
Western Renewables Link

Western Renewables Link

The Western Renewables Link is a proposed 500-kilovolt (kV) double circuit overhead electricity transmission line to run 190 kilometres from Bulgana in western Victoria to Sydenham in Melbourne’s north-west. It is being delivered by AusNet. The scope of the works includes:

  • a 500 kV-transmission line from Sydenham to Bulgana
  • approximately 440 transmission towers
  • a new switchyard and associated equipment near the existing Bulgana Terminal Station
  • extension and augmentation of the Sydenham Station, and
  • approximately 150 kilometres of access tracks for construction and maintenance.


Key Dates

Dec 2019 Contract Award
Apr 2025 Expected Construction Commencement
Jul 2027 Expected Construction Completion


Procuring Agency: AusNet
Successful Tenderer: Mondo, the commercial division of the AusNet Services Group


Dec 2018 AEMO releases Project Assessment Draft Report identifying options for project.
Jul 2019 AEMO releases Project Assessment Conclusions Report, identifying the preferred option for a 500 kV line from Sydneyham to North Ballarat and a new North Ballarat terminal substation, and new 220 kV transmission lines from North Ballarat to Bulgana. The estimated total cost is $370 million and the final component was expected to be in operation by 2025.
Dec 2019 AEMO awarded Mondo, the commercial division of the AusNet Services Group (AusNet Services), the contract to plan, design, construct, own, operate and maintain the project.
Aug 2020 The Minister for Planning requested Ausnet Transmission Group prepare an environment effects statement (EES) for the proposed project. The EES is expected to be published in late 2023.
Nov 2020 The Draft Scoping Requirements were placed on exhibition for community feedback.
Dec 2020 The Final Scoping Requirements were published for the project.
Nov 2022 AEMO releases Analysis for the purposes of clause 5.16.4(z3) of the National Electricity Rules identifying Option C2 - from Sydenham to Bulgana via Waubro as the preferred option. This would include: - construction of a new North Ballarat Terminal Station and connections to the new terminal station - construction of a new 500 kV line from Sydenham to the new North Ballarat Terminal Station - construction of a new 220 kV line from the new North Ballarat Terminal Station to Bulgana - connection of a new 220 kV transmission circuit from the new North Ballarat Terminal Station to Bulgana. The total expected project capital cost as determined by AEMO for this option was $737 million.
Aug 2023 An Environmental Effects Statement update was released that announced that the Western Renewables Link will now be proposed as a 500-kV transmission line from Sydenham to Bulgana. As a result, the proposed terminal station to the north of Ballarat will no longer be required and new terminal station works will be required near Bulgana Terminal Station. The Sydenham Terminal Station Rebuild will be completed as a separate project. The proposed route for the Western Renewables Link is not expected to change, except to the north of Waubra.
Dec 2023 Western Renewables Link is listed as a committed and anticipated ISP project, which is expected to be operational by July 2027. The ISP confirmed that the scope of project has changed and no longer includes the construction of a new North Ballarat Terminal Station. The transmission line is confirmed to run at 500 kV. The extension and augmentation of the 500 kV Sydenham Terminal Station is part of the scope of the project, however the new build of the terminal station is not.
Jun 2024 AEMO's 2024 ISP the project's scope will include increased transmission line capacity and the relocation of a terminal station.