Major Contract

Takitimu North Link - Stage Two

Detailed Planning
Takitimu North Link - Stage Two

Stage Two of Takitimu North Link project a proposed new 7km four-lane state highway between Te Puna (near Loop Road) and Ōmokoroa, tying into the existing State Highway 2 (SH2) south of the Waipapa Stream bridge.

The scope of the works includes:

  • a new seven-kilometre four-lane highway with median and side barriers
  • seven kilometres of shared path 
  • overbridges at Plummers Point Road/Barrett Road and Snodgrass Road/Te Puna Quarry Road
  • grade separated interchange at SH2 / Ōmokoroa Road
  • connection to the Takitimu North Link Stage One, and 
  • retaining the existing SH2 highway as a local road.

The project was originally planned alongside Stage One, but was deferred following a re-evaluation of the NZUP. 

It is now included as part of the Roads of National Signifiance Program.


Sep 2020 Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency and the hapū Treaty partners have formally renamed the two State Highway 2 New Zealand Upgrade Program projects. Under the renaming and amalgamation, the project previously known as Tauranga Northern Link from State Takitimu Drive Toll Road to Te Puna is now named Stage One of Takitimu North Link. The Stage Two of Takitimu North Link will extend that connection from Te Puna to Ōmokoroa.
Jan 2021 Ecological and ground investigations required for Stage Two of the project commenced.
Jun 2021 Following a re-evaluation of the NZUP, the project was deferred to the long term. Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency stated that the project will not happen by 2024 and is unlikely to occur before 2031.
Jul 2023 Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency published draft plans for the project for public consultation, closing 4 August.
Mar 2024 The NZ Government recommitted to deliver Stage Two of the project, with inclusion in the Draft Land Transport GPS 2024 as a Road of National Significance.
Estimated Total Cost
Procurement approach
Unconfirmed |
New Zealand |
Project pages
NZTA Project Page