Major Contract

Takitimu North Link - Stage One

Under Delivery
Takitimu North Link - Stage One

Stage One of Takitimu North Link was previously known as Tauranga Northern Link. It will provide a 6.8-kilometre, two-lane connection between the existing State Highway Two near Te Puna and the existing State Highway 29 Takitimu Drive Toll Road. The route will bypass Te Puna and Bethlehem townships. The project includes: 

  • a separate walking and cycling path 
  • one lane in each direction prioritising public transport, vehicles with multiple passengers, and freight
  • a total of eight bridges over the connection
  • an interchange overbridge at Minden Road, and 
  • underpasses at Cambridge Road and Wairoa Road.

Key Dates

Aug 2020 ROIs Open
May 2021 Contract Award
Dec 2021 Construction Commencement
2028 Expected Construction Completion

Funding contributions

NZ Government


Procuring Agency: Waka Kotahi New Zealand Transport Agency
Successful Tenderer: A Fulton Hogan and HEB Joint Venture


Apr 2016 Original construction funding for the Tauranga Northern Link (Stage One of the now Takitimu North Link) was granted in April 2016 as part of the NZ$520 million Waihi to Tauranga Corridor programme.
Jan 2020 The New Zealand Government announced NZ$478 million for the Tauranga Northern Link (Stage One of the now Takitimu North Link) project as part of the NZ$12 billion (AU$ 11 billion) New Zealand Upgrade Program.
Aug 2020 Registrations of Interest (ROI) were called for the design and construction of Stage One, closing on 15 September. ROI noted that Waka Kotahi New Zealand Transport Agency reserves the right to extend the scope of the project to include Stage Two.
Oct 2020 Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency released the Request for Tenders for Stage One of the project. It is expected that the design component of the contract will be awarded by March 2021, with construction due to commence by late-2021.
May 2021 The NZTA awarded the Design and Construct contract to a Fulton Hogan and HEB Joint Venture.
Jun 2021 Following a re-evaluation of the NZUP, the project has had its cost increased from $425 million to $655 million.
Nov 2021 Enabling Works commenced for Stage One between Cambridge Road and Wairoa Valley.
Dec 2021 Construction commenced on the project.
May 2022 Construction commenced on the first of the eight bridges on the project.
Sep 2024 The National Land Transport Programme 2024-27 was released, allocating NZ$397 million (A$367 million) to Takitimu North Link Stage One over the next three years.
Sep 2024 NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi opened a proposed toll scheme for the Takitimu North Link for public consultation, closing on 7 October. The proposal includes a 35-year tolling scheme, which aims to recover maintenance expenditure for Stage One, and the construction of Stage Two. The proposed tolling rates include variances for light and heavy vehicles, as well as peak (7am-9am and 4pm-6pm) and off-peak. The tolls will also be subject to Consumer Price Index. The proposed tolling rates over peak times for Stage One are NZ$3.10 and NZ$6.20 for light and heavy vehicles respectively, and NZ$2.10 and NZ$4.20 respectively in non-peak times. Upon the completion of Stage Two, the use of the combined Stage One and Two is proposed to be tolled at NZ$4.10 and NZ$8.20 during peak times for light and heavy vehicles respectively, and NZ$3.10 and $6.20 respectively in non-peak.
Estimated Total Cost
Procurement approach
Alliance |
New Zealand |
Tender notices
2020/08/18 ROI