Major Contract

Sydney Metro - City and Southwest - Line-wide works

Under Delivery
Sydney Metro - City and Southwest - Line-wide works

The Metro line-wide works package will include the design, construction, testing and commissioning of the line-wide rail systems. The package comprises:

  • laying of 15.5 kilometres of twin track in the tunnels between Chatswood and Sydenham;
  • tunnel services including ventilation, drainage, lighting and power supply
  • line-wide installation of station control systems, overhead line and traction supply and electrical sub-stations, and
  • construction of the Sydney Metro Trains Facility at Sydenham and associated stabling works.


Key Dates

2018 Construction Commencement
Nov 2018 Contract Award
Aug 2024 Expected Construction Completion


Procuring Agency: Sydney Metro
Shortlist: - LORJH Joint Venture, comprising Laing O'Rourke and John Holland; - Metconnect, comprising Downer EDI and RCR O'Donnell Griffin; and - Systems Connect, comprising UGL Engineering and CPB Contractors.
Successful Tenderer: Systems Connect, comprising UGL Engineering and CPB Contractors.


Nov 2017 Expressions of Interest (EOIs) opened for the delivery of the works.
Mar 2018 A shortlist of bidders was announced, including LORJH Joint Venture, comprising Laing O'Rourke and John Holland; Metconnect, comprising Downer EDI and RCR O'Donnell Griffin; and Systems Connect, comprising UGL Engineering and CPB Contractors.
Oct 2018 Construction commenced on the project with the start of tunneling.
Nov 2018 The main works contract was awarded to the Systems Connect Joint Venture, comprising UGL Engineering and CPB Contractors.
Apr 2023 The testing and commissioning program commenced on the project, with trains running between Chatswood and Sydenham. Passenger services are expected to commence in 2024.
Jul 2024 The NSW Government announced a target operation commencement date of 4 August for the Chatswood to Sydenham line.
Estimated Total Cost
Procurement approach
Traditional Procurement |
New South Wales |
Project website
CPB Contractors