
Cape Winds Offshore Windfarm

Cape Winds Offshore Windfarm

The proposed Cape Winds Offshore Wind Farm would be located across State and Commonwealth waters between Portland, Victoria and Nelson, in the Discovery Bay area. The project has a total target capacity of 2 gigawatts, of which 400 megawatts of this is proposed to be in State waters. 

The project is currently being developed in State waters, awaiting the determination of a proposed Offshore Wind Zone in Commonwealth waters. 

The project - both that being developed in State waters and the proposed extension into Commonwealth waters - will include wind turnbines, subsea cables, offshore and onshore substations, and a new transmission line to supply energy generated to the NEM. The quantity and locations of the infrastucture is dependent on determinations about licensing capacity as a result of a potential declaration of the Portland Offshore Wind Zone. 

Following the Joint Venture agreement between Skyborn Renewables and Australis Energy Ltd, the project was rebranded from VIC Offshore Windfarm to Cape Winds Offshore Windfarm. 

Key Dates

Jun 2021 Project Announcement


Jun 2021 Vic Offshore Windfarm announced the submission of referrals to the Federal and Victorian Governments for environmental assessment processes.
Aug 2021 Minister's decision to require an EES published.
Jun 2022 Joint venture agreement undertaken between Skyborn Renewables and Australis Energy Ltd for three offshore wind projects - WA Offshore Windfarm, SA Offshore Windfarm, and VIC Offshore Windfarm.
Aug 2022 Scoping requirements for EES issued.
Aug 2022 Chris Bowen MP Minister for Climate Change and Energy announces six proposed regions that have offshore wind energy potential and potential to be declared renewable energy zones, including the Southern Ocean region off Portland in Victoria.
Nov 2022 VIC Offshore Wind Farm re-branded as Cape Winds Offshore Wind Farm and plans expanded from state waters to Commonwealth waters in response to the potential for a declared zone off Portland, VIC by the Federal Government.