UPC/AC has proposed an 936-megawatt wind farm to be located south of the township of Coolah, NSW. The project would include up to 131 wind turbines with a maximum tip height of 250 metres. The project will connect to the National Electricity through the NSW REZ - Central West Orana Transmission Project.
The wind turbines are expected to be spread across three 'clusters', with a small substation on each cluster, and one larger substation to connect the wind farm to the NEM. The proposed project site is located within NSW's Central-West Orana Renewable Energy Zone.
Key Dates
May 2020 | Project Announcement |
The project's proponent, UPC/AC Renewables, will finance the project. The Federal Government will provide revenue underwriting for the project through a Capacity Investment Scheme Agreement. |
Procuring Agency: | The project's proponent, UPC/AC Renewables will oversee procurement. |
Feb 2020 | UPC/AC announced the project. |
May 2020 | UPC/AC Renewables released a Scoping Report, detailing the proposed project's scope and requested the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment Secretary's Environmental Assessment Requirements (SEARs) for the project. |
Jun 2020 | The NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment Secretary's Environmental Assessment Requirements were issued for the preparation of the Environmental Impact Assessment of the project. |
Apr 2022 | The proponent submitted the Environmental Impact Statement for the project to the NSW Department of Planning Industry and Environment. |
May 2022 | The NSW DPIE released the project's EIS for public exhibition, closing on 20 June. |
Sep 2023 | The project recieved an updated construction cost of $1.7 billion. |
Dec 2024 | The Valley of the Winds was selected as a successful project in the Federal Government's first Capacity Investment Scheme Tender Round. The Federal Government to provide revenue underwriting for the project through a Capacity Investment Scheme Agreement. |