
Woomera Redevelopment Program

Woomera Redevelopment Program

The Department of Defence is redeveloping the Airforce's Woomera Range Complex, 445 kilometres north-west of Adelaide. The project is being delivered using a Managing Contractor model. 

The scope of works includes:

  • Base Sector North – Technical Area and Airfield
    • refurbishment and/or replacement of two hangars
    • refurbishment of the aprons
    • taxiway and road upgrades
    • delivery of Ordnance Loading Aprons and supporting infrastructure that can accommodate one large aircraft and one fighter aircraft
    • upgrades to Headquarters and Operation Command Office
    • refurbishment of the Mechanical Equipment Operations and Maintenance Section Workshop
    • upgraded infrastructure, including water, power, sewer, firefighting, communications, drainage, and lighting, and
    • demolition of redundant facilities.
  • Base Sector West
    • Living in Accommodation (LIA), headquarters, syndicate room and dining facility
    • upgraded infrastructure, including water, power, sewer, firefighting, communications, drainage and lighting, and
    • demolition of redundant facilities.
  • Base Sector South – Woomera Village
    • new accommodation, including LIA for short to medium term stay and hotel rooms
    • new social and community facilities, and
    • upgraded infrastructure including, power, wastewater treatment, communications, water, firefighting, drainage, erosion control and irrigation.


Procuring Agency: Department of Defence
Successful Tenderer: Joint Venture of Downer and CPB
Estimated Total Cost
Procurement approach
Traditional Procurement |
South Australia |