
Tasmanian North West REZ

Detailed Planning
Tasmanian North West REZ

The North West REZ is a proposed renewable energy zone to be located in the four municipal areas of Waratah-Wynyard, Burnie, Central Coast and Kentish. The total REZ area is 114,244 hectares, with a potential development area of 95,301 hectares.

The REZ aims to help the Tasmanian Government achieve its Renewable Energy Target (TRET), and capitalise on the significant addition of transmission capacity once Marinus Link is completed to export renewable energy to the NEM.

The REZ has the capacity to support around one gigawatt (GW) of new generation capacity by the late 2020s, enabled by investment in additional transmission capacity between Burnie and Hampshire Hills, as well as TasNetworks' Stage One North West Transmission Development. The Tasmanian Government estimates the REZ could enable total generation capacity of up to 9.5 gigawatts if fully developed.


Dec 2022 The Tasmanian Government announced that it would explore the potential for North West Tasmania to host the State’s first REZ.
Aug 2023 An Options Analysis Report has been released that affirms the north west region would be the ideal candidate for the first REZ, based on its relative hosting capacity, cost per megawatt, level of commercial interest, new wind generation capacity, and alignment with Marinus Link and the North West Transmission Developments which would allow it to export energy from the REZ to the Australian mainland.
Dec 2023 The draft 2024 Integrated System Plan identified the North West Tasmanian REZ Expansion as a potential ISP project. The project would enable capacity in the North West Tasmanian REZ, connecting to Project Marinus Stage One and Hampshire Hills. The optimal timing of the project has been identified as 2029-30, and the earliest feasible full capacity timing as 2027-28. The estimated cost is $28 million (+/- 30 per cent).
May 2024 The Tasmanian Government announced it had commenced public consultation on the North West proposed area. Details on a market offering for potential proponents were expected to be released in the following months.
Jun 2024 The 2024 ISP delayed the optimal delivery date identified in the draft ISP from 2029-30 to 2034-35. The earliest feasible full capacity timing has also been delayed from 2027-28 to 2029-30.