
Victoria to NSW Interconnector West

Victoria to NSW Interconnector West

The Victoria to NSW Interconnector West (VNI West) is a new high-capacity 500 kV double-circuit line to connect Western Renewables Link (from Bulgana) with Project EnergyConnect and HumeLink (at Dinawan) via a new substation near Kerang.


Key Dates

Dec 2026 Expected Construction Commencement
Dec 2028 Expected Construction Completion


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Equity Finance: Transgrid security holders (early works)
Debt Finance: Federal Government
Debt Finance: Clean Energy Finance Corportation


Dec 2019 In December 2019, AEMO and TransGrid commenced a joint RIT-T which aims to assess the technical and economic viability of expanding interconnector capacity between Victoria and New South Wales, and realise net market benefits.
Jul 2020 AEMO's 2020 ISP identified two possible routes for the transmission line: - a new substation north of Ballarat to Bendigo to Shepparton to Wagga Wagga, and - a new substation north of Ballarat to Kerang to Darlington Point (or Dinawan) to Wagga Wagga. The ISP estimates that the Shepparton Route has a cost of between $1.2 billion and $2.2 billion, with a modelled cost of $1.73 billion, including early works up to $150 million. The cost for the Kerang Route is estimated by the ISP to be between $1.7 billion to $3.1 billion, with a modelled cost of $2.4 billion, including early works up to $200 million.
Sep 2020 The Federal Government announced that its intention to work with state governments to accelerate the project, alongside Project EnergyConnect and Marinus Link, through a combined program with funding of 'up to' $250 million.
Oct 2020 The Federal Government announced in its 2020-21 Budget that it will underwrite support for early works for the project.
Mar 2021 AEMO announced that the release of the Project Assessment Draft Report (PADR) for the project will be delayed from March until December. The PADR will include the project's cost-benefit analysis as required by the Regulatory Investment Test for Transmission.
Apr 2022 The Federal Government released a Pre-election Economic and Fiscal Outlook (PEFO) which committed $76 million in underwriting for the project.
Jul 2022 Transgrid released the Project Assessment Draft Report (PADR) for the project for public consultation, closing on 9 September, as part of the Regulatory Investment Test for Transmission (RIT-T) process. It identifies VNI West as the preferred option for reinforcement of the transmission network.
Oct 2022 The Federal Government announced that Rewiring the Nation, through the Clean Energy Finance Corporation, would provide a concessional loan of $750 million for the project.
Feb 2023 The Victorian Government issued a Ministerial Order under the National Electricity (Victoria) Act 2005, enabling the Australian Energy Market Operator to immediately carry out preparatory and planning works.
Mar 2023 Transgrid announced it secured $385 million in underwriting from the Federal Government as part of the Rewiring the Nation program to finance critical transmission supplies for VNI West, HumeLink and Project EnergyConnect. Transgrid also announced that procurement for these three projects will be bundled into one procurement program.
May 2023 AEMO Victorian Planning and Transgrid released the Project Assessment Conclusion Report (PACR) for the project's Regulatory Investment Test for transmission (RIT-T). The PACR identifies Option 5A as the preferred project route and estimated the cost at $3.5 billion.
Aug 2023 Transgrid signed a $100 million contract with ZTT Australia, a subsidiary of manufacturing company ZTT International, who will supply 17,500 kilometres of high voltage conductors to Transgrid as part of it’s Powering Tomorrow Together program. Under this program, Transgrid has bundled procurement for critical transmission equipment and materials for the HumeLink, Victoria to NSW Interconnector West and Project EnergyConnect projects together.
Dec 2023 AEMO's draft 2024 Integrated Systems plan lists the project as an 'actionable' project and provided an updated cost estimate of $3.6 billion ±30 per cent. It listed the in service timing to occur by December 2028 and full capacity timing to occur by December 2029.
May 2024 The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) released their cost determination for the project, updating the estimate to $3.97 billion.
Aug 2024 Transgrid announced that an extra $700 million was being provided in equity to the VNI West project from their security holders, in addition to $140 million in concessional financing support from the Clean Energy Finance Corporation under the Federal Government's Rewiring the Nation program. The financing was provided to assist Transgrid in progressing early works for the project.
Major Contract

VNI West - NSW section

VNI West - NSW section

The NSW section of VNI West is approximately 235 kilometres of 500 kilovolt transmission line between the Kerang Substation and connecting with Project EnergyConnect at the Dinawan power station in NSW.

The project would also include:

  • augmentation of an 11 kilometre section of an existing transmission line between the Wagga Wagga substation and the new Gugaa substation proposed as part of the HumeLink project
  • expansion of the Dinawan 330kV substation to include two 330kV bays and a 500kV switchyard
  • connection and line diversion works of the existing transmission lines at the Dinawan, Wagga Wagga, and new Gugaa substations to allow for connection, and 
  • ancillary works including upgrades to existing lines, temporary and permanent access roads, and communication facilities. 

Key Dates

Dec 2026 Expected Construction Commencement
Dec 2028 Expected Construction Completion


Debt Finance: Clean Energy Finance Corporation (early works - NSW section)


Procuring Agency: Transgrid


Dec 2023 Transgrid submitted Stage 1 (Early Works) Contingent Project application to the AER. The application identifies that total capex for early works on the NSW section are forecast at $1.1 billion. This includes $793 for procurement activities, $98 million for acquiring transmission line easements, and $206 million for labour and indirect capex. The expected completion date for the early works is 2026.
Jan 2024 The Draft Route Report for the NSW section of VNI West was released for consultation, closing 4 March.
Feb 2024 The Australian Energy Regulator commenced public consultation on the Stage One Contingent Project Application for early works of the project. The document included forecast capital costs for Stage One of $1.1 billion. The application was submitted by Transgrid in December 2023, with responses closing 1 March 2024.
Mar 2024 Transgrid has released its Preferred Route Report for the NSW component of the Victoria to NSW Interconnector West project. The Report responds to feedback on the Draft Route Report released in January, and includes modifications to move the proposed transmission line further north of the Moulamein township and widen the route by up to three kilometres at the eastern end near Dinawan.
May 2024 The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) released their cost determination for recovery of Stage One early works costs - NSW Section. Transgrid can recover $949 million over four years from FY2022-23 to FY2025-26. The determination also included a cost update for the total project of $3.97 billion.
May 2024 Transgrid published a Scoping Report for the NSW section project, requesting the Secretary's Environmental Assessment Requirements (SEARs).
Aug 2024 Transgrid published an Addendum Scoping Report for the NSW section of the project, which adjusted the proposal corridor, but did not change conclusions presented in the initial Scoping Report.
Oct 2024 The Planning Secretary’s Environmental Assessment Requirements were published for the project.
Oct 2024 Transgrid has identified its proposed transmission line corridor for the NSW component of VNI West between the Dinawan substation, currently under construction as part of Project EnergyConnect, and the Murray River, north of Kerang. Following consultation, the 200-metre wide corridor will be refined to a 70-metre final easement where the transmission line will be located.
Estimated Total Cost
Procurement approach
Unconfirmed |
New South Wales |
Major Contract

VNI West - Victorian section

Under Procurement
VNI West - Victorian section

The Victorian section of the VNI West is proposed to be approximately 240 kilometres of 500 kilovolt transmission line infrastructure and connect the Western Renewables Link at Bulgana and the Kerang Power Station on the Victoira/NSW Border.

Key Dates

2025 Expected Contract Award
2026 Expected Construction Commencement
Dec 2028 Expected Construction Completion


Debt Finance: Clean Energy Finance Corporation (early works - Vic section)


Procuring Agency: The Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) and Transmission Company Victoria (TCV)


Oct 2023 TCV released its Report on the Draft Corridor for VNI West. The draft corridor had a width of two kilometres and runs through four main sections of Victoria.
Jul 2024 AEMO opened the Registration of Interest process to find a delivery partner for the Victorian section of the VNI West project.
Sep 2024 The Clean Energy Finance Corporation committed $120 million in concessional finance from the Federal Government’s Rewiring the Nation Fund to the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO). AEMO will use the financing to progress early works for the Victorian component of the Victoria to NSW Interconnector West.
Oct 2024 Transmission Company Victoria released the preferred easement for the Victorian section of the VNI West project. The 70-metre preferred easement, which is subject to further public consultation and Environment Effects Statement assessment, will inform the route’s final alignment design.
Nov 2024 AEMO commenced the Invitation to Tender (ITT) phase for a development partner for the Victorian section of the VNI West project. AEMO selected a group of organisations from the Registration of Interest process to participate in the ITT.
Estimated Total Cost
Procurement approach
Unconfirmed |
Victoria |