
Valley of the Winds Wind Farm

Detailed Planning
Valley of the Winds Wind Farm

UPC/AC has proposed an 936-megawatt wind farm to be located south of the township of Coolah, NSW. The project would include up to 131 wind turbines with a maximum tip height of 250 metres. The project will connect to the National Electricity through the NSW REZ - Central West Orana Transmission Project.

The wind turbines are expected to be spread across three 'clusters', with a small substation on each cluster, and one larger substation to connect the wind farm to the NEM. The proposed project site is located within NSW's Central-West Orana Renewable Energy Zone. 

Key Dates

May 2020 Project Announcement


The project's proponent, UPC/AC Renewables, will finance the project.

The Federal Government will provide revenue underwriting for the project through a Capacity Investment Scheme Agreement.


Procuring Agency: The project's proponent, UPC/AC Renewables will oversee procurement.


Feb 2020 UPC/AC announced the project.
May 2020 UPC/AC Renewables released a Scoping Report, detailing the proposed project's scope and requested the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment Secretary's Environmental Assessment Requirements (SEARs) for the project.
Jun 2020 The NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment Secretary's Environmental Assessment Requirements were issued for the preparation of the Environmental Impact Assessment of the project.
Apr 2022 The proponent submitted the Environmental Impact Statement for the project to the NSW Department of Planning Industry and Environment.
May 2022 The NSW DPIE released the project's EIS for public exhibition, closing on 20 June.
Sep 2023 The project recieved an updated construction cost of $1.7 billion.
Dec 2024 The Valley of the Winds was selected as a successful project in the Federal Government's first Capacity Investment Scheme Tender Round. The Federal Government to provide revenue underwriting for the project through a Capacity Investment Scheme Agreement.
Estimated Total Cost
Procurement approach
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