was awarded to Downer EDI.
Feb 2021 A $107 million contract to upgrade Dulwich Hill, Campsie and Punchbowl stations was awarded to Downer EDI.
Jan 2023 Hyundai Movex was awarded the contract to design, supply, and install 150 mechanical gap fillers at stations being converted to metro standards along the Bankstown line.
Feb 2024 Transport for NSW awarded Transit Systems the contract for the Sydenham to Bankstown Temporary Transport Plan. The contract will see Transit Systems providing rail replacement buses while works are underway for the conversion to metro rerailway of the T3 Sydenham to Bankston line as part of Sydney Metro City & Southwest. Replacement buses are expected to be required for 12 months, starting between July and October.
May 2024 John Holland and Laing O'Rourke were awarded the Southwest Metro Conversion and Station Works Package which included the delivery of an upgraded Bankstown Station, completion works at the other nine stations already upgraded, and final line works.
Major Contract

Sydney Metro – West – Line Wide Systems

Under Procurement
Sydney Metro – West – Line Wide Systems

Sydney Metro West will deliver a new direct, 24-kilometre underground rail connection between the CBDs of Parramatta and Sydney. 

The alignment will include stops at:

  • Westmead
  • Parramatta
  • Sydney Olympic Park
  • North Strathfield
  • Burwood North
  • Five Dock
  • The Bays Precinct
  • Pyrmont, and
  • Sydney CBD.

The proposed package of works for Line Wide Systems package comprises

  • construction and commissioning of 24 kilometres of linewide infrastructure 
  • tunnel ventilation
  • power
  • lighting
  • drainage
  • fire systems, and
  • construction of a stabling, mainatenance and control centre at Clyde.

Key Dates

Nov 2022 ROIs Open - Sydney Metro West Partnership
Nov 2022 ROIs Close - Sydney Metro West Partnership
Jan 2023 Expected Pre-qualification Process Commencement
Jul 2024 Expected Contract Award
Jan 2025 Expected Construction Commencement
Jun 2030 Expected Construction Completion


Procuring Agency: Sydney Metro
Shortlist: CPB Contractors and UGL Engineering; John Holland
Related contracts:
Sydney Metro – West/Western Sydney Airport – Shadow Operator
Successful Tenderer - Ricardo and Seoul Metro

Sydney Metro West – Transaction Management
Successful Tenderer - KPMG and IAG

Systems Framework Package One
Successful Tenderer - Schindler

Systems Framework Package Two
Successful Tenderer - Honeywell


Apr 2018 The NSW Government held an industry briefing. Project development and stakeholder engagement strategies were announced.
Jun 2018 Turner & Townsend were appointed by Transport for NSW as the Managed Service Provider (MSP) for the Sydney Metro – City & Southwest and the Sydney Metro – West final business case development. Turner & Townsend will work on the final business case with HKA and Crossrail International.
Dec 2018 A follow-up industry briefing was held, outlining the base case delivery and packaging strategy. The NSW Government noted the Line Wide Works package (which included rolling stock and maintenance at the time) could potentially utilise private finance.
Oct 2020 During the Transport Infrastructure Pipeline 2025 industry briefing, Sydney Metro announced restructured project packaging for Sydney Metro – West. Sydney Metro noted that they will further assess combining Trains, Signalling, Maintenance and Operations (TSMo) package with Line Wide Systems into a single PPP package. Due to this, the procurement approach, and procurement time frame for the Line Wide Systems package was not confirmed.
Dec 2021 Transport for NSW opened Registrations of Interest (ROIs) for the Sydney Metro West's Systems Frameworks. The Systems Framework will be procured in two packages. Package One comprises the supply of lifts and escalators, while Package Two comprises the supply of building management control systems, CCTV, public address Systems, fire systems, passenger information display systems and access control systems. The Systems Frameworks contracts are outside the scope of the Line Wide Systems contract.
Nov 2022 Sydney Metro hosted an industry briefing in which it called for ROIs for the remainder of the Sydney Metro - West packages. Sydney Metro announced they would procure the remaining packages through a Sydney Metro West Partnership model, with ROIs closing on 25 November.
Mar 2023 The two Systems Framework contracts were awarded for the project. Package One, including the delivery of lifts and escalators, was awarded to chindler. Package Two, involving public address systems, CCTV, displays, and other works, was awarded to Honeywell.
Dec 2023 Sydney Metro announced that CPB Contractors and UGL, and John Holland had been shortlisted for the delivery of the Linewide Systems Package. Sydney Metro further confirmed that it will no longer proceed with the Sydney Metro West Partnership Model. Sydney Metro also announced it will commence a process to investigate merging the Line Wide Systems package and Operations and Maintenance packages into a single contract. No further details have been released as to how this will impact shortlisted bidders.
Procurement approach
Possible PPP | Unconfirmed | Other |
New South Wales |
Tender notices
Systems Frameworks
Project pages
Sydney Metro West