
West Gate Tunnel Project

Under Delivery
West Gate Tunnel Project

The West Gate Tunnel Project is the largest and final compnent of the Western Distributor Project. Once completed it will provide an alternative route to the West Gate Bridge and direct access to the Port of Melbourne.

The Project includes:

  • widening the West Gate Freeway from eight to 12 lanes, including three express lanes between the M80 and the West Gate Bridge;
  • twin tunnels under Yarraville from the West Gate Freeway to the Maribyrnong River and the Port of Melbourne;
  • a bridge over the Maribyrnong River, linking to an elevated road along Footscray Road;
  • over 14 kilometres of new and upgraded cycling and walking paths, including a 2.5 kilometre "veloway" for cyclists along Footscray Road and a pedestrian and cycle bridge across Footscray Road; and
  • installation of an electronic freeway management system, linking it to other freeway management systems across the city.

Key Dates

Apr 2017 Contract Award
Apr 2018 Construction Commencement
2025 Expected Construction Completion


Procuring Agency: Victorian Government
Shortlist: John Holland and CPB Contractors; Lend Lease Engineering and Bouygues Construction; Salini Impreglio, Fluor Australia and Lane Worldwide Infrastructure
Successful Tenderer: John Holland and CPB Contractors
Procurement note:

The project was developed as a market-led proposal, with Transurban to design, construct, operate and maintain the project over a 28 year period. Delivery of the project was subject to a separate design and construct tender process. 


Apr 2017 A consortium comprising John Holland and CPB Contractors was awarded the contract to construct the project. A Jacobs/Aurecon Joint Venture was selected by John Holland and CPB Contractors consortium to carry out the engineering design for the project.
May 2017 The Environmental Effects Statement (EES) was released, informing the Planning Scheme Amendment and the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) Works Approval and proposing the toll locations and products to be used on the project.
Nov 2017 The Minister for Planning approved the Environment Effects Statement (EES) for this project, with minor amendments.
Dec 2017 Contracts were signed between the constructors, Transurban the Victorian Government, agreeing that construction of the new road tunnel will be partly funded with a ten-year extension of the CityLink Concession deed. Legislation to operate the new road tunnel, and amendments to the CityLink concession deed, planned to be introduced into the Victorian Parliament before construction completion.
Jan 2018 Early works commenced on the project.
Mar 2018 Major works commenced.
Dec 2021 The total estimated cost of the project increased by $3.9 billion following the settlement agreement between the Victorian Government, Transurban and the John Holland CPB Contractors Joint Venture. Following the settlement, Transurban will contribute an additional $2.2 billion, the Victorian Government $1.9 billion and the Joint venture will forego revenue and profit margins on the project.
Estimated Total Cost
Procurement approach
Market Led Proposal | Confirmed PPP |
Victoria |
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