Major Contract

Sydney Southern Ring

Sydney Southern Ring

Transgrid's Sydney Southern Ring project is a 114-kilometre, 500-kilovolt (kV) transmission line project from Bannaby to South Creek which will form the southern element of the Sydney Ring. It is intended to support the growing demand centres of Sydney, Newcastle, and Wollongong. 

The scope of the project includes works to: 

  • establish a new substation in the locality of South Creek with 2 x 500/330/33 kV, 1,500 MVA transformers
  • connect the new substation in the locality of South Creek into Eraring – Kemps Creek 500 kV lines and Bayswater – Sydney West and Regentville – Sydney West 330 kV lines
  • construct new 500 kV double-circuit lines from Bannaby to the new substation in the locality of South Creek
  • rebuild the section of existing Bannaby – Sydney West 330 kV line from locality of South Creek to Sydney West to double-circuit line
  • augment the existing Bannaby and Sydney West substations, and
  • install line reactors on 500 kV transmission lines between Bannaby and locality of South Creek.


Key Dates

Sep 2028 Expected Construction Completion

Funding contributions

In December 2022, the Federal and NSW Governments committed $7.8 billion to progress eight critical transmission and renewable energy zone projects in NSW, including the Sydney Southern Ring project. The package is funded by $4.7 billion from the Commonwealth’s Rewiring the Nation plan and $3.1 billion from the NSW Transmission Acceleration Facility.


Procuring Agency: Transgrid


Jun 2022 2022 Integrated System Plan identifies Sydney Southern Ring as an actionable NSW project rather than an actionable ISP project, to progress progress under the Electricity Infrastructure Investment Act 2020 (NSW) rather than the ISP framework.
Dec 2022 A joint $7.8 billion Federal and NSW Government investment is announced for eight projects including the Sydney Southern Ring.
Jun 2023 Transgrid submitted ISP Preparatory Activities – Reinforcing Sydney, Newcastle and Wollongong Supply (Southern Ring) which discards a Kemps Creek substation in favour of a new South Creek substation and confirms project estimate as $1.55 billion.
Jun 2024 AEMO's 2024 ISP identified Sydney Ring South as a 'newly actionable project', with expected completion by September 2028.
Estimated Total Cost
Procurement approach
Traditional Procurement |
New South Wales |