Major Contract

Sydney Metro – West – Pyrmont Station

Under Procurement
Sydney Metro – West – Pyrmont Station

The NSW Government has confirmed it would build a new metro railway station at Pyrmont as part of the Sydney Metro West project.

The new Pyrmont Station will be located between Pyrmont Bridge Road and Union Street, with station entrances proposed for each road. A scoping report submitted for major civil construction work between The Bays and Sydney CBD indicates the Pyrmont Station will be delivered as an Integrated Station Development (ISD).

The NSW Government is set to apply a value share contribution mechanism to the Pyrmont Peninsula once the project opens. In addition, a one-off Transport Special Infrastructure Contribution is to be placed on certain new developments in the Pyrmont Peninsula before the station opens. The procurement structure of this station has not been announced yet.

Key Dates

Dec 2020 Project Announcement
Jan 2023 Expected Pre-qualification Process Commencement
Jun 2024 ROIs Open
Jul 2024 ROIs Close
Dec 2025 Expected Construction Commencement
Jun 2028 Expected Construction Completion


Procuring Agency: Sydney Metro


Dec 2020 The NSW Government confirmed it will build a new metro railway station at Pyrmont.
May 2021 Sydney Metro requested Secretary's Environmental Assessment Requirements (SEARs) for major construction works for the section between The Bays Precinct and Sydney CBD. The accompanying Scoping Report indicated that provisions for an Integrated Station Development (ISDs) will be sought for the Station.
May 2021 The NSW Government confirmed the location of new Pyrmont Station. The station will be located near Pyrmont Bridge and will have entrances on Pyrmont Bridge Road and Union Street.
Jun 2021 Sydney Metro requested Secretary’s Environmental Assessment Requirements (SEARs) for the next phase of approvals for Sydney Metro – West project. The accompanying scoping report outlined the indicative construction period for Pyrmont Station from fourth quarter of 2025 to second quarter of 2028.
Jul 2021 The NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment issued Secretary’s Environmental Assessment Requirements (SEARs) for the major civil construction between The Bays and Sydney CBD.
Oct 2022 The NSW Department of Environment and Planning published Sydney Metro's Request for the Secretary's Environmental Assessment Requirements and Scoping Report for the project.
Nov 2022 Sydney Metro hosted an industry briefing in which it called for ROIs for the remainder of the Sydney Metro - West packages. Sydney Metro announced they would procure the remaining packages through a Sydney Metro West Partnership model, with ROIs closing on 25 November.
Nov 2022 The NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment Secretary's Environmental Assessment Requirements were issued for the preparation of the Environmental Impact Assessment of the project.
Dec 2023 Sydney Metro announced that it would no longer be proceeding with the Sydney Metro West Partnership Model.
Jun 2024 Sydney Metro announced Registrations of Interest had opened for the Integrated Station Development (ISD) for Pyrmont Metro Station, closing 12 July. The ISD package includes provision for one new building above the eastern entry to the station on Union Street, with a mix of new homes, commercial offices, retail, hospitality and public spaces. Construction was expected to commence in 2027.
Procurement approach
Other |
New South Wales |
Project website
Sydney Metro